
Miss Hormone | released the song "Eternal Boy" to the idealists

author:Modern skies
Miss Hormone | released the song "Eternal Boy" to the idealists

The cold synthetic sound effect crushes the ear canal, the cold beep of the detector makes the whole song indescribably bright, and the vocals of lead singer Zhu Mengdi float on the surface of the synthesizer's rough sound waves, containing emotions and telling a story by the sea.

In this story, Miss Hormone's narrative is concrete and surreal, and their music is a testament to such a narrative. The "black curtain" in the morning light, the red hair "ignited" by the wind, the "boiling sea" that begins... These descriptions are full of detail, unreal but surreal, like the first time the word "unpredictable" is sung in the main song, the human voice unproven the reverberation and abruptly ends, as if to intentionally suggest that this may be a strange dream.

Subsequently, the guitar arrived late and played in restlessness. After the drumming progresses, the guitar phrases completely slip to the unconventional end, the sonorous drum accompanies the jumping rhythm of the drum machine, and the synthesizer melody takes the listener into the abyss. The vocals float in this complex instrumental music, "drowned in a never-ending time."

It's hard not to be impressed by the guitar solo four minutes later, especially after nearly 30 seconds of agitation, when all the sounds are suddenly pushed into a standstill, leaving Zhu Mengdi's oratorio alone, forging a conspicuous sense of passage. And this silence lasts only a few moments, and the vocals and choruses continue immediately, until the vocals fade out, the reverberation disperses in all directions, and the guitar music sentences are repeated lonely and ending...

Miss Hormone | released the song "Eternal Boy" to the idealists

The story of "Eternal Boy" is a "fantasy body" created by Miss Hormone, the theme is generally difficult to define with the same musical style, but such a musical expression can resonate with a type of person, they are emotional idealists, idealistic adventurers, adventurous creators, creative fantasists. At a certain stage of growth, such a mentality condensed into the "core" of a person's temperament, which is wrapped in flesh and blood and emotions, but it is the deepest origin.

And "Eternal Youth" is a kind of "core" of Miss Hormone: plump auditory elements, irregular paragraph arrangement, unpredictable undulating hearing... That's one of the reasons they chose this song to be the first single on their new album. In the process of remote and remote communication with the producer Yu Umbrella, Miss Hormone developed a sense of distance in thinking about her own music creation from the perspective of a bystander, as Zhu Mengdi said: "When we created, we put aside some of the previous definitions of ourselves, integrated the unique parts of each person, and finally became a new thing." The results are gratifying. ”

Miss Hormone | released the song "Eternal Boy" to the idealists

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