
Zelenskiy was almost overwhelmed, but at the critical moment, the United States and Poland caused "infighting"

author:A network of powerful countries

The reason why the United States and Poland will "stab" each other and engage in infighting is actually dozens of MiG-29 fighters. It is estimated that even these fighters themselves did not expect that they had actually changed from sought-after goods to "hot goods". What's going on here?

Zelenskiy was almost overwhelmed, but at the critical moment, the United States and Poland caused "infighting"

The military conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than ten days, and judging from the current war situation, Ukraine's air defense facilities have been almost completely destroyed by Russia, the Ukrainian Air Force has been almost completely destroyed, and the entire sky over Ukraine is now calculated by Russia. The Ukrainian army can only carry out a weak counterattack through individual anti-aircraft missiles provided by Western countries. In modern warfare, the loss of air supremacy means that all strategic deployments will be impossible, and they will only be in a passive situation, and may even lose the entire war. Zelenskiy, on the other hand, was overwhelmed by the loss of air supremacy, and several times proposed to the United States and NATO that they needed fighter support or for NATO to set up a no-fly zone in Ukraine.

Obviously, the move to establish a no-fly zone in Ukraine will trigger a direct conflict between NATO and Russia, unless the United States has its head caught in the door, and it is impossible for him to face Russia head-on. Giving Ukraine the fighter jets they need to fight on their own became the best option for the United States and NATO.

Zelenskiy was almost overwhelmed, but at the critical moment, the United States and Poland caused "infighting"

No, Poland and other countries happen to have a batch of MiG-29 fighters, which are very suitable for use by the Ukrainian Air Force. The United States is also very generous, saying that it will use F-16 fighters to compensate for the contribution of MiG fighters from Poland and other countries one-on-one. The fighter plane is available, but how to give it to Ukraine has become a big problem. The original plan of the United States was to let Poland give it directly to Ukraine, but Poland was not stupid enough to offend Russia at this juncture. Therefore, Poland "stabbed" the knife to the United States, proposing to send these fighters to the US military base in Germany, so that the United States could be the "great benefactor" of Ukraine and provide fighters to Ukraine.

How shrewd "businessmen" is america? Who would have been so easily fooled by Poland? The offer was rejected outright. He also said the approach was risky and could spark a conflict with Russia.

At the critical moment when Ukraine was almost unable to bear it, the United States and Poland were still "stabbing" each other, which made Zelenskiy completely impatient, urging the United States and Western countries to quickly send the plane over and stop shirking responsibility from each other. Obviously, in this case, Zelenskiy's demand may be ignored by NATO.

Zelenskiy was almost overwhelmed, but at the critical moment, the United States and Poland caused "infighting"

The MiG-29 has instantly changed from a much-needed fighter plane in Ukraine to a "hot commodity" that the United States and Poland dare not take over, exposing the dark side of the Mutual Calculation of Western countries behind the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and no one wants to touch Putin's "reverse scales" and is afraid of provoking Retaliation from Russia.

Some netizens gave the United States an idea, and there will be brave men under the heavy reward. If the United States is willing to replace these MiG-29s with F-35s, there may be a large number of countries willing to take the initiative to take over this "chore", that is, they do not know whether the United States is willing to lay down this blood cost in order to support Ukraine and Zelensky. (No defects)

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