
With cancer, how should I live the rest of my life? 5 habits may help prolong life

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

Cancer is a relatively serious disease, not only will bring patients a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, but also may metastasis and malignancy, and even take the patient's life when severe.

With cancer, how should I live the rest of my life? 5 habits may help prolong life
However, with the advancement of medical technology, cancer is not as terrible as imagined, and doing a good job of nursing while receiving correct treatment can also achieve the purpose of long-term survival.

How are cancer patients cared for?

1. Maintain a good attitude

For cancer patients, it is very important to maintain a good attitude, not only to help patients establish confidence in overcoming the disease, but also to face everything that happens to them, but also to reduce the pain caused by the disease by diverting attention, if you are in a depressed or sad mood for a long time, it may reduce immunity, increase the probability of cancer recurrence, and even lead to cancer recurrence when serious.

2. Develop regular work and rest habits

In contrast, the resistance and immunity of cancer patients are relatively low, so it is usually necessary to develop the habit of regular work and rest, it is recommended to go to bed early and get up early, and the daily sleep time should reach at least 7 to 8 hours, and it is necessary to enter deep sleep before 23:00. High-quality sleep can restore the patient's physical strength and energy, and can also enable various organs and tissues to better repair themselves, which is of great help to improve the patient's immunity.

With cancer, how should I live the rest of my life? 5 habits may help prolong life

3. Avoid blindly believing in folk remedies and secret recipes

Cancer patients should follow the doctor's instructions, use drugs scientifically and reasonably, and choose the most suitable treatment plan for themselves, remember not to blindly believe in folk remedies and secret recipes. The drugs in the folk remedies and secret recipes have not undergone drug experiments, and are likely to cause harm to the body, and even stimulate cancer cells in severe cases, so that cancer cells grow and multiply rapidly, causing adverse effects on the patient's disease.

4. Pay attention to diet

Cancer patients should pay special attention to their diet, maintain nutritional balance, try to eat as many dark vegetables and fruits as possible, such as tomatoes, strawberries, carrots and blueberries, etc., try to eat less processed meats and cured foods, such as ham sausages and sausages and pickled fish, and stay away from sugary drinks, and eat less calorie-high foods, such as desserts or fried foods, especially not smoking and drinking.

5. Regular review

Cancer patients after a series of treatment, discomfort symptoms may disappear, can even live and work like normal people, but this does not mean that it has been completely cured, still need to develop a good habit of regular review, because the recurrence of various cancers is relatively high, it is recommended to recheck every three months in the first year of rehabilitation, 1 to 2 years every 6 months, 2 to 5 years every year, 5 years can be reviewed every two years.

With cancer, how should I live the rest of my life? 5 habits may help prolong life


Cancer patients in the recovery period can not always be bed rest, in the case of physical conditions permitting, to do some appropriate exercise, such as jogging or walking, or playing tai chi, both can reduce their own pressure, but also can enhance personal resistance and immunity, but to do a good job of cold and warmth, to avoid the occurrence of cold, after all, for cancer patients, infection is also a particularly serious thing. In the process of exercise, it is necessary to do what is needed to avoid adding unnecessary burdens to patients due to excessive fatigue.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction