
The latest progress in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian side unusually began to praise Putin, and the war between the two sides is nearing the end

author:Look at the things you want to know

In the early morning of March 11, the latest news is that the war on cultural relics has been carried out for the 16th day, and as we all know, three rounds of talks have been held between the representatives of the two sides in Belarus. But all of them were substantial and did not get substantial help, and the driver gradually showed the attitude of submission of his teammates, as the soldiers progressed. There was a 180-degree shift in the attitude of the Ukrainian authorities, and the drivers sent out a series of compromise signals, first of all on the issue of joining NATO. Zelian driver said that he had not bothered about this matter for a long time, and the explanation given by Zelian driver was very interesting, trying to show that Ukraine is a country that NATO cannot climb. Driver Zelin said NATO was afraid of controversial matters, afraid of confrontation with Russia, and he did not want Ukraine to become a country on its knees begging. Zelin's expression of this is that NATO is too loose to fight with Russia, so Ukraine will not join, although it looks down on NATO on the surface. But it is actually sending a signal to Russia to try to prove that Ukraine sees through NATO and will no longer dwell on joining NATO. In fact, for this statement of zelian drivers, in fact, it is completely within our expectations, and the Ukrainian man who has painstakingly supported for more than ten days. Almost all of his family funds were taken out, but it was obvious that continuing to consume so much would not change anything at all. And it will suffer even bigger losses. Subsequently, the Russian side also sent nearly 120 tons of relief materials to Rush to Ukraine. It is clear that for the submission of the Zelian drivers, it is likely that the European conflict has come to an end. The aforementioned demeaning remarks about NATO. In fact, it is also elevating Russia, and it is obvious that zelian drivers are giving way to Russia, as if to strive for a good attitude.

The latest progress in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian side unusually began to praise Putin, and the war between the two sides is nearing the end

Deliberately belittling NATO and elevating Russia, in the final analysis, is because of passivity on the battlefield, in the case of NATO not removing troops. The defeat of Ukraine is only a matter of time, then even if the driver himself goes, he must weigh the pros and cons, in addition. Zelian drivers also touted Putin's land, Zelian drivers once again expressed their willingness to have direct dialogue with Putin, saying that Putin should know a very important thing. His strategy of preventing the pre-war devaluation of Zelian drivers in the United States and the West was already very clear, and even drivers could be brought to Poland at any time. It also made plans for the driver to be killed or captured. No matter which plan it is, it is not necessarily a good thing for the driver. The Sun has lost its life or its freedom, and the withdrawal may seem safe, but in fact it is still a puppet controlled by the West. The possibility of being wiped out by the West is not even ruled out, so the Zelian drivers now want to choose another route before the Russians enter Kiev. It is to accept Russia's conditions, so that Russia will not be difficult to blame the driver, after all, the conditions proposed by Russia are not for the responsible driver. There is also no need to change the president of Ukraine, in this case, the West has no reason to control the machine, and the joint driver himself can be the president. This is the best choice immediately, then the face driver has been mixed with Western politicians for so long, although there are not a few pounds in that circle, but it is still easy to learn bad. A typical feature of Western politicians is selfishness, and if they only consider their own interests, they can give up their national interests. What will happen to Ukraine in the future, Zelian drivers have been unable to take care of it, and it is the most important thing to be able to protect themselves. What the future holds. No one knows that what russia wants is a statement from Ukraine, as well as the issue of de-Nazismization and Crimea.

The latest progress in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian side unusually began to praise Putin, and the war between the two sides is nearing the end

If these core issues can be effectively resolved, then this conflict will also end perfectly, and there is no opportunity for conflict easing to avoid the decline of safe-haven assets. Back around 1980, the yield of 100,000 came to 1 point. The 933 index period picked up in the last trading day. But the uncertainty of repeated negotiations remained, and the bargaining price above xau1980 was solved, after the problems of Eastern Europe entered the process of resolution. There may be a sharper drawdown under the influence of interest rate hikes, and in the long run, those that have a boost to safe-haven assets will become safe-haven demand after the recession. However, curbing inflation will be suppressed on anti-inflation assets, and on the whole, it tends to be anti-inflation logic line, and under the effect of interest rate hikes, inflation decline may bring obvious suppression effects to xl. The reference position is still below 1700, and it seems that the equity market is in line with the overall judgment of last year, and there has been a significant decline in the first quarter. Current inflation issues, as well as future monetary policy, are also less optimistic in the second quarter, with commodities generally bulldozing for more than a year after inflation has soared. But be wary, inflation may have come to an end, and this year as a whole is in a combination of support and recession, although inflation may have passed a strong time. The follow-up is weak, but the rising stage of inflation still has a role in promoting the tiss of the pit mother, and after the interest rate hike cycle is opened, the finance in the secondary market. Consumption may have performed better, affected by the holidays and weighed on bonds. On the evening of March 10, the main contract of domestic futures in the morning fell sharply. No situation mitigation within the protection, three consecutive stops after the stop. c Crude oil, pta stainless steel futures fell to a halt. Gan's low-sulfur fuel oil electricity exceeded 12% asphalt fell more than 92% and the batch fell more than 7%.

The latest progress in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian side unusually began to praise Putin, and the war between the two sides is nearing the end

Respiratory methanol fell more than 6% B-2 pure fell more than 5% Short-term polypropylene power fell more than 4% in this phase. In terms of gains, glass rose more than four-tenths of soda ash rose more than three-tenths of palms rose more than two-tenths of the news. According to the Associated Press, the Iraqi minister said that if OPEC plus requires, Iraq can increase production, and the UAE also said that it urged OPEC to increase production faster. Some media analysis said that under the addition of multiple negative factors, the international oil price that continues to soar has stepped on the brakes, Guotai Junan Futures believes. The recent pessimistic correction in demand and the sharp strengthening of the dollar index triggered a sharp correction in oil prices, after rising to highs. The bulls in the absence of crude oil liquidity in the inner and outer sessions have exacerbated the volatility of oil prices, but considering that OPEC is still maintaining its original production increase plan. It will take time for Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and other crude oil to accelerate their return to the outside world, and in the case of no significant improvement in Russian crude oil exports. The global crude oil market cannot be bridged by the huge supply gap caused by the conflict between the amount of goods, so we believe that the oil sector should not chase shorts. After the recent short-term topping, the fluctuations between aluminum goods have gradually converged, and the future is seeking an upward breakthrough, in addition, according to the new news agency. In the negotiations, investors need to focus on the resistance 2000 mark rebound, the first resistance tested in the early morning. However, it has not been able to break through its key resistance since 2020, and further will continue to look at the 2052060 limit resistance level. The support level focuses on the 19754 hourly trend, and the decline induced by the closing of the key support 1950 mid-line trend may be repeated. Investors need to be prepared for a sudden burst of news, Presidential News affiliate Peskov said on the evening of March 10. The Ukrainian side has repeatedly proposed that Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Ukrainian President hold direct talks with the driver, and the foreign ministers of the two sides are now discussing the issue.

The latest progress in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian side unusually began to praise Putin, and the war between the two sides is nearing the end

Negotiations between Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba ended in Antalya and lasted about an hour and a half. The Ukrainian foreign minister said that in the meeting with Lavrov, the issue of opening humanitarian corridors and the mechanism for stopping results was discussed. But the two sides have yet to reach an agreement on what they have heard.