
The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

On the evening of March 13, the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games was held at the Beijing National Stadium.

At the closing ceremony, the excellent idea of "Record/Huge Dial" once again amazed people!

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea
The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

▲On the evening of March 13, the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games was held at the Beijing National Stadium. This is the scene of the closing ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Bowen

Why adopt such a master visual image as the core idea? Director Zhang Yimou said:

The "gramophone" is going to be a highlight of our closing ceremony, which is a bit like the willow-folding love at the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, and the closing ceremony of the Winter Paralympic Games is completed through a prop.

Folding willow is an atmosphere through the overall performance, and a feeling conveyed by the explanation, and the phonograph is now a prop to play this role. It is actually an idea, is an idea, not necessarily specifically refers to the film era, the vinyl era, it is just a thing that human beings retain memory, to hook up this common empathy, so this phonograph put on, I think this is still very able to drive everyone a feeling.

The snow melted and was about to leave work, full of reluctance.

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

Let's relive the highlights of the closing ceremony:

With the rotation of the record, the moving character shape gradually appeared on the record.

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

▲图/IC photo

Subsequently, one by one, the arenas appeared in an instant. The excitement of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games is composed of such unforgettable moments, and the memories of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games are composed of such vivid characters and vivid stories.

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

In this Winter Paralympic Games, the Chinese sports delegation ranked first in the gold medal table and medal table with a total of 61 medals in 18 gold, 20 silver and 23 bronze, achieving a historic leap.

The whole audience stood up, and in the sound of the national anthem, the five-star red flag was raised.

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

In the melody of "Ode to Joy", Xue Rongrong stepped on the roller skates and shook his head and entered the scene!

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea
The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

▲The mascot of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games at the closing ceremony, "Snow Rongrong". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Zhuang

Volunteers won snow medals, and the winter Paralympic closing ceremony paid tribute to the volunteers!

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

The melody of "You Raise Me Up" sounded, and the scene of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games appeared in front of me. The performance of the athletes is the most moving note of this song!

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

4 visually disabled singers newly interpreted the song "You Inspired Me", and the familiar and warm melody conveyed a moving power!

"The Inspiration of Love", a show performed by deaf actors, more than 200 actors perform in sign language. The actors use sign language to tell about family, friendship, love, about the encouragement, waiting, and communication that occurs between people... In the end, all the family, friendship, and love come together, which is the most sincere love. Harmonious, joyful, quiet, this is a pure world of love.

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea
The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

▲Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Keren

The climax of the atmosphere of the whole venue appeared in the "record" becoming the "dial": the dry earth branch, the twenty-four solar terms, the clock, all the symbols of time, sprinkled and flashed in the venue. It is as if the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games and the opening ceremony of our Winter Paralympic Games have come together here, and the memory will remain here forever!

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea
The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

The "dial" footage finally stops at the moment when the torchbearer lights the main torch at the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games. With the melodious sound of the violin, the snowflake torch stand slowly descends.

In the melody of "Snowflakes", the main torch of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games is slowly extinguished. Time passes, memories live on!

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

The Bird's Nest fireworks show never disappoints. Above the Bird's Nest, the "Beijing 2022" and "BEIJING" fireworks are in shape, and the brilliant light witnesses the unforgettable memories of the Winter Paralympic Games.

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ga

The Winter Paralympic Closing Ceremony "Gramophone/Dial" was so great, Zhang Yimou interpreted this core idea

▲Photo by Xia Fang, Xinhua News Agency


Use the "gramophone" to make the memory of "Double Olympic" eternal - director Shen Chen explained the closing ceremony in detail

On the evening of the 13th, in the natural song of "Snowflakes", fireworks with the words "Beijing 2022" lit up the night sky of the "Bird's Nest" of the National Stadium, and were also imprinted on the "record" in the center of the venue. In the "gramophone" of memory, the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games makes the warmth eternal, and also makes the memory of the world's first "double Olympic city" always remain in people's hearts. This is exactly the expression that Shen Chen, the director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Paralympic Games, wants to complete.

The "phonograph" of memory

By hosting the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Beijing became the world's first "Twin Olympic Cities". Zhang Yimou, the general director of the opening and closing ceremonies, positioned the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Paralympic Games as "warm and touching", for which Shen Chen has been breaking the problem.

"Although this time is the closing ceremony of the Winter Paralympic Games, it is also the closing ceremony of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, which is also the closing ceremony of the 'City of Two Olympics'." Shen Chen said, "We wanted to leave this memory behind, and at that time we thought that there must be a visual symbol, otherwise it only stayed at the literary and creative level, and everyone could not feel it." ”

About half a year ago, Shen Chen accidentally thought of the image of "gramophone". On the basis of the main visual image of the opening ceremony of the Winter Paralympic Games, "concentric circles", in the center of the "Bird's Nest" plus a "singing needle" stage props, the ground screen is transformed into a "phonograph" with the characteristics of playback, storage and souvenir. The "singing needle" is about 20 meters long, the director team does not use mechanical devices, in the main torch extinguishing and other performance links, the "singing needle" is promoted by the disabled and able-bodied people together, expressing the concept of disabled people walking together and moving together to the future.

