
In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

author:Historically realistic

In the summer of 1924, a Russian named Bollenski arrived at the Polish army garrison and revealed a shocking secret:

Deep in the mountains of Brest, a major Polish military town, there is an extremely secret underground munitions warehouse filled with weapons, ammunition and other munitions.

He said it was during World War I, when the Russian army fought with the Germans and was left behind when they retreated.

Porronsky was a Russian major at the time, and he was involved in the construction of the tunnel warehouse.

He also said that during the retreat, he had ordered the outlet of the warehouse to be blown up. Therefore, not many people know this secret.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

The commander of the Polish army was overjoyed, and the place was not far from the garrison, and immediately took people to discover the treasure.

The Russian Porlenski took a group of Polish soldiers to the outskirts in search of the "treasure" . Since many years had passed and there were no special signs, and it was very difficult to find, the Polish soldiers, discouraged, said to Porlenski: "Are you sure?" Don't be happy with us. ”

Polensky affirmed: "There is no doubt about it. ”

He persevered and continued to search one foot deep and one foot shallow in the mountain pass. A few hours later, in a remote mountain pass, a pile of rocks was finally found.

Polensky pointed to the pile of rocks and said excitedly, "Right here." The Polish soldiers were also energized when they heard this, and began to dig with the sapper shovels in their hands. They worked day and night, but they never found what the Russians called a tunnel.

After five days of digging, they were discouraged and began to wonder again if there was something wrong with the Russian man's brain. Just as they were about to give up, a Polish soldier exclaimed, "Look, what's that?" ”

In front of their eyes, there were neatly stacked stones.

Porrensky could not hide his excitement and shouted, "Yes, this is it, these stones are the vaults of the tunnel!" ”

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

Upon hearing this, the Polish soldiers were greatly encouraged, and they immediately shook their fists and continued to work hard to excavate. They were full of energy, and with only a bag of cigarettes, the right side of the tunnel was penetrated.

As the stones fell, a large opening appeared in their sight, and a cloudy gas gushed out of the tunnel, choking people straight back.

But at the same time, a loud roar sounded from the depths of the tunnel.

The sound was extremely maddening, resembling the roar of a beast in the forest as it descended the mountain to pounce on its prey. Despite the daytime, the Polish soldiers present were horrified: how could there be a roar in this blockaded tunnel, and whether it was a ghost or a man inside?

For a moment, the soldiers looked at each other like wooden chickens.

Seeing this, a major had no choice but to stiffen his scalp and walk into the tunnel with a torch held high.

The soldiers, not to be outdone, followed him with rifles in hand and marched forward.

When they stepped out of the tunnel tens of meters away, another roar sounded in the tunnel.

This time, the Polish soldiers heard clearly, it was not the sound of a beast, nor the sound of a ghost, but a sentence in Russian.

A Polish soldier named Khubar said: "He spoke in Russian: 'Who, do not move!' ’”

The major waved his hand and motioned for Hubar to come forward to communicate.

Khubar shouted inside, "We are Polish soldiers, here on a mission." ”

A voice sounded from inside: "Stay where you are, send someone over and check your passes." ”

"Pass? Who issues the pass? Hubar said.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

"A pass issued by the Quartermaster Office of the 169th Division of the Russian Tsarist Forces." Another voice sounded in the distance.

Khubar said, "Dude, the Russian Empire is no longer there, and the Tsar's family has long since been executed. ”

Hearing this, the person who made the sound was obviously stunned and was silent for a long time. After about ten seconds, the man spoke again: "I am a warrior of the Tsar, and it is my duty to obey orders, and no one can enter without a pass!" ”

"Otherwise, don't blame me for not being polite!" The words did not fall, only to hear a "whoosh" sound, he pulled the bolt of the gun.

The Polish major was terrified when he saw it, the other side was in the dark, he was in the light, and if he went forward, there would definitely be casualties.

So he ordered him to stop where he was and send Khubar outside the tunnel to ask the Russian officer Porlensky for clarification.

Pollensky's mouth opened wide when he heard Hubal's narration, and his eyes stared like brass bells: "Impossible, nine years have passed, even if someone has become a white bone, you must have seen the devil." ”

"Don't believe it, go in and see for yourself." Hubar involuntarily pushed him into the tunnel.

