
What happened to the 4 Chinese who spent millions of dollars just for lunch with Buffett?

author:See business and society

On March 8, Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, re-entered the top five of the world's richest list. His personal wealth has increased by $7.79 billion so far this year; he fell to 11th place last October, returning to the top five this time, thanks to an increase in Berkshire Hathaway's market value, whose oil stocks have soared recently.

What happened to the 4 Chinese who spent millions of dollars just for lunch with Buffett?

Speaking of Buffett, people's first impression is the stock god, that is, the sky-high lunch. Buffett Lunch is an annual charity auction created by Buffett, the god of stocks, and the proceeds of this auction are donated to San Francisco charities to help the poor and homeless. Since its birth in 2000, it has attracted the attention of the world's major media and investors, after all, many business people want to learn some investment skills from the stock god.

Although the price is getting more expensive, there is never a shortage of bidders, in 2000, a lunch with Buffett cost $25,000, and in 2014, the price of lunch was 13.54 million yuan, and the price skyrocketed. According to the news released, three Chinese billionaires have already had lunch with the "stock god". They were Duan Yongping, Zhao Danyang and Zhu Ye. So how are they doing now?

What happened to the 4 Chinese who spent millions of dollars just for lunch with Buffett?

Duan Yongping successfully built the famous Xiaobawang game console and learning machine in his early years. In 1995, he successfully founded BBK, and in 2001, the family immigrated to the United States and retreated behind the scenes to learn stock investment. In the Internet stock market crash of that year, NetEase harvested more than 50 times the return in less than two years. The investment made him soar to become a billionaire and gave him the opportunity to have dinner with Buffett afterwards.

Later, in 2006, he spent $620,100 on Buffett's lunch on an anonymous "fast is slow" identity. He also brought six confidants, including Huang Zheng, who was managing the investment business for Duan Yongping in the United States. Perhaps it was this opportunity that allowed Huang Zheng to create "Pinduoduo" and become a billionaire.

What happened to the 4 Chinese who spent millions of dollars just for lunch with Buffett?

At that time, Buffett warned Duan Yongping, "Don't do things you don't understand, don't go short, don't borrow money!" And he also took it to heart, and never invested in an industry field that he didn't understand. Later, Duan Yongping split the three departments of BBK into BBK Education Electronics, OPPO, and vivo, and became a shareholder. OPPO and vivo sales have also soared in recent years.

According to the "5G Mobile Phone Report for the Third Quarter of 2021" released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, in the third quarter of 2021, the 5G mobile phone market shipments reached 55.64 million units. In terms of specific mobile phone brands, in the third quarter of 2021, Huawei's 5G mobile phones ranked first with a share of 30.7%, and Vivo and Oppo ranked second and third with market shares of 16.1%, 14.6% and 12.5%, respectively.

What happened to the 4 Chinese who spent millions of dollars just for lunch with Buffett?

The second person to have lunch was Zhao Danyang, who graduated from Xiamen University and was known as the "godfather of private equity". In 2003, he founded Zhixin Asset Management Co., Ltd. and in 2004, Zhixin (China) Fund Trust, which is the first trust-based private equity product. Since then, in 2008, the Shanghai Composite Index exceeded 5,000 points, and Zhao Danyang took the initiative to announce the liquidation of private equity funds and withdraw from the A-share market, thus avoiding the US subprime mortgage crisis caused by the bear market.

In 2009, he auctioned Buffett's lunch for $2.11 million, more than three times what he usually does. At the luncheon, Zhao Danyang and Buffett talked about the same stock, and surprisingly, under Buffett's attention, this stock allowed Zhao Danyang to finally successfully earn 130 million Hong Kong dollars. It was after this that Buffett formalized the rule that diners could not talk to Buffett about stocks in the future.

What happened to the 4 Chinese who spent millions of dollars just for lunch with Buffett?

Zhao Danyang did not disclose the content of the conversation with Buffett, but only said that "Buffett is my teacher", following buffett's "A Letter to Investors". In January 2014, Zhao Danyang officially launched the A-share return of two products, Pure Heart Growth and Pure Heart Value. And declared that "A shares have reached the lowest price in 20 years and will usher in a bull market" The result was also just as Zhao Danyang expected.

Zhu Ye graduated from Beijing University of Technology in 1999 and founded Beijing Tianshen Interactive Technology Co., Ltd. in 2010 to develop and operate web games. Zhu Ye has invested in the establishment of a number of Internet companies, all of which have achieved great success, and is an operational expert in the field of Internet and mobile Internet. In June 2015, Zhu Ye photographed Buffett's lunch break worth more than $2.34 million in his own name.

What happened to the 4 Chinese who spent millions of dollars just for lunch with Buffett?

After lunch with Buffett, Zhu Ye lamented in his circle of friends that "the road is simple, and you are insisting", but after communicating with Buffett, he did not become rich further. He also became the most "miserable" of the three Chinese, not only did not make money, but also carried huge debts. What's more, he was investigated for allegedly violating the law.

After December 2015, the stock price of Tianshen Entertainment continued to decline, and Zhu Ye's wealth continued to evaporate. In May 2018, it was investigated by the CSRC. In September of the same year, he resigned as chairman and general manager of Tenjin Entertainment. 98.94% of the shares were pledged and 100% of the shares were frozen by the judiciary.

What happened to the 4 Chinese who spent millions of dollars just for lunch with Buffett?

Sun Yuchen became the winner of China's fourth charity lunch auction and the world's first post-90s entrepreneur to have lunch with Buffett. However, on July 23, 2019, spending $4.56 million on 90, Sun Yuchen suddenly announced the cancellation of the luncheon with Buffett, because of the sudden kidney stone is still being treated in the hospital, this news caused quite a stir. Sun Yuchen also became the first person to "release Buffett pigeons".

In recent days, the post-90s Sun Yuchen is being investigated by relevant institutions in the United States, according to the American technology media The Verge report, Sun Yuchen company a number of former employees broke the news, Sun Yuchen organized a market making team during the tron, suspected of insider trading, evading ICO bans; suspected of fraud, money laundering through immigration or evasion of legal sanctions. Sun Yuchen may become the first rich man in China to confiscate overseas assets since the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

What happened to the 4 Chinese who spent millions of dollars just for lunch with Buffett?

For the average person, it doesn't matter if you can have lunch with Buffett, but for investors, it's a great opportunity. These 4 Chinese get different information from Buffett's lunch, and this information plays an important role for them, resulting in different levels of their careers. Some people eat the essence, while others are chicken feathers, so it seems that the value of Buffett's lunch varies from person to person! What do you think?

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