
【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

author:Lintan release


A wonderful dream under the cold ice bed of hard iron in winter.

Then, in the season of awakening of all things, he comfortably sucked in the breath of spring, and then he woke up from a dream. In fact, dreams, after all, are to wake up. The dream woke up, but it was not Huang Liang's dream, but a beautiful dream to yearn for a season of swimming.

In early summer, in the laughter of the sun, a group of angels flew away from their mother's warm womb, flew into the distance, and floated to the earth, giving birth to the next golden dream.

With its golden dreams, it enriched the hunger and hunger bowl of that era, and also regulated the life of today's society full of brains.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Wolf Poison Flower

Beautiful, fragrant, dog-hoof-like flowers are dazzling.

Behind the pink that sways into the eye, there is a deep temptation of charm. The dazzling and intoxicating fragrance hides an unknown poison, just like its scientific name wolf poison, which catches people off guard, but it attracts kindness and childishness to go forward and try it.

Childish childhood, it used to make ignorance pay the price. A bowl of syrup meets it in a tender stomach, saving a hungry time. But in the temptation of pink in the coming year, the ignorant still went forward, twisting their weeping faces and asking grandma for a bowl of detoxifying slurry.

The sun is gone, the moon is coming; the moon is gone, the sun is coming.

Wolf poison is still fragrant.

Temptation remains fascinating.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Mountain flower

The memory of hunger, and the vividness of it are forever associated.

The search for childhood relief and the memories of dreams coincide.

Bright colors seem to be at odds with hunger, but it does feed a hungry year with fruitful results.

The pea-sized red fruit, hidden in the dry grass after the autumn frost, waiting for a pair of surprise eyes to soothe it, a pair of young hands to hold it, and then reclining in a transparent white porcelain bowl, leaving a permanent sweet memory for a growing child.

Grandma told that in the age of famine, its youthful time could not wait for the rich and bright season, and it had long been plucked by a pair of dry hands, and it could not see the last sunshine and life. But he also saved the souls who fell to the ground one by one in the years of famine.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Rain shines

This dwarf woody plant with golden yellow flowers on the plateau is given a noble name by the farmers who delight in it- Raindrops.

Spring buds, summer blossoms, flowering extends to autumn, autumn frost kills, only this is unique.

Sheng Yanli grew a natural toughness and hardness. In the era of material scarcity, the sharp sickle licked its tough bones, tied into a handle, hung under the eaves, and let the wind and the sun shine. Once upon a time, in the rough hands of the peasant woman, crawling on the edge of the iron pot and grinding the juice of the sticky pot, it exhausted its delicate life and short youth.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Ga foot flower

The hard grains burst in the smile of the autumn sun, leaped, reluctantly left the mother's warm womb and scattered, falling into a dry grass, smelling the fishy smell of the land, burying themselves deep in the chest of the earth, quiet as a virgin in the hardness of winter. Experienced the experience of snow and frost, and then under the moisture of a spring rain, it sprouted rapidly, took root, broke through the earth, visited the world that had once shook its eyes, and smiled at the brilliant life.

In the immature youth, the accumulated strength germinates, grows, sits in clusters and waits for the flowers to bear fruit.

In the seductive early summer, one foot shallow and one foot deep through the green time, finally revealed a purple smile, a bright smile, a blue and vigorous smile.

In the green morning drenched with morning dew, in the overwhelming purple smiles, smiles joyfully jumped into the bamboo basket in the crook of the peasant woman's arm, contemplating the journey of life.

At dusk, the flowers that had been blanched with water and oil were fattened in the skillful hands of the peasant woman, and the oil-free years were perfumed in a wisp of cooking smoke diagonally.

Broad bean flower

Spring, morning, the sky is blue.

Lying like a baby in the plough ditch opened by the old calf, he finally glanced at the void of infinite nostalgia, and was hidden under the chest of the earth by the churning black moist soil. Shake the spirit, nurture, work hard, suck, and start a new life course.

The warm wind blew, the rain and dew dried, and the tender yellow head broke through the soil. Confused, visiting a strange and novel world, facing the wind.

A rain, a wind, wind and rain, sun and moon, after all, grow up. Buds blossom, flowers fragrant spring wind, green beans, autumn ripe mountains, light ridge children with a wildfire to feed the hungry insects.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Stone garlic flowers

Born in stone mountains, growing in stone crevices, hidden under the thorns of Huang Li, it blooms pink and white flowers. Because of this pink and white slightly spicy floral fragrance, people tirelessly pinch it and fold it, but the morning and evening pinch is a big dew, and the evening fold is a thorn in the hand.

On three days, the gourmets go to find, pinch, and fold. Exposure to the sun, collection, boiling oil, cooking, strong flavor, food never forget.

In the years of hunger, whoever has a handful of white dried flowers and a few drops of clear oil can burn a pot of light fragrance. Today, the oil and fertilizer are still worth not falling, a pot of bean noodles mixed with soup, simmered with a spoonful of stone onions, will be able to become a fine food, people can not forget.

Stone garlic flowers are often out of reach.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode


Sleeping in winter, germinating in spring, full of the essence of the earth, nourishing the spirit, blooming in the fields of early summer, such as blue demons, beautiful temptations make people stop, nostalgic...

Flying in the fields of Taozhou, using flower buds to sweeten the hearts of a group of crazy children and heal the disease of hunger.

The flowers are seductive, the fruit is fruitful, and the yellowing is straight. Let a pair of sharp eyes remember its home, its roots.

A wind, a snow, the numb-eyed grandmother had a headache and brain fever, and the lame grandfather carried the hammer and searched for it in the snow with memory. Yellow hay came out of the snow on a ridge, making the lame grandfather's eyes light up and sweat.

A hug of hay, an iron pot, a scoop of water, a handful of skullcap, boiling grandpa's love and hope; a warm kang, a bed of thick quilts, a bowl of medicinal soup, a hot sweat, overflowing with grandma's joy and freshness.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Mugwort flowers

Mugwort flowers, a grass with thick leaves in the weeds, and the plain pink and fragrant flowers have also learned to choose with people's temperament, growing in the fields and opening in the eyes of farmers.

In the middle of the sky, the sky is high and refreshing.

The sleepy farmer sitting on the ridge stared at the flowers swaying in the breeze and could not help but reach out and pinch them, storing them like cotton balls in straw hats for shade. Dried, packed in a long sewn cloth bag, tucked into a pillowcase, let the sleepless grandpa and grandmother sleep in the fragrance of wormwood flowers, pillow soft and sweet, dreaming of youth, dreams of adulthood, and the dreams of flying...

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Spicy sour leaves

Cow ear-like blades slipped around the cow's mouth, and then they swayed with ecstasy, laughing at the soft grass that had entered the cow's stomach.

In the years of drought, you have sucked up the essence of the earth, fed yourself fat and fat, with a huge head, showing yourself brightly and ostentatiously.

The grass has no strength to penetrate the ground again to grow tall and strong, and only your fat leaves flutter with the wind, and the cattle and sheep with empty stomachs can no longer resist the temptation of hunger, bite down fiercely, swallow fiercely into the stomach, let you spicy you sour, filling the stomach is the key.

So the spring of the ploughing cattle is inseparable from the spicy and sour years; the dusk of the ploughing cattle, like a knife, has left a whiplash mark like a thorn on the back.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Horse Lotus

Marlene rope blocked the way, why would we meet for a while?

When Ma Lian raised her flowers, her two young and restless hearts could no longer be tethered to the spacious courtyard.

The male doll of the cattle weaved a long straw rope out of marilyn grass, and woven his love, his love, into the knot. The shepherd girl, letting go of her voice and singing a flirtatious flower, looked at the marlene rope blocking the road, and smiled like a crisp bell. The boy with the rope should know how to sing the flowers.

Charm people with blue flowers, and then make rope grass that blocks the way. Embarrass people with flirtatious flowers, and then sing the words of the heart.

So the slender grass rope tied the hearts of a pair of lovers.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Wild chrysanthemum

Who is the grass that blooms in September, and who is the flower that is proud of frost in September?

Only wild chrysanthemums, Tingting Yuli, are unique in the dry grass, showing their branches and playing with the wind.

A drop of clear rain hits the dead leaves killed by frost, and the purple and yellow wind hairs shake off the delicate chrysanthemum seeds, continuing the ancient life. There are also chrysanthemum seeds that flutter with the wind, flying down the stream below the mountain, and they twist their graceful and colorful bodies on the mirror-like water surface, showing their beauty and floating into the distance.

So, in the spring of the following year, suddenly a chrysanthemum seed sprouted in the water, grew on the shore, and raised a group of swimming fish, but could not move its bloated body.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode


Bald eagle, commonly known as a fur doll.

An ancient vine on the ridge, like a dead branch, sprouted tender new shoots at the urging of the spring wind, grew taller and higher under the soothing bath of the spring rain, and shyly protruded the head wearing a small yellow hat in the middle of the lush green leaves, not daring to look up, for fear of flashing its early white head under the sun.

The shepherd boys folded it, hooked their heads with each other, played, and fell to the ground with little yellow hats, and finally it was too late to grow old.

Sacrificing himself brings infinite fun to the boring life of the shepherd boys.

However, the old Chinese medicine doctor who guarded the village entrance to see the pulse of the disease fiercely shaved a few eyes at the shepherd boy who was playing with the hook, leaving a lot of unhappiness and regret in his heart.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Bitter bitters

Grandma once said that there is nothing in this world that is as hard as a bitter vegetable.

In fact, the life of bitter bitter vegetables is hard enough to be bitter enough, a seed can take root and sprout when it falls in a place with soil; a cut-off stumps will take root again as long as it encounters soil.

In early spring, the plough was sown, and the white and fat bitter bitter root was turned out of the plough ditch, and the father patiently picked it up and threw it on the ridge to dry it into dry bitter root. Later, he gathered it into a woven bag and brought it home, sifted out the soil grains, crushed the pestle, and took a spoonful after each meal, which cured his mother's intermittent appendicitis for many years.

Father said that bitter bitter vegetables are good vegetables and good medicines, but they are dirty and fat sucked.

Mother said that she was not afraid of dirty, dirty shovel, shovel is not clean, shoveling can also eat vegetables to cure diseases.

The father smiled nonchalantly.

When my father saw people, he recommended the benefits of bitter vegetables.

People believed it too. They also believe in the efficacy of bitter herbs.

【Charm Lintan】Taozhou Botanical Ode

Wen/Min Wizards Picture from the Internet