
An introduction to the Agile Enneagram Coaching Framework

author:Upfone Agile Coach Scrum

An introduction to the Agile Enneagram Coaching Framework

Original Li Guobiao Bill Li Youpufeng Digital Transformation Business Agile Innovation 2021-01-28 17:15


This article is the original article of teacher Li Guobiao, the full text is 5940 words, and it takes about 10 minutes to read.

As agile coaches and corporate advisors, we work to help organizations and organizations of all types develop agile value delivery and the ability to respond to uncertainty and change. We have found that one of the major challenges in organizational agile change is the conduct of an effective dialogue across all aspects of multi-stakeholder and the achievement of consensus. At the same time, in order to achieve better results more efficiently, we have been trying to create and find a systematic coaching framework that is in line with Agile values and ideas. In our eyes, such a framework should ideally be a meta-framework tool (Meta-Framework/Meta-Tool)

It has the following characteristics

Align with Agile values/principles

Support a self-organizing approach to leadership

Trust people and facilitate communication, consensus and synergy within and outside people and organizations

Reflects the evolution and systematic thinking of complex adaptive systems

Elastic/scalable to apply to different levels and sizes of organizations and people

Strong versatility to apply to different industry contexts and project contexts

Inspiring ideas that support coaching leadership dialogue and co-creation to explore and emerge ideas and new perceptions

Relative integrity and multiple perspectives, comprehensive coverage of multiple key management elements

No admission conditions are required, concise and easy to use

Iteratively used and supports agile co-creation thinking that is transparent, reviewed, and adjusted

The above features are also why the agile enneagram introduced and recommended below deserves everyone's attention.

In May 2020, as an academic research project involving our institution deepened, by chance, I met Process Enneagram (with an introduction to the historical development of the framework below). I also had the privilege of meeting dr. Dr. Kelly, the 85-year-old creator of the framework. Mr. Richard Knowles. After months of in-depth study, research, exploration, reflection and collision, we now name this metaframe: the Agile Enneagram Organizational Coaching Framework (hereinafter referred to as the Enneagram Framework). The frame diagram looks like this:

History of the Enneagram

An introduction to the Agile Enneagram Coaching Framework

First, let's take a look at the origins and history of this Process Enneagram enneagram enneagram. In 1916, Gurdjieff, an influential crossover philosopher and spiritual teacher in the early 20th century, showed his disciples the graphic symbol of the nine-pointed star (Gurdjieff's life: One of his most important followers, Ouspensky, reverently recorded the teacher's key teachings on the nine-pointed star symbol. Subsequently, another of Gurdjieff's students, the British philosopher and scientist John F. Kennedy, was killed in a position to learn from the british philosopher and scientist. Bennett inherited his mantle by defining and generalizing this graphic symbol as a basic practical tool for understanding the changes in various things (Bennett's life: Anthony Bennett was an important student. Blake (also a British scientist and philosopher) compiled some of Bennett's important lectures and teaching materials and published the book Enneagram Studies.

Blake was also fascinated by this graphic symbol, and conducted in-depth research and exploration thinking and application, and wrote the book "Intelligent Enneagram" (Black's life: Blake believes that the nine-pointed star pattern can be effectively applied to many fields and scenarios in the world, including science, business, art, education, faith, and so on. Later, at the level of commercial application, based on this nine-pointed star symbol, it developed two branches that were completely unrelated but were the most important branches: one was the more familiar Enneagram system; the other was Dr. The Process Enneagram created by Knowles is the prototype of the Enneagram framework I describe here. In Dr. Before Knowles became a well-known corporate consultant, he was the head of two of DuPont's major chemical production companies in the United States. He had the privilege of consulting Blake on the nine-pointed star model, using his experience and application scenarios as a corporate executive to summarize Process Enneagram and promote it through his book The Leadership Dance. Executives and consultants around the world have used this framework to apply effectively to a variety of organizational change scenarios.

