
The entertainment industry is not all about tax evasion and scandal, and these stars deserve great praise


Recently, Deng Lun's tax payment can be described as a storm in the city. While enjoying the dividends of the entertainment industry, stars must also bear corresponding obligations. At the just-concluded two sessions, Gong Hanlin pointed out that the entertainment industry was chaotic, "tens of millions of income, hundreds of millions of dollars are still evading taxes."

Coupled with the previous cases of Fan Bingbing, Zheng Shuang and others who evaded taxes, although Deng Lun became one of the few male artists on the list, this time on the hot search is really not very glorious.

But the entertainment industry is not all about tax evasion, scandals, although no one is perfect, but the following things are worthy of praise,

The first Wang Baoqiang borrowed money to pay taxes

The entertainment industry is not all about tax evasion and scandal, and these stars deserve great praise

In contrast to Deng Lun and other stars, Wang Baoqiang's ex-wife Ma Rong betrayed the marriage and cheated on the agent Song Zhe. When Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong divorced, Ma Rong transferred Wang Baoqiang's property. Wang Baoqiang's bank card only had more than 100,000 yuan left, and he couldn't even pay the legal fees. Wang Baoqiang had to borrow 3 million yuan from Chen Sicheng and also used the money to pay taxes of 1.8 million yuan.

One is an ex-wife, the other is a former agent, and you didn't find a single bit of black material for Wang Baoqiang in the case of your life and death. As a result, Song Zhe also sent himself to prison.

The second Liu Wei retired from the circle to accompany his mother

The entertainment industry is not all about tax evasion and scandal, and these stars deserve great praise

Liu Wei's parents divorced when he was young, and his mother pulled him up with hard work, and Liu Wei did not live up to his mother's expectations and was admitted to the film and television performance department of Shenyang Conservatory of Music. At the age of 19, he participated in the My Type Me Show and won the championship.

After winning the championship, Liu Wei signed a contract with a domestic record company, and the company decided to send him to South Korea for training, so Liu Wei was sent to JYP, one of the three major entertainment companies in South Korea, as a trainee. Because of the development is not smooth, he chose to return to China. However, when the contract was terminated with the brokerage company, he faced a compensation of 1 million yuan, and finally his mother sold the house in his hometown, and made up enough for 1 million to help his son get out of the brokerage company.

Since then, Liu Wei has worked harder, and he has his presence in variety shows such as "The Ever-Changing Big Coffee Show", "Mars Intelligence Bureau", "New Martial Arts Conference" and "Brother Chasing the Light", although he has not become popular by songs, but he is also worry-free.

For Liu Wei, the mother is the spiritual pillar. Now her mother is hospitalized due to a recurrence of cancer, which makes Liu Wei feel sad. Liu Wei desperately put down his career to accompany his mother. You grew up with me, I grew old with you. That's pretty much it.

The third place is Gu Tianle's funding for education

The entertainment industry is not all about tax evasion and scandal, and these stars deserve great praise

Gu Tianle dropped out of school when he was young. Nothing to do is to mix with some social elements. Fights and fights are commonplace, and over time they go to jail.

Because of this experience, after becoming famous, Gu Tianle hopes that his current children, like himself, will drop out of school prematurely, have criminal activities, and regret himself for life.

Gu Tianle school was initially unknown, until a few years ago was not exposed by the media, no wonder netizens jokingly called "the only sun that can black Gu Tianle"!

Fourth, Wu Jing went to the disaster area alone

The entertainment industry is not all about tax evasion and scandal, and these stars deserve great praise

Silence is a person's last high.

On the anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake a few years ago, many photos and videos once again swiped the screen in the circle of friends. A familiar figure once again entered people's sight.

In the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the 34-year-old Wu Jingyuan was far from today's fame and his career was tepid. After the earthquake, he came to Shifang, Sichuan province as a volunteer for 3 months. Transport relief supplies and repair piles in disaster areas. Not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness, specially pick high-intensity physical work. I was so tired that I couldn't hold on, so I simply used the floor as a mat and slept on the cement flower bed under the tree.

At that time, no one was a star, some were just ordinary people, and some were just ordinary people with dreams of rebuilding their homes.

The fifth and living idols, Andy Lau

The entertainment industry is not all about tax evasion and scandal, and these stars deserve great praise

In the 1997 Asian financial crisis, a Hong Kong student invested in a property that almost spent all his savings and lived a debt-ridden life, he was Zhang Weijian. When Zhang Weijian began to borrow money everywhere, he ran into walls everywhere, and finally only Andy Lau funded him and gave him 14 words, "What you learn must be taught, and what you earn is given to people."

In 2005, the small-scale production movie "Crazy Stone" blew up the screen, bringing fire to Huang Bo, Ning Hao and other characters. At the beginning, Ning Hao's funds were once blocked on the way to filming "Crazy Stone", and the crew was worried that they would not be able to line up at any time, but at this time, Andy Lau came forward to fund Ning Hao with 2 million, and finally let the film be successfully completed.

And Ning Hao inherited Andy Lau's good deeds and set up the Bad Monkey 72 Change Movie Project to help those who have dreams realize their movie dreams. Among them was Guo Fan. Guo Fan's work "The Wandering Earth" became a hit in Chinese science fiction films, because Guo Fan was one of the beneficiaries in the original Bad Monkey 72 film plan.

Andy Lau has helped many people, such as Wang Baoqiang, Zheng Zeshi and so on. After a flame burns, it drives other flames and scatters them into the sky to benefit more people, and Andy Lau is this flame.

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