
The confirmed case did not wear a mask and was infected by a mouthful of phlegm! Oxford University: The new crown virus may make people age 1-10 years prematurely

author:Mobile phone and news network

Recently, the epidemic situation in the mainland has occurred frequently, and the situation of prevention and control is complex and severe. The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a teleconference on 12 July, and Sun Chunlan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended and spoke at the meeting. She stressed that the strict and tight implementation of various measures for epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of no large-scale rebound of the epidemic.

A confirmed case in Xi'an was infected by a mouthful of sputum

"A confirmed case in Xi'an was infected with a mouthful of phlegm", once on the first hot search.

The confirmed case did not wear a mask and was infected by a mouthful of phlegm! Oxford University: The new crown virus may make people age 1-10 years prematurely

On March 12, Zhang Yi, a disease control expert at the Shaanxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with the first news of Shaanxi Television that Aomi Kerong is very contagious, and there have been cases in Xi'an City who have been infected because they do not wear masks when walking outdoors, and it is recommended that citizens strengthen personal protective measures and wear masks in outdoor activities.

He introduced that confirmed case B reported by Xi'an City on March 10 was found in the hospital due to fever. At first, the investigation showed that the case had no clear epidemiological history and was not on the existing chain of transmission at that time, which was a red flag, was there already community transmission in Xi'an? Disease control and public security departments at all levels carried out traceability investigations overnight, and finally made a major discovery through whole gene sequencing, point mapping, trajectory cross-comparison and viewing video surveillance!

The confirmed case did not wear a mask and was infected by a mouthful of phlegm! Oxford University: The new crown virus may make people age 1-10 years prematurely

It turned out that case B had a brief spatio-temporal intersection with confirmed case A in an outdoor public place on 6 March. Zhang Yi said: "The scene at that time was that case A spat out a mouthful of phlegm and quickly left when passing case B close, and case B did not wear a mask at that time.

One might ask, can spitting in this way cause transmission? And it's outdoors. The answer is yes, case A was confirmed on March 8, March 6 has been in the detoxification period, people cough, spit, or sneeze in the process, from the body of the spray of droplets are large and small, large particles of droplets will directly settle to the ground, and some small particles of droplets will be suspended in the air, forming an aerosol, others inhale aerosol can cause transmission. At this time, Case B did not wear a mask and was infected in this way. ”

Experts call on the masses that the currently circulating new coronavirus Omikejong strain is very contagious, even outdoors, can not guarantee absolute safety, should wear a mask. You should also pay attention not to spit on the ground, if you cough up phlegm, it is best to wrap the sputum with a tissue or handkerchief, throw it in the trash, or take it with you and wash it afterwards. When coughing and sneezing, avoid others with your head down and cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue.

The Oxford University study found that the new crown virus may accelerate brain atrophy

According to the "CCTV Finance" Weibo number, according to Reuters, a study published in the journal Nature by the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom showed that the new crown virus may cause brain atrophy.

The confirmed case did not wear a mask and was infected by a mouthful of phlegm! Oxford University: The new crown virus may make people age 1-10 years prematurely

The study reportedly involved 785 subjects, aged between 51 and 81, who were given two brain scans, with an average of 141 days apart. Of these, 401 were infected with COVID-19 during this period. The researchers found that the reduction in gray matter and tissue damage caused by the new crown virus may be greater than that of uninfected people, and between the two scans, the new crown pneumonia patients lost an additional 0.2%-2% of the brain gray matter, and the tissue in the brain area related to the sense of smell was damaged.

The confirmed case did not wear a mask and was infected by a mouthful of phlegm! Oxford University: The new crown virus may make people age 1-10 years prematurely

The study also found that some COVID-19 patients also experience conditions including attention, concentration, decreased information processing speed and memory impairment. The researchers say further investigation is needed to see if these effects can be partially reversed, or whether they will persist for a long time.

According to Red Star News, researchers from the University of Oxford estimate that the damage of the new crown to the cognitive function of the brain is equivalent to premature aging by 1 to 10 years. Especially for older infected people, the brain's ability to perform complex tasks has been further impaired by COVID-19.

The full text is synthesized from: CCTV News, Xinhua News Agency, Beijing Daily, CCTV Financial Weibo, Red Star News, etc