
How many years can a heart stent live in a few tens of thousands of pieces of surgery? Blocked again, is there any salvation

author:Doctor Yuan talks about science

Speaking of cardiac stents, everyone may be familiar with it, it is the most common medical device in cardiac interventional surgery, is a treatment method for coronary heart disease, through the intervention of the stent to the narrow part of the heart vessels, and then the narrow part is opened, with the effect of unclogging the arterial blood vessels, also known as coronary stents.

In the 1980s, cardiac stents were invented in the history of medicine,

The original stent was a metal structure, and as medical technology continued to evolve into a drug coating, bioresorbable stents were subsequently developed.

The emergence of cardiac stents is called the gospel of coronary heart disease patients, and its clinical application is also relatively extensive, but in recent years, there has been a lot of controversy about cardiac stents, and some people think that the installation of cardiac stents costs tens of thousands of yuan, and feels that there is no need.

However, some people think that cardiac stents can save patients' lives, so is it good or bad? Today, I will introduce you to heart stent surgery in detail.

How many years can a heart stent live in a few tens of thousands of pieces of surgery? Blocked again, is there any salvation

Let's take a look at what happens and need to install a cardiac stent

First, acute myocardial infarction: due to the sudden occlusion of blood vessels, it is easy to endanger life, so it is necessary to immediately open blood vessels for cardiac stent surgery, if you do not open blood vessels in time, there will be life-threatening, so stent surgery is life-saving at this time.

Second, drug uncontrollable angina: if you have angina, with a variety of drugs to treat coronary heart disease is still unable to control the disease, do not use stents, quality of life will not be guaranteed, on the one hand, repeated attacks, on the one hand, there is a risk of myocardial infarction, so from this level, cardiac stent surgery can effectively improve the quality of life.

Third: severe coronary stenosis: If there is a severe coronary stenosis, heart stent surgery cannot be performed in time, the risk is very large, and even there is a possibility of occlusion at any time, which will eventually endanger life.

How many years can a heart stent live in a few tens of thousands of pieces of surgery? Blocked again, is there any salvation

How many years can a heart stent live in a few tens of thousands of pieces of surgery?

Clinically, there are many cases in which patients are still alive after doing cardiac stents, so many people are worried that spending tens of thousands of dollars into cardiac stents will shorten their life, which is too much to lose.

In fact, most people after doing stent surgery will not affect their natural life, and even to a certain extent can prolong life, for patients with severe narrowing of blood vessels, drugs can not solve, cardiac stent is undoubtedly a "life-saving straw".

However, the installation of heart stents is a surgery after all, since it is surgery, there will be certain risks, and the amount of risk depends on the patient's condition.

If it is an acute myocardial infarction itself is a major disease, myocardial necrosis is too much, heart failure is serious, shock symptoms appear, if you put in the nails, there is a possibility of survival, but without stents, the probability of life is almost 0.

In general, the installation of cardiac stents can improve the quality of life and prolong life in most cases, but it is not a lifeline, just a treatment method, and it must not be "deified".

How many years can a heart stent live in a few tens of thousands of pieces of surgery? Blocked again, is there any salvation

A heart stent is installed, and if it is blocked again, is there any salvation?

If the cardiac stent is installed and the blockage occurs again, the corresponding treatment needs to be selected according to the severity of the re-blockage, if the blockage is mild, interventional treatment or drug therapy can be used, and if the situation is more severe, the patient is accompanied by significant chest pain and chest tightness and other symptoms, coronary bypass surgery can be considered.

Coronary bypass is a kind of happy surgery, which can improve the blood supply and oxygen supply to the patient's heart muscle and ensure the stability of the new function, but the operation has certain risks, and it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the patient's overall condition and cardiac function coronary artery lesions, and then determine the treatment plan.

How many years can a heart stent live in a few tens of thousands of pieces of surgery? Blocked again, is there any salvation

What to look out for when a cardiac stent is installed

1. Patients in the first year of cardiac stent installation need to take dual antiplatelet drugs to strengthen antithrombotic therapy, but also to take drugs for the treatment of coronary heart disease for a long time to control the development of atherosclerosis.

2. Patients who have been placed stents need to meet with the doctor regularly at the hospital, and the doctor will adjust the drug according to the patient's situation, and will guide the patient on the matters that need to be paid attention to in the next step of treatment.

3. To achieve lifestyle improvement, mainly including diet, exercise, after the stent to carry out a low-salt, low-fat diet, while the stent recommended patients to have a certain amount of exercise.