
The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay

author:Wenshi Canteen

In this hot land of Brazil, many of the world's richest people have been born, one of which is Eduardo Guino. At the end of the nineteenth century, he was still a poor boy, but by chance he came to Brazil and became a local rich man by self-made.

Inspirational stories like this were much more special in those days, but compared to his son, Jorge Guino, Dad's inspirational legend seems to have been hidden under his extravagant and lavish life. Relying on his father's wealth, Jorge Guino became a celebrity prince at that time.

There is an old Chinese saying that "the rich are not more than three generations", but the Brazilian rich man did not even survive the second generation, and his son Jorge Guino was too a loser, and his profligacy was already among the top three in the world, and such a loser could not even afford medical expenses in his old age.

The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay


Eduardo Guino was originally French, and after coming to Brazil, he gradually gained a foothold here with his super high business talent. In 1890, he relied on shrewd means to win the loan rights of Santos Port for more than ninety years.

Subsequently, he monopolized the terminal transportation business of this area by virtue of the excellent geographical advantage of the port of Santos, and later under his creation, the port of Santos became the largest port in Brazil.

As his fortune grew, Edward began to invest in real estate, buying a lot of land to build farms and factories, and his family gradually became one of the richest families in Brazil.

The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay

Born in 1916, Jorge Guino was already at the height of his family's heyday, and he could be described as a noble prince with a golden spoon. As the son of Brazil's richest man and enjoying the inheritance rights of the Noro family property, he has lived a life of unlearned and unskilled and spending money since he was a child.

At that time, many merchants and politicians visited his house every day, and there were many noble ladies, Jorge Guino, who had a lively and cheerful personality, and soon became one with them, because these experiences as children made them famous playboys when they grew up.

How popular was Jorge Guinno's family at the time? It is said that when US President Roosevelt visited Brazil, he lived in their home, and this honor is not something that any rich man can have.

The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay

When the world war was raging, Roosevelt wanted to get Brazil's support, and in order to win over Brazilian politicians and businessmen, he invited the newly adult Jorge Guino to the White House as a representative of latin America.

Later, under the leadership of the American political circles, Jorge Guino reached a business cooperation with Rockefeller, the richest man in the United States, and also met a large number of American business giants.

Soon after the death of his father, Edward, he entrusted all the family property to Jorge Guino, who directly inherited the 14 billion inheritance left by his father, equivalent to more than $2 billion. Overnight, Jorge Guino became Brazil's hottest "Diamond King Five".

The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay

Spending money like dirt

Jorge Guino has a pair of beautiful blue eyes, but his biggest shortcoming is his short stature, it is understood that his height is only 1.62 meters, in front of many tall and mighty European and American men, he does look "petite and exquisite", so many people call him "little Ruoge".

Although Jorge Guino's height was not superior, he was not rich, and many famous ladies and Hollywood actresses became his lovers. And his journey to losers also began with entering Hollywood.

In the early 1940s, Jorge Guino entered Hollywood at the recommendation of Rockefeller to help the film company review the script, but this work was only a cover for Jorge Guino, and his real purpose was to be a beautiful female star.

The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay

He once released a bold statement: "I want to chase all the beautiful women in the world", I really can't help but sigh that having money is good, and having money can achieve bold words. It is understood that Lorre Guino had too many female stars to interact with at that time, and many of them were very famous people.

Including the well-known Marilyn Monroe, Hedi Larma, etc., these were all big stars in that era. The mercurial Jorge Guinoby collapsed under their pomegranate skirts and lived a life of not treating money as money.

Once, When Hedi Larma told him that he liked one of Picasso's paintings very much, Jorge Guino, in order to win the beauty of the people, took a blank check to Larma without even asking for the price, only to learn later that the painting cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay

Another time, Jorge Guinono bought millions of jewelry to visit Marilyn Monroe in the United States, hoping to give the jewelry to a beautiful person. But when he arrived, he heard the news of Monroe's suicide, so he changed hands and gave the jewelry to another female star.

He traveled all day between Cities such as Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Hollywood, New York and Paris, and lived a life of spending money every day, and his father's family business was not enough for him to splurge. In addition to female stars, Jorge Guino does not spare any beautiful woman.

It is understood that Jorge Guino has been married three times in his life, and one of the three wives is an American nurse and the other two are Brazilians. But he divorced shortly after marrying these women, and a man as much as he was so devoted, presumably few women could tolerate it.

The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay

Old age is bleak

Jorge Guino soon lost his father's ten-billion-dollar inheritance in such a profligate day. Together with the family's businesses, they also took turns to fail and go bankrupt, and finally had to sell their family property in order to pay off their debts.

In his later years, Jorge Guino was diagnosed with an aneurysm and doctors suggested surgery, but he refused. He then moved to the Copacaba Palace Hotel, which was originally his family's private property, but later had to be sold due to debt.

Jorge Gino then moved with his children to a small house in a remote neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro. In the 1980s, the last company under his name went bankrupt, and Jorge Guino was in destitute.

The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay

For the last 15 years of his life, he struggled to survive on the government's $500 a month in unemployment benefits. Soon after, his son also died of AIDS, and Brazilian media reported on the incident, saying it was their retribution for profligacy.

Later, Jorge Guino was admitted to the hospital because of cancer, and in the end, even the medical expenses were barely supported by the financial support of friends. In the last two days of his life, he moved from the hospital to the Palace Hotel next to Kabbagapana Beach, where he said he was going back to his old place.

The hotel was the place where he had hung out with beautiful women, and in his heart it was like heaven, with the best memories of his life. But it costs ten thousand dollars to stay in this hotel for a night, and in the end, with the help of friends, he can do it.

The Brazilian boy who inherited the inheritance of 14 billion yuan, soaked in Hollywood actresses, and the medical expenses in their later years could not afford to pay

Before his death, he said: "The secret of happiness in life is to spend all the money on my body before I die, but I miscalculated and spent the money in advance." I don't know if this is his regret for his profligate life in the past, or a lament for not doing a good job of financial management.

At the age of 88, Jorge Guino finally completed his life, and at the funeral his friend said, "May he be the last playboy in the world", and the sound and color of the young dog and the poverty of the old age disappeared with the wind.

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