"We hope to keep this warmth forever, to write down this feeling forever, so that everyone will always remember Beijing and always remember the 'City of The Two Olympics'." Shen Chen said.

The song is still not dispersed

Before the main torch is extinguished, the 13 sets of timpani drums symbolizing the 13th Winter Paralympic Games are arranged in a circular centripetal arrangement, and the powerful drums sound like the pulse of the disabled people's self-improvement. On the dial composed of timpani drums, the image of running time becomes clearer and clearer, and frames of events full of affection are instantly presented in the "phonograph".

Timpanes are the cornerstone of symphony orchestras, but are often used for background effects and to enhance rhythm. Shen Chen said that there are very few musical works played by timpani drums alone, and it is even more difficult to write works written by 13 sets of timpani drums, but also have melodies. "This time the young composer took three months to complete, reaching a relatively high level in the field of music. The sound of the timpani drum is perfectly consistent with the 'ticking' sound of the second hand, and in the process of continuous advancement and extension, I hope that everyone will remember the moment when the main torch is about to be extinguished. ”

In the melody of "Snowflakes" played by a blind girl on her violin, the main torch of "big snowflakes" in the air slowly extinguishes. At this time, the performance stopped, the "pitcher" slowly pushed out, and the record on the "phonograph" also stopped turning. "There are a few seconds of complete stillness, and we want to convey the feeling that the song is not dispersed at the end of the song and the aftersound is still lingering around the beam, so that everyone can stay in this memory." Shen Chen said.

In the romantic atmosphere, the blind children's choir continues the melody of "Snowflakes", a blind little girl holds up the bright snowflake "Tinder" in the pure ice and snow world, when the "phonograph" appears with the reflection of the snowflake blooming and the words "Beijing 2022". "This record became the classic moment of the closing ceremony of the entire Winter Paralympic Games, and also the classic moment of the final curtain of the 'City of The Two Olympics'."

The inspiration of love

This year's closing ceremony strives to combine performances and ceremonies without excessive performances. "The Inspiration of Love" is one of the few performances. Four blind singers and a blind children's choir have performed the world famous song "You Inspired Me", and behind them, there are nearly 200 deaf dancers, using sign language and arm dance to express the beautiful hopes in their hearts. Accompanied by sign language "narration", a burst of sound waves composed of particles flows on the "phonograph", and with the height of the music and the change of emotion, the warm picture of the 3D integration of the disabled is interpreted in the form of naked eyes.

"We hope to encourage the disabled and able-bodied people to jointly carry forward the spirit of self-improvement and go out of the house to exercise together." Shen Chen said that at the end of the show, each performer held a luminous device with the emblem of the Winter Paralympic Games in the palm of his hand, and when they raised their palms, the "gramophone" presented the word "LOVE" (love). "We have lit up hope at the opening ceremony, and at the closing ceremony we hope to spread love to the whole world."

In the opening "Highlight Moment" session, accompanied by the German composer Mendelssohn's "Riding on the Wings of Singing" by four harp players, the wonderful moments of the 9 days after the opening of the Winter Paralympic Games emerged in the "phonograph". Shen Chen said: "Although many disabled people are physically disabled, their hearts are flying, so we chose this song "Riding on the Wings of Song". ”

At the entrance of the delegation's flag, the "phonograph" transformed into a blue earth, and the flag bearers walked on the earth without barriers and boundaries with "Ode to Joy". Shen Chen said that in fact, they originally wanted to turn the "gramophone" into a gold medal in this link. "But then I thought that sportsmanship is not just about competing for the first place, we want to depict the concept of the world being the same, and everyone living happily on the earth, so we finally chose the earth as the main vision in the 'record'."

Four ceremonies, one snowflake

There were a total of four ceremonies at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the snowflake that ran through the beginning and end was the snowflake created by the general director Zhang Yimou. The delegation's guide signs, the costumes of the actors, the background of some performances, the main torch, etc., all have "a snowflake" running through the whole process.

"In fact, we are changing different dimensions to tell the story of this snowflake. The snowflakes of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games are romantic, the snowflakes at the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games add red passion, the snowflakes created by the opening ceremony of the Winter Paralympic Games bloom the most brilliant colors, and the snowflakes at the closing ceremony of the Winter Paralympic Games project light into people's hearts. So in the four ceremonies, the snowflakes form a complete story. Shen Chen said.

He said that the creative planning of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Paralympic Games has begun in 2020 and has gone through the revision process of dozens of drafts; In line with the principle of "simplicity, safety and excitement", the final production rehearsal time was less than two months. "All the creative teams are fully prepared for this, fighting day and night with our disabled friends, and completing the greatest moments in the shortest time."

"In fact, whether it is creative or effective, it is endless, and our descendants will create more brilliance." Shen Chen said, "However, to be able to do something for the disabled is my greater long-cherished wish." I also hope that through the successful bloom of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Paralympic Games, more people will pay attention to the disabled. ”

Editor: Liu Jiani Changjiang Image source: Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, IC photo

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