
How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

author:Aspen outside the window

History is the background of literature, and nostalgia is an eternal topic. Bai Xianyong's "TaipeiEr" is "a memorial to the parents and their troubled times", although it is a collection of novels, it has a place in Chinese short stories.

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

"TaipeiEr" was selected as the 7th in the top 100 Chinese novels of the 20th century, the highest ranking of works by living writers. A lot of people are struggling to write articles, and I think you'll benefit a lot after reading this book.

First, set the overall tone of the article

The opening chapter uses Liu Yuxi's "Wuyi Lane" as the tone of the whole book, and people are the sense of right and wrong.

Wuyi Lane

Liu Yuxi

Wild grass blooms by the Suzaku Bridge, and the sunset at the mouth of Wuyi Lane is oblique.

In the old days, Wang Xie Tang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people.

The so-called Taipeiers in the book are actually mainland tourists who fled to Taiwan in 1949, and they are from all walks of life. Because they left their hometown, they not only miss the mainland, but also miss the glorious times of the past. Mr. Yu Qiuyu believes that this is "the cultural nostalgia of the century".

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

For example, in "Forever Yin Xueyan", the eternal symbol of the Shanghai Paramount era, the Yin Mansion is not lower than the pomp and circumstance of Xiafei Road. All the guests who came to play, whether it was Manager Wu or the wives, the title or the previous title, made them very useful.

Those guests were overjoyed, and the Yin Mansion became a nostalgic place for those people, a place to find feelings. There, it seems that "the hero has not fallen, and the beauty has not twilighted".

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

The book club shared the book in March

Second, we must grasp the characteristics of the characters

The biggest feature of "Taipei People" is to write about people's gods, vivid and vivid, and the sense of picture is particularly strong.

For example, writing about the woman's flattery, in "The Last Night of Jin Daban", "Jin Daban propped one hand on the doorpost, put the crocodile leather bag on his shoulder, and at a glance he blinked at the manager, and his face seemed to be smiling", the sense of picture was super strong, and such a big Shanghai "flower butterfly" appeared in front of his eyes.

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

There is also a tacky businessman, in "Forever Yin Xueyan", "Wang Guisheng, the young master of the Shanghai chaebol, wants to string a chain with diamond agate, put it around Yin Xueyan's neck, and lead her back." The businessman seemed to have nothing but money.

There is also a human voice, Zhu Qing in "A Handful of Qing", "She did not cry, but the two blue lips have been opening and closing, and the throat constantly emits a series of sharp sounds, as if a blind rat has been stepped on and made a squeaking scream."

This is the voice that wrote that although Zhu Qing composed the song, he did not listen to the advice, his stomach was enlarged, he knew that he was wrong, and he was hard to hold out.

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

But I think the best thing written in the book is juanjuan's eyes in "Lonely Love Flower". The eyes are the windows of the soul, and the author grasps the eyes of the characters to describe the panic in the hearts of the characters.

In the book, Juanjuan is a poor person, her mother is a madman, and her father puts her cattle on her neck with iron chains and locks them in a pigsty. When she was 15 years old, she was opened by her father, her stomach was enlarged, and she was scolded by her father as a "thief".

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

Later, she became a singer, of course, in addition to selling singing, she also sold herself. Because of her thinness, she was often ravaged by guests and did not have a good place in her body.

Therefore, I think Juanjuan is the most miserable and pitiful person in "Taipeier". The author in order to write about her character, he grabbed Juan Juan's eyes special.

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

The book reads: "I found Juanjuan's eyes also very strange, deep and black, and when she was stunned, her eyes were still so panicked, and her eyes were like two black tadpoles, all the way around." This is to write juanjuan's inner panic at that time, and her eyes dare not face each other.

In "Taipei People", there are many more depictions of the above, which is also evident in the author's ability to control words. I think many of these 14 short stories can be studied as model texts for students.

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

Finally, don't go flat and straight

Chinese aesthetic concept is different from the West, which pays attention to the beauty of being majestic, flat and straight, and can be seen directly at a glance; while Chinese pay attention to the beauty of winding paths, the tip of the iceberg, and the beauty that is implicit. Therefore, we Chinese write articles and avoid flat and direct narratives.

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

For example, in "A Handful of Green", Zhu Qing was originally a stunted, yellow-skinned and shy female student, but later became a lead singer with a variety of styles of "puffed up like a big bird's nest", flirting and playing cards.

This transition span is still quite large, but it is not beyond reason, because her heart is forever fixed on the time of her boyfriend Guo Yun's departure.

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

For another example, in "The Last Night of Jin Daban", Jin Zhaoli is a veteran of the wind and moon field, who is well-informed and will not easily move the truth. But she was not accustomed to the snobbish and domineering behavior of the manager Tong Dehuai, and she had to praise Zhu Feng, a weak woman who was not well known and not favored.

But Zhu Feng, who was popular, did not listen to her advice, and her stomach was enlarged, and she had to give birth to this child.

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

According to common sense, Jin Zhaoli will no longer care about her, in her opinion, Zhu Feng is a person who does not listen to her and has no medicine to save.

Because, if she had a child, her life would come to an end, it would be impossible to work in the Paris ballroom at night, and the little white face had already run away, how to support herself was a problem, and she still had children, and in the end it was herself who suffered.

How to write a good article, interpret Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People", and teach you to learn to write by hand

Jin Zhaoli thought that she had the same experience as Zhu Qing, and thought that it was also her last night to come to work here, although her mouth was fierce, but she still helped Zhu Qing later, and casually gave her a large diamond ring to support her and her children.

Bai Xianyong's portfolio ¥240.2 purchase

Not only that, the language of the characters in the book is also very distinctive, both Wu Nong's soft language and crude and explicit, depending on the characters. Therefore, Bai Xianyong's "Taipei People" is a model of our modern literature and a must-read work for everyone who wants to write a good article.

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