
Die to shame! Morrison asked China to clarify its "support for Russia" and made a statement that it wanted to sanction China

author:Long March defender Xue Boling

The recent situation in Ukraine should be one of the hottest topics in Europe and even in the world, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict from the outbreak of war to the present, there have been more and more countries involved in this conflict, first of all, European and American countries, as well as Japan, South Korea, Australia and other countries are also followed, China's position on this incident has been very clear, but some countries have begun to provoke.

According to reports, on March 16, Australian Prime Minister Morrison said that all the acts of the Chinese side to "arm" Russia are "abhorrent", and he also said harsh words, saying that if Australia's allies decide to impose sanctions on the Chinese side, then we will definitely "follow in their footsteps", and Morrison also stressed that the Chinese side must explain what military support has been provided to the Russian side since the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war.

Die to shame! Morrison asked China to clarify its "support for Russia" and made a statement that it wanted to sanction China

Morrison is simply brazen? There is no difference between the clown; for the so-called "military assistance", China and Russia have repeatedly made it clear that this is "false news", and recently Chinese spokesman Zhao Lijian responded to this issue, saying that China's position on the situation in Russia and Ukraine has never changed, and has always advocated solving the problem through peace talks, rather than adding fuel to the fire, and russia is a "powerful big country" and does not need military assistance from China or other countries.

So why did Morrison repeatedly threaten China? Because the Australian general election will be held in May this year, and because of his failed China policy, which has led to a crisis in the national economy and other aspects, and his support rate has even been surpassed by the opposition, he urgently needs to build momentum for the election, and national security is Morrison's last "bottom card", he just announced the expansion of the army last week, from 60,000 to 80,000 national defense personnel, and this move is to counter China's "deterrent power".

Die to shame! Morrison asked China to clarify its "support for Russia" and made a statement that it wanted to sanction China

It can be said that the anti-China war has become Morrison's "life-saving straw", and now Morrison's support rate has dropped to 41%, while the support rate of Albanes, the head of the Labor Party, is 44%, if he does not make some actions, then the support rate will plummet, but anti-China is not a rational choice, especially in the process of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the Australian side is still provoking China, it is completely self-sufficient.

In the situation in Ukraine, the Australian side is also frequently "touching" China, Morrison said in recent days that in the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian issue, no country's influence can surpass China, but China's recent attitude towards the Russian-Ukrainian war has made him very disappointed, he believes that China should join the ranks of sanctions against Russia, and wants to make China and the United States stand on the same front as "resistIng Russia", which can only be said that Morrison has been demonized.

Die to shame! Morrison asked China to clarify its "support for Russia" and made a statement that it wanted to sanction China

Morrison is the epitome of Western politicians, every day do not do anything serious, turning over and over is two things, sanctions against Russia and touch porcelain China, leaving these two countries will not speak, and Morrison is the "little brother" of the United States, hoping to gain the favor and support of the United States through anti-Russian depreciation, but now the United States has become a pot of porridge, oil prices soared, the people complained continuously, there is no time to pay attention to these "military orders".

On the 16th, Morrison officially announced that he would invest 500 million Australian dollars in domestic rare earth mining, saying that this move is to challenge China's "monopoly position" in this field, and to improve the diversification of Australia's rare earth supply, but rare earth processing technology is in China's hands, rare earth mining can only be used after processing, China's rare earth processing technology is monopolized in the world, even if the Chinese heavy rare earth is not used, the use of light rare earth also needs to be processed by the Chinese side.

Die to shame! Morrison asked China to clarify its "support for Russia" and made a statement that it wanted to sanction China

There is also the sanctions against China mentioned by Morrison, which is even more fantastic, because China and many countries have close trade exchanges, the interests of all parties are involved, and the whole body is involved, if the Australian side is categorically sanctioned China, the end will be the same as that of Lithuania before; China and Russia are different, China's position in the global financial system is more important, including the United States and Australia, many countries and China have maintained trade and investment relations, Morrison dared to act rashly, That would push Australia into the abyss.

Today's China has already flourished, becoming a global middleweight power, especially after the outbreak of the epidemic, economically and militarily able to compete with the United States, while Australia is a lightweight country in front of China, and has obvious shortcomings, and being tough on China will only amplify its shortcomings indefinitely.

Die to shame! Morrison asked China to clarify its "support for Russia" and made a statement that it wanted to sanction China

Therefore, China does not need to pay attention to these malicious attacks, because the level of the Australian side is not enough, the louder Morrison's voice, the more it can prove that he is weak-minded and jealous of China's strength, China has developed to this day, it is no longer afraid of any country, but also advise Morrison to quickly close, the Chinese side will not be merciful.

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