In the field of agile, the author of this article, Bill Li Guobiao, was first introduced to Upfone's agile coaching services in the world, and the summary information of the enterprise case will be presented in a follow-up article.

Introduction to the nine elements of the Enneagram

(0/9): Identity Organization/Team Identity

What is people's sense of identity as a collective together? It's about a common purpose and meaning, as well as the energy of the system and the level of commitment and commitment of people. The identification of identity is also affected by the historical development of the organization and various factors.

(3): Relationship relationship/connection/cohesion

What is the psychological perceptual relationship between any organization/team, as a system of people? If the entire system is subdivided into multiple units (e.g. multiple teams, multiple departments, multiple stakeholders, etc.), what is the cooperative relationship between the units? What is the psychological perceptual relationship between you, us, them, etc.?

(6): Information flow

How do people perceive the importance of information? How does information flow and share between people and between units? What is the degree and density and temporality of sharing? How can people use information to make decisions and act collaboratively?

(1): Vision/Intention Vision and Intent

What do people want to create and achieve together? Is there a degree to which people perceive responsibility for this vision and intention, and are there differences in the system between people and specific responsibilities? What about between units?

(4): Values/Principles Values/Principles

What do people value and don't value when they interact and collaborate together? What are the main principles of macro and micro decision-making and action? What are the explicit and invisible conventions between people and between units? This is related to organizational culture and values.

(2): Challenges/Issues Challenges and Pain Points

In pursuit of visions and intentions, there are confusions, tensions, contradictions, limitations, and aspects of people and systems that people want to change or deal with properly.

(8): Context/Structure External Context/Internal Structure

The external environment, industry opportunities and related current conditions, as well as the environment and structure within the system. This may include contextual information about markets, competition, and customers, as well as internal organizational structures and workflows and related rules.

(5) :D eliverables/Work deliverables/specific tasks

What are the specific tasks of work and action to achieve the intent of the relevant strategies and visions? How do you present, manage, follow up, and feedback progress?

(7): Learning/Growth Learning/Growth

How can the people, units, and the whole collective level of the system continue to test and reflect on it to obtain the necessary new cognition and multi-dimensional improvements? How to adjust, improve and evolve the growth and precipitation of relevant experiences of systems and capabilities in order to obtain the advantages of continuous vitality and development?

In terms of framework use, the way of collective and interactive discussion workshop is preferred. Workshops are usually led by a facilitator who is very familiar with the framework. Workshops usually begin with a key open-ended question from a lofty level that is relevant to the context of the discussion. Each step of the conversation and discussion can unfold layer by layer through continuous, open-ended questions. There are several optional changes to the number of times this framework is used for different scenarios and the same case scenario, how it is used, and the order in which the 9 points are discussed. For cases that have never been discussed using this framework, because awareness of the current status of the organization/project needs to be established, it can be divided into 2 workshops. The first workshop (Status Perception) starts with "0- Organization/Team Identity" at the top of the framework and progresses clockwise to "8- External Context and Internal Structure". The second workshop (Future Expectations) first discusses the 0-3-6 green triangle (self-organizing/initiativeal leadership). Participants discussed and agreed on future expectations for the 3 elements of this triangle. The details of the changes are then discussed and co-created in the order of 1-4-2-8-5-7-1. In the process, if necessary, you can always make a back-and-forth detour between element points to embrace emergence, and to better grasp all the ideas and possibilities, and to fully polish and collide various ideas.

In addition, these 9 elements make up 3 triangles: 0-3-6 green self-organizing leadership; 1-4-7 red strategic leadership; 2-5-8 blue executive operations leadership. Workshops can also be co-created sequentially around these 3 triangles. It is then merged into a enneagram whole. Either way of discussing this, we need to embrace the philosophy of continuous improvement and evolution, and we can conduct Regular iterations of the Enneagram Workshop. For example, the frequency of the cycle of each month or quarter is operated. If combined with Agile/Scrum, you can choose to do an expanded retrospective session every Sprint, with new progress and phased implementation results data, and conduct a new Enneagram workshop at the meeting.

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