
Big talk 2 day price necklace buyer high profile appeared! However, it was frantically resisted by the full service

Front-line war reporters sent a first-line report: Sky-high price ignored mixed 5.1 necklace buyers appeared on the Qiyun Lingmai server, shouted high-profile for attention, but encountered crazy resistance from the majority of players?

According to people familiar with the matter, the player's name is relatively unfamiliar, suspected of being a new game, and purchased high-end equipment such as the neglected mixed 5.1 necklace worth 450,000 yuan before and after. Why did such a generous shot meet with full resistance? Let's take a look at his new equipment!

List of supplies

Orthopedic hybrid weapons

The sixth order blue word ignores the ice 0.9 clothes

Ignore the ice 0.9 sixth order hat

Sixth-order low-level Lingbao supports the Min Necklace

Level 6 High Moves Step-by-Step

Worth 450,000 neglected mix 5.1 necklace

4200 MinJin Hitter

Take the tooth wave to the sand

Looking at the above materials, it can be regarded as a relatively high level in today's games, right? So why would a new game, a player who is purchasing supplies be boycotted in full service? Let's take a look!

The original emperor shouted to collect the equipment

Collect the equipment information brush screen

Other players also followed the sound

Some players have said that the sound brush screen occupies the public channel

More players are voiced to participate in the conversation

Some players said that if you receive something, you have to let people know who you are?

More players are involved in voice transfer

The original emperor himself followed up with the shouting

Transsion has been swept away by players

Some players share ways to block transmission

Players said that there was a queue for transmission

The original emperor himself continued to speak out

The original Imperial Voice was boycotted by players

More players are starting to comment

The original emperor continued to transmit the sound and brush the screen

Taunted by players

Players shouted one after another

The transmission message has dominated the screen

The player says: If you have money, you can see a doctor first

The Original Emperor and other players "discuss" each other

The original emperor continued to spread the sound to dominate the screen

Some players said: Block the speech, immediately quiet

The original emperor continued to dominate the screen

A player has reported it

Other players shout

According to front-line war reporters, the sound transmission battle lasted for a long time that day, and the number of people involved in the transmission was also very large...

A new player in the game, released several transmissions, but was unanimously resisted by so many players, the reason why you old iron people may be able to understand after reading the above pictures. Of course, everyone will have their own point of view, what do the old irons have on this matter, we will see you in the comment area!

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