
How to reduce the fat of the waist and abdomen in a targeted manner? 2 aspects allow you to restore a firm lower abdomen

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

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People are fat first, then the limbs, but in the process of weight loss, you will find that the limbs are thin first, and the waist and abdomen fat is the most difficult to lose, the waist and abdomen fat is the most stubborn existence, and the figure will be ugly after slimming down.

How to reduce the fat of the waist and abdomen in a targeted manner? 2 aspects allow you to restore a firm lower abdomen

How can we reduce the fat on the waist and abdomen in a targeted manner? We can start from 2 aspects:

The first aspect, fitness

In terms of fitness, we do not carry out a single aerobic exercise, but need to gradually increase the intensity of exercise, high-intensity fat burning training can exercise muscles while burning fat, prevent muscle loss, and maintain the body's strong metabolic level. Muscle growth inhibits fat buildup and reduces the chance of gaining weight.

For people with larger belly and more difficult to reduce waist and abdomen, the fat burning and shaping efficiency of high-intensity training will be better, such as variable speed running, jump rope, opening and closing jump training, which is higher than the fat burning efficiency of jogging and square dancing, which can help you reduce the residual fat in the waist and abdomen.

How to reduce the fat of the waist and abdomen in a targeted manner? 2 aspects allow you to restore a firm lower abdomen

After we work out for a period of time, physical endurance will slowly improve, at this time you can gradually increase the intensity of exercise, choose exercise with higher fat burning efficiency, in order to improve the fat burning and slimming effect.

In addition, in addition to aerobic exercise, we need to add strength training to exercise the body muscle groups, such as: the next day a group of abdominal abuse training, such as curl belly, supine leg lift, supine bicycle and other training can strengthen the abdominal muscle group.

Muscle growth can support the belly, prevent skin laxity problems, slim down the abdominal line will be more firm and stylish, effectively inhibit the re-accumulation of fat.

How to reduce the fat of the waist and abdomen in a targeted manner? 2 aspects allow you to restore a firm lower abdomen

The second aspect, diet

In terms of diet, excessive dieting is not advisable, low calorie intake can achieve the purpose of rapid weight loss, however, the weight loss rate is too fast, the belly is easy to relax, easy to fat physique will find you, after losing weight is also easy to regain weight.

Therefore, we must reasonably control calorie intake, it is recommended to reduce the calories by about 20% than usual, which can generate a reasonable calorie gap for the body, so that you can slim down healthily and reduce the chance of gaining weight.

How to reduce the fat of the waist and abdomen in a targeted manner? 2 aspects allow you to restore a firm lower abdomen

In addition, we can eat more dietary fiber, fiber-rich foods, can promote intestinal peristalsis, improve constipation problems, constipation intestinal garbage accumulation, help reduce waist circumference.

High-fiber vegetables can eat more celery, winter melon, bitter melon, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, hollow cabbage and other foods, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help defecation, and reduce intestinal burden.

Staple foods can eat less rice, noodles of fine grain, because the glycemic coefficient is relatively fast, fat is easier to accumulate, we can change to coarse grains, such as whole wheat packets, oats, potatoes, beans, barley and other foods, dietary fiber will be more abundant, after absorbing water will expand, satiety time is long, not easy to be decomposed by the body, effectively inhibit fat accumulation.

How to reduce the fat of the waist and abdomen in a targeted manner? 2 aspects allow you to restore a firm lower abdomen

These 2 aspects, if you can stick to it for more than 2 months, I believe that the remaining excess flesh in your waist and abdomen will disappear, and the tight waist and abdomen line will come out again.