
After the seedlings are transplanted, there are many diseases and diseases, and in the final analysis, there is a reason, and it can be high yield if it is solved

author:KONE Three Rural University Classroom

Recently, many farmers who plant greenhouse watermelons and greenhouse peppers have consulted, and the watermelon seedlings and pepper seedlings transplanted by themselves have been more than half a month, but the seedlings are still very small and weak, and even some farmer friends reflect that the seedlings always have root rot, stem base rot and other diseases, so what are the reasons for these situations? How can farmer friends effectively solve it? Let's go down below to find out.

After the seedlings are transplanted, there are many diseases and diseases, and in the final analysis, there is a reason, and it can be high yield if it is solved
Fruit growers are transplanting watermelon seedlings in greenhouses

The cause of poor growth and disease after seedling transplantation

Whether it is watermelon pepper or croissant honey, tomato, cucumber, etc., want to completely solve the problem of poor growth, slow awakening of seedlings, and many diseases after transplanting, the most important thing is that we must find out what is the root cause of these problems, and now many farmers think that the reasons are mainly soil problems and seedling problems, but in fact, the most fundamental problem lies in the fertilization management of farmers.

First of all, we say soil, nearly half of the farmers believe that the slow growth of seedlings after seedling transplanting is because of the soil, in fact, it is not, now many farmers and friends are very concerned about stubble planting when planting, and the degree of attention to organic fertilizer has also increased a lot, according to the normal situation, the situation of slow rooting and slow disease after seedling transplanting should be reduced, but the result is that it is more common now, which shows that soil problems are not the root cause.

After the seedlings are transplanted, there are many diseases and diseases, and in the final analysis, there is a reason, and it can be high yield if it is solved

Tomato seedlings preparing for transplanting

Seedling problem, as the saying goes, "the son of the dragon and phoenix will make a hole", good seedlings grow naturally after transplanting, flowering and fruit setting will be more yield is high, but now many farmers are very serious when choosing seedlings, as long as there is a disease, and many of them are the substrate seedlings cultivated in the nursery tray, according to the reason, the survival rate should be very high, but the results are completely opposite, so the seedling problem is not the root cause of poor growth and disease after transplanting.

After the seedlings are transplanted, there are many diseases and diseases, and in the final analysis, there is a reason, and it can be high yield if it is solved

High quality watermelon seedlings

Fertilization management problems: do not go around in circles with farmers, I think that the root cause of the poor growth of seedlings after transplanting is the problem of fertilization management, why is it so, first, there are many types of fertilizers on the market now, it is difficult for farmers to distinguish between true and false, and second, many farmers and friends will enter a misunderstanding when fertilizing management, that is, few farmers really pay attention to how much the fertilizer crop has absorbed, and when it comes to poor soil permeability, it is said that I have applied organic fertilizer and also applied bacterial fertilizer But does the fertilizer you've applied really work? Speaking of rooting slow rooting, let's say I applied rooting fertilizer, but is the rooting fertilizer you use really rooting fertilizer? Can it really replenish nutrients to crops?

After the seedlings are transplanted, there are many diseases and diseases, and in the final analysis, there is a reason, and it can be high yield if it is solved

The seedlings after transplanting have poor growth

Let's take rooting fertilizer as an example, I believe that many farmers and friends will apply a rooting fertilizer after the seedling transplantation to promote the germination and growth of the root system of the seedlings, but now there are many fertilizers on the market that can take root, such as alginate rooting fertilizer, amino acid-containing rooting fertilizer, yellow putroic acid rooting fertilizer, alginic acid, amino acid, fulvic acid can indeed play a role in promoting nutrient absorption and accelerating root growth, but there are very few farmers who really understand these fertilizers, just blindly stop the introduction of the business, and the fertilizer that may be used in the end is just a name, There are also very few alginic acid and amino acid components in the fertilizer, which not only wastes the cost of fertilization, but also delays a season of crops.

After the seedlings are transplanted, there are many diseases and diseases, and in the final analysis, there is a reason, and it can be high yield if it is solved

Seedlings of transplanted crops in greenhouses wilt

How to solve many problems after seedling transplanting

As the saying goes, "soldiers will block the water to cover the soil", since the seedlings after transplanting more diseases and growth are slow because of fertilization management, then it is best to solve from this aspect, first of all, when purchasing fertilizer, we must know how to distinguish the true and false fertilizers, and secondly, we must use the right fertilizer, the seedlings after transplanting, with pastoral abundance of roots and the mineral source of fulvic acid trace elements, diluted with water, flushing, drip irrigation, spraying, rapid addition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients, stimulate root tip splitting, increase the number of capillaries, accelerate the elongation of the main root, and then accelerate the elongation of the main root. Improve the ability of seedlings to resist disease and disease resistance to heavy stubble, while improving soil, degrading soil heavy metal pollution, increasing the utilization of bottom fertilizer by 20%, promoting the formation of soil agglomerate structure, improving soil moisture retention and water permeability, strong fertilizer absorption and water absorption ability of seedling roots, strong resistance to stress in the fast root system of wake-up seedlings, and increasing yield per mu by about 30%.

After the seedlings are transplanted, there are many diseases and diseases, and in the final analysis, there is a reason, and it can be high yield if it is solved

The peppers transplanted from the greenhouse have flowered and set fruit

Engaged in agricultural planting to understand the growth law of crops, but also to know the role and efficacy of fertilizers, pesticides and many other means of production, while rich planting experience is also essential, only the perfect combination of these three, in order to better achieve the harvest goal. Click to learn more about Pastoral Abundance*Genwang - A large number of elements series -