
Will James, after the age of 37, end this screw season with a scoring champion?

author:No talk

NBA 21-22 Season Lakers 111:140 Suns

Prior to this game, James led the players' scoring list by a slim margin after a decimal point.

Today, he has achieved another data achievement of the Elder Level

Will James, after the age of 37, end this screw season with a scoring champion?

The only player in NBA history who has scored 30,000 points, 10,000 boards and 10,000 assists in his career

However, the trend of the game did not give the chosen son any face, and after three quarters, the point difference was close to 30 points, losing suspense.

The only difference from the last game, which was 30 points apart in the third quarter, was that this time, in the fourth quarter, Old Zhan did not play again to brush points.

With 31 points in this game, he still maintains a slight advantage in the competition for the regular season scoring champion.

The game, just talking about here, the following content, is based on the recent double 50 Zhan crazy scoring performance, to see, is it possible for him to become the oldest scoring king in the history of the league?


After James won the 50+ for the first time this season and led the Lakers to a difficult win, some fans sighed: If such a James appeared every night, we could still shout those five words.

Two days later, against the rockets at the bottom of the league, counting an extra time, he played 45 minutes and scored a triple-double, and the Lakers lost.

Whether it is Jamie or Jamie, there is one point of view that is unanimous: James, not people.

Yes, his body is simply not mortal, but superhuman, otherwise, how can you explain that after the age of 37, this "man" is still as explosive as the 27-year-old? Ten years seems to be frozen?

But at the end of the fourth quarter of the game against the Rockets and in overtime, we saw a mortal James who was really tired and tired enough to be so delicate and fragile that he was good at the ball-holding tank-style breakthrough.

This is the main reason for the collapse of the Lakers in overtime.

However, James only worked as a mortal for two days, and in the game against the Wizards, he was like a god and a mortal, and scored another 50 points.

How much oil is still in James' tank?

After the age of 37, James, is it possible to become the oldest scoring champion in the history of the league?


On January 16, the Lakers challenged the Nuggets on the road and lost by 37 points.

The Lakers' loss is not new, what is new is that this is the only time since entering 2022, or more precisely, entering the 37-year-old James (December 30 birthday), who trailed more than 20 points at the end of the team's third quarter, the total playing time was equal to or less than 30 minutes.

Will James, after the age of 37, end this screw season with a scoring champion?

By the time the game entered the fourth quarter, the Lakers were already 23 points behind, James continued to play for 4 minutes, scored 4 points, the game completely collapsed, he ended early.

Supposedly, in NBA games, there is an unwritten default rule, when the difference between the two teams entering the fourth quarter is too large, the two head coaches tacitly replace the substitute player, abbreviation: garbage time.

But, after that game against the Nuggets, the trash time rules, on james, 37, failed.

Or, to put it another way, it's more appropriate: James, once the league's first man, and the league's history (regular season + playoff) total scorer, the chosen son, now prefers to confuse himself with garbage and become one of the protagonists of garbage time.

Will James, after the age of 37, end this screw season with a scoring champion?

On Feb. 9, the Lakers played the Bucks at home, and at the end of the third quarter, they were 24 points behind the visiting team. According to common sense, there was no suspense in the fourth quarter, but James still stubbornly stayed on the court and played another 8 minutes to improve his full-court score to 27 points, 8 of which came from garbage time.

Even sadder than Gan's trash is that James has the lowest plus-minus in this game, -25.

For comparison, the Bucks' core alphabet brother, who also played 35 minutes, had 44 points, 14 rebounds and 8 assists, quasi-big triple-doubles, plus-minus +23.

To make a less appropriate explanation, this game, if the Lakers and Bucks pair up, let James and the alphabet at the same time, the Lakers can also win by two points.

Will James, after the age of 37, end this screw season with a scoring champion?

The Lakers' second game after All-Star Weekend was at home against the Pelicans, and they were blown up by their opponents in the third quarter and entered the fourth quarter, 30 points behind the visiting team.

The fourth quarter of the game was James Gan's most classic presentation as part of Trash Time.

When the team is in a huge state of despair, you have two choices, either lie flat and give up, or try to spell out a glimmer of light with a gambling offense.

When the fourth quarter began, James arrived as promised and played half a quarter.

Trailing by the big score, James scored a total of 11 points in those six minutes of garbage time, made four baskets and made three free throws.

His points came all from the paint and all hits.

James has set another record, and it may well be another record that cannot be surpassed.

James became: The first player in league history to score in double figures in the fourth quarter with 100 percent shooting in the fourth quarter after trailing by 30 points after the team's first three quarters, all shots coming from the paint.

For this somewhat tongue-twisting historical record, a more straightforward and easy-to-understand expression is:

James is nakedly brushing forty thousand.

Will James, after the age of 37, end this screw season with a scoring champion?

In the Los Angeles derby, the Lakers trailed by 25 points at the end of the third quarter, james continued to take on the responsibility of garbage time protagonist without hesitation, and played 8 minutes in the fourth quarter, but this time did not realize the wish of brushing points, only 2 points.


In the history of the NBA, games that trailed more than 20 points in the fourth quarter are not necessarily all garbage, and miracles happen from time to time.

The Clippers have completed an epic comeback this season, trailing by 30 points at halftime and 18 points after the third quarter.
Looking further afield, in December 2002, when the Lakers played at home against the Mavericks, they trailed by 27 points at the end of the third quarter, and finally came to a big reversal.
In 1996, the Jazz also set the biggest reversal record in league history with a 36-point trail in the third quarter.

However, the specific problems should be analyzed in detail, the three teams mentioned above, or the team itself is very strong, has the cost of reversal, or the team's will quality is very strong. WeChat public account: no rhinoceros talk

But which of the Lakers is this now?


James, it's really changed.

Looking back at James' long career, he may be the top scorer in the history of the league, and very few superstars who are not willing to brush up on the presence of scoring.

The last time James averaged more than 28 points per game in the regular season was 14 years ago. That was the season when he won the only regular season scoring champion of his career.

Over the years, James's desire and sacrifice for team victory has far exceeded his pursuit of personal data.

However, after the age of 37, James's box in his heart seems to be open.

Will James, after the age of 37, end this screw season with a scoring champion?

By the way, many superstars have done this thing, Jordan in the Middle Ages and Kobe Bryant in the near heavens needless to say, the 100-point miracle of the ancient giant Chamberlain was created at the end of the third quarter when the team was nearly 20 points ahead, at that time, X Love Crazy man had already scored 69 points, if this score is fixed, what a good number, just in line with his personality.

But he didn't.

In the garbage-like fourth quarter, the big handsome took another 31 points and made a whole.

WeChat public account: no rhinoceros talk

This season's Lakers, winning the championship has become a joke, for James's level of superstar, has long been no longer for money to play, he or figure a ring, or, is to figure a young history to leave a name.

So, if there are no surprises, in the remaining dozen games of the season, we may see a James we have never seen before, a James who puts the team on the line and loses, and shoots again and again to improve personal data.

A James who can score and cares a lot about scoring.

This season, the biggest suspense left for the Lakers is not whether they can enter the playoffs, but, James, can they take the scoring king again?

Will James, after the age of 37, end this screw season with a scoring champion?

Considering that Harden may lose some of the emperor's points after joining the digital team, and considering the reality that the Lakers have been completely reduced to a psychologically rotten team, James may have made his personal goal for this year: to win the scoring champion again, and to become the oldest scorer in the history of the league, surpassing idol Jordan on another level.

This possibility, with the fall of the Lakers, is becoming more and more high.

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