
How can I double the efficiency of green light traffic? Academicians support this | the concept of number intelligence

author:South Plus client

"A 30-second green light time in Tokyo can pass about 60 vehicles, while in China it can only pass 25 vehicles, because Japan usually requires vehicle spacing of more than 4 meters, and almost all vehicles can start at the same time when the green light is on, and in China, it starts one after another."

On March 14th, guo Renzhong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, shared the theme of "Thinking on Smart Transportation Construction Based on "Double Intelligence" based on "Double Wisdom", jointly sponsored by Tencent Smart Transportation and Tencent Research Institute.

Last year, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Wuxi and other 6 cities became the first batch of pilot cities for the coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles ("double wisdom development"), how to build a "smart road" and deploy "smart cars", the new technology system has become a breakthrough path.

How can I double the efficiency of green light traffic? Academicians support this | the concept of number intelligence

Difficulty: Traffic congestion caused by unpredictable traffic

In Guo Renzhong's view, there is currently a lot of research and exploration in smart cities, including Baidu, AutoNavi, Tencent, etc., the navigation system is very mature in function, and the user experience is also very good, but this is only an important path of smart transportation, and it cannot fundamentally solve the problem of urban congestion, because the navigation system may increase the traffic flow of the city. For another example, through artificial intelligence means, such as the management of intelligent signal lights and green wave management, it helps to accelerate urban traffic diversion, but it has not really fundamentally solved the traffic problem.

Guo Renzhong said that many traffic problems have not been solved, such as traffic demand problems, the difficulty of governance lies in the uncertainty of demand, although many experts have made traffic flow predictions, but no matter what kind of model can not clearly predict the traffic flow of the city, and traffic uncertainty will bring great pressure on traffic governance.

Guo Renzhong mentioned that information asymmetry is also a difficult point facing traffic, for example, driving is not blocked but it is difficult to find parking spaces, some experts have expressed that in the entire traffic travel time, 1/3 is used to find parking spaces, "This may be a little exaggerated, but there are indeed relevant surveys showing that because we can't find parking spaces, we gave up traffic travel."

Car-to-car collaboration is also very difficult. Guo Renzhong for example, when the intersection green light starts, the first car goes, the second car can follow, in fact, very delayed time, someone went to Japan to observe, Tokyo a 30-second green light time, can probably pass 60 vehicles, and the same time in the country can only pass 25 vehicles, this is because Japan usually requires the distance between vehicles and vehicles is greater than 4 meters, once the green light starts, the vehicle can start almost at the same time, reducing the time to wait for each other. In front of the domestic crossroads, vehicles stop next to each other, because drivers are worried that a few meters away from the car in front of them will cause other vehicles to cut in line.

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"Although there is also a problem of personnel quality, the key is whether it is possible to solve the problem of difficult collaboration from a technical point of view?" Guo Renzhong said that under the background of "double intelligence", the coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles may solve the above problems.

For example, for the congestion caused by the navigation system, through comprehensive perception and centralized scheduling, the system will tell the user which road is blocked, and for the place to go, the system will tell which roads are more congested and which road is recommended.

"But in the process of walking, virtually every driver chooses the path according to his own preferences, he may or may not listen to the navigation; different navigation systems make relevant road conditions judgments based on their limited data." However, with smart city infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles, the traffic flow of the entire city can be fully perceived, and a corresponding path planning and related traffic flow global allocation and optimization can be made for all vehicles from a global perspective. Guo Renzhong said.

He said that one of the problems that often occur in the current navigation system is that the initial instruction to the user can be reached in 30 minutes, and it is not long before the user is told that 35 minutes or even longer data is needed, which is because the navigation process lacks a neutral centralized scheduling.

Second, for the problem of vehicle coordination. For example, when the vehicle through the intersection is to start, drawing on the Japanese experience, the vehicles maintain a certain distance, it is still difficult to implement, but if there is an intelligent networked car, the system ability and reaction speed of the vehicle are greatly improved, and when waiting for the green light, even if the vehicle is relatively close to the stop, it can also be started at the same time, which greatly improves the overall intersection traffic efficiency.

In addition, the synergy between vehicles and roads can be improved. Because different roads have different traffic capacities, even the same roads have different road conditions at different times, the road conditions are different, and the speed limits within the region are also different. For example, urban municipal roads usually have a speed limit of 40 kilometers, and fast roads usually have a speed limit of 80 kilometers, and the speed limit is set according to the road conditions and will not be easily changed, but in fact, when traveling at a low peak, there are fewer vehicles on the road, and the speed can be increased; when the peak is peak, the speed limit of 40 kilometers cannot improve the traffic rate, but the relevant experiments will reduce the speed limit from 40 kilometers to 30 kilometers, and the traffic efficiency will be higher.

For the problem of information asymmetry, it can be solved through "double wisdom", Guo Renzhong said, such as parking lot reservations to reduce waiting time, after the implementation of smart city technology, it is entirely possible to express the relevant parking resources online through the digital platform.

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"The coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles may bring a fundamental opportunity and major transformation to the development of smart transportation." Guo Renzhong said that based on such a comprehensive perception system, the entire traffic resources, traffic road network, and even urban spatial layout can be optimized. People can know the resource status of each road and know which roads are congested during rush hour, so as to optimize the layout of network resources and make traffic smoother.

In this regard, Guo Renzhong believes that the basic logic of developing smart transportation based on "double intelligence" should be: to establish a perception network and intelligent facilities from the infrastructure level, this intelligent facility must first be digitally deployed for parking spaces, realize remote reservation, remote sensing, intelligent upgrading of parking spaces, at the same time, build a real-time monitoring and perception network, build a traffic big data platform on this basis, integrate and integrate relevant data, and then develop practical application systems. Specific scene construction, that is, application system development.

"Over the years, the exploration of smart transportation has generally been a breakthrough in the point, that is, the characteristics of individual promotion; in the past, all traffic theories were based on independent and non-comprehensive perception of the situation to do theoretical research, 'double intelligence' will bring an opportunity for innovation, smart transportation will also bring new development."

[Reporter] Gao Xiaoping

【Production】Southern Industry Think Tank

【Author】 Gao Xiaoping

Southern Industry Think Tank

Source: South+ - Create more value