Polensky boldly walked to the front of the line, and a russian phrase rang out again: "Who?" Hold it! ”

Hearing the familiar Russian language, Porrensky's nervousness eased much, and he took the torch and took two steps forward, and found a guard post in front of him, and a soldier stood at the entrance of the guard post.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

The soldiers were wearing the costumes of the Russian army.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand something.

So he said in a loud voice, "Which one are you, I am Vasily. Major Porlensky. ”

The soldier at the guard pavilion listened, brushed the ground and stood upright, and raised the five fingers of his right hand together above his head, and came to a standard military salute, and said: "Report major, the superior soldier Ashalyov is on duty here, listening to your orders." ”

"Ashalyov?" Porrensky searched hard for the memory, but could not remember it for a moment.

Bollensky slowly stepped forward, and with the help of the light of the torch, he saw Ashalyov's true face.

The Asharev in front of him had a beard that covered a third of his face, and his gray hair was already waist-high, messy like a bird's nest.

After so many years of not seeing the sun, his face was as pale as snow, covered with dust, and anyone who saw it would get goosebumps.

In stark contrast, the gun in his hand was shiny and shiny, as black as new, and his military uniform was also very straight.

After some explanation, she obediently lowered her arms, was blindfolded, and walked outside the tunnel under the guidance of polish soldiers. The reason why he was blindfolded was not because of anything else, but because he was worried that he had been living in the dark for a long time, and his eyes could not stand the stimulation of light, and he might suddenly become blind.

After seeing Asharev leave, Bollensky fell into deep thought, trying to recall, unable to remember where this Asharev was.

Ashalyov, on the other hand, still remembers the scene of that year.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

In the summer of 1915, when World War I entered a stalemate, the German army suddenly launched a powerful offensive on the Polish front, and the Russian army was defenseless and defeated.

Morale was high, the Germans pursued them victoriously, and quickly approached Brest, the last stronghold in Poland.

The fortress was garrisoned by the 169th Division of the Russian Royal Army, and in the face of the German offensive, all the officers and men were very afraid, but the superior soldier Assarev was different and had a happy face.

Of course, there was a reason why he was so happy, because his girlfriend Natasha had just written to say that her parents had agreed to their marriage, prepared a dowry for her, and only when the war was over, they would hold a wedding for them.

Ashalyov and Natasha are in the same village, the two are young and bamboo horses, the two are unsuspecting, and they are in agreement, but the other parents do not agree and obstruct in every way. Now that they have finally agreed to their daughter's marriage and decided to hold a wedding for them, is there anything more gratifying than that?

Therefore, with Natasha's letter, Asharev loved it, watching it in the sun during the day, under the oil lamp at night, turning on the flashlight after turning off the lights and watching it in the bed.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

The boss was happy to learn of Asharev's heart. In order not to cause him an accident, he was specially transferred from the Brest fortress here a month ago to guard the quartermaster warehouse.

This warehouse is very secluded, in the mountains of stacked mountains, which is much safer than the fortress.

Asharev was also very satisfied with this, and while being loyal to his duties, guarding the warehouse, he took out his fiancée's letter and read it over and over again.

This morning, Assarev walked into the tunnel as usual, completed the handover with his comrades-in-arms, and read Natasha's letters hungrily.

He didn't know that at this time the danger was coming towards him step by step.

It turned out that with the defeat of the battlefield, the Russian army had to carry out a strategic retreat, and before the retreat, the munitions in the warehouse were too late to take away, and the superiors decided to blow it up.

Boxes of explosives were piled up at the mouth of the tunnel, and Asharev was completely unaware of this. And his superior, the major, was also negligent for a moment and forgot about his existence.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

With an earth-shaking noise, the tunnel entrance was blocked, and Assharov, who was immersed in the illusion of happiness, was thrown to the ground by the air waves, and his head hit the cement wall of the guard post hard, losing consciousness.

Since then, Asharev has been forgotten by his comrades-in-arms and began a life of isolation.

I don't know how long I was unconscious, but Ashalyov woke up. With only being stunned and uninjured, Asharev quickly regained his strength.

The kerosene lamps in the cave were all extinguished by the air waves, and the tunnel was pitch black. Struggling to get up, Asharev found a lighter from the corner of the post and lit the oil lamp in the tunnel.

At this time, his first wish was to get out of the tunnel and get out of danger.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

However, on the way to the mouth of the tunnel, there was rubble and dirt everywhere. