
Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood

author:Ma Xiaoqiu Autumn Talk
Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood

Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood

Ma Xiaoqiu and I met twice on video at the "XTao" Hollywood boot and pilot red carpet ceremony. Her dress and conversation style show a very special female image. Ma Xiaoqiu is also a very special female entrepreneur. She holds several positions, including education, film and television, corporate management and the day-to-day operations of the group company headquartered in Shenzhen. She also has a role — she's president of the American Family Film Awards.

Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood

Ma Xiaoqiu was featured on the cover of mainstream media in the United States for "The Tale of Autumn Talk"

Today's Hollywood in the United States is no longer the Hollywood of the past. How do you say that?

In the more than two years that the coronavirus has ravaged the world, many people in Hollywood, including big-name stars, have felt the fragility of life and the anxiety of the future in the face of the challenge of the surging dark virus.

At this time, it was the time when Ma Xiaoqiu's best-selling book "The Tale of Autumn Words" and the Tao Te Ching culture and The American Huayu Film And Entertainment Company under her leadership were flourishing in the United States.

Therefore, whether Ma Xiaoqiu is in Shenzhen or Beijing, her unique business philosophy and company DNA, as well as the entrepreneurial story that represents China's prosperity from scratch, including the Chinese philosophical work "Tao Te Ching", which she highly respects, which was born more than 400 years ago, is slowly entering, infiltrating and influencing the mainstream of Hollywood and American society with special charm.

Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood
Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood
Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood

Ma Xiaoqiu and the Family Film Award

Hollywood is a place to pursue success. Hollywood is a place of brilliance, beauty, money, dreams and glory. But under the powerful shadow of the global epidemic, entire cities, entire states, and entire countries have been unable to go out for months, cannot take off their masks for two years, and the streets and alleys under the coconut trees are filled with people who have lost their jobs and are homeless, and Hollywood is also full of bruises. Hollywood pressed the long pause button, relying on movies as a manufacturing city, housing prices fell, and many people lost their jobs. The epidemic has made it impossible for people to make movies in groups, and the scripts written are not cared for. This kind of lifelessness is incompatible with Los Angeles. A Hollywood with song and dance entertainment, game movies, and red carpets every day has never seen such a "depression" and "hopeless". Even some film company owners, despite having hundreds of millions of dollars in assets, can't stand the unprecedented loneliness at home, have chosen to jump off a building and commit suicide.

Many people in Hollywood in the United States are thinking about the meaning of life. Where is our way forward?

As a result, the special charm of the Tao Te Ching suddenly attracted them, the Tao is the future, is the true meaning of life, the Tao is natural, there is no need to deliberately make a big fuss. The Tao is the mother of all things in heaven and earth, and is the moral code for doing things as a person- in the "XTao" movie, through the mouth of a beautiful mixed-race girl, this is told to everyone. The red wine in her hand symbolizes the warmth of "good as water". What does the "Tao" in the Tao Te Ching really mean? The essential expression of the opposition between yin and yang and the unity of all things, from handling things for people and managing the country, is vividly and delicately displayed in the 5,000-word short article of the Tao Te Ching.

In Hollywood, the person who will explain the profound truth of the "Tao Te Ching" in such a simple and simple way is Ma Xiaoqiu. In the past three months, the start-up and pilot broadcast of "XTao" have given Hollywood two wonderful moments of walking the red carpet, and also given Ma Xiaoqiu a special voice. Through his investment in the film "XTao", Ma Xiaoqiu borrowed a period of China's reform and opening up recorded in the film, a very difficult and very great period of time, "The North Drifting Family", telling the story of China's economic rise today: it is hundreds of millions of Chinese young people who are far away from their homeland, rootless and loveless, every day for the next meal, where to sleep the next night, so that eighteen hours a day.

On days without loved ones, what do they stand by? The answer of the film is: music and the seeds of the Tao Te Ching.

Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood
Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood
Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood

Ma Xiaoqiu used music and the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching to bring Hollywood closer

Simplicity, selflessness, tranquility, humility, indifference... These are ways of thinking that many Hollywood stars have never heard of, when the epidemic hits mankind, in the midst of social turmoil and confusion, is this perhaps the last position of thinking that people should have?

Dr Richie, a famous American educator who pioneered the theory and classroom teaching of "music brings equality in education", dr Richie, and Dr. Stanley, dean of the School of Film at the University of Miramar in California, talked about Ma Xiaoqiu and "her Tao Te Ching" as soon as they met on the red carpet. Both of them purchased the "Tale of Autumn Words" through Amazon Book City, which recorded Ma Xiaoqiu's "Tao Te Ching" and his work experience. Dr. Ricky even said this: Every sentence of "Autumn Talk" is condensed into a guide to life. It should become a children's program and deduce it through the concept of high-tech + anime + meta-universe.

They said of Autumn Tales:

Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood

Hollywood guests review "Autumn Talk Story"

Ma Xiaoqiu's story may never be repeated in Hollywood; however, Ma Xiaoqiu uses the Tao Te Ching through himself, while letting himself and the company go to the peak of glory, this spirit will surely bring new vitality to Hollywood and bring new hope to the next generation of newcomers.

And that's exactly what happened.

One of the reasons why rebecca's role as rebecca, an American girl who starred in "XTao", is of Indian Spanish descent, is that Rebecca's Indian father, after reading "Autumn Talk", agreed with Ms. Ma Xiaoqiu and let her daughter read the last paragraph of "Autumn Talk Story" at the dinner table: Do Rose or Do Rose. Eventually, Rose had a dream of a rose, growing tall and seeing the world beyond the walls. However, a sudden rainstorm broke her branches... Rebecca wrote a song specifically for Ma Xiaoqiu for this purpose, which was sung in "XTao".

With the American Family Film Awards and MXQ Nano Life Water, which are familiar to more and more people, ma Xiaoqiu founded the company, corporate culture and the principle of "good as water" of faith and good faith, with the "Tao Te Ching" slowly affecting many people and mainstream classes in Hollywood. In the post-epidemic situation, more and more people have learned to cherish themselves, protect their families and jobs, and optimistically look forward to the future. At the same time, he also learned to use the Tao Te Ching to heal himself, live a true day, and cherish life and the cosmic world. postscript

Miracles can happen!

At the red carpet ceremony of the "XTao" pilot, Rebecca was selected by Hollywood scouts on the spot!

Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood
Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood
Classic online! Mars culture broke into Hollywood

Actress Rebecca got the chance to perform with Hollywood A-list movie stars for "XTao"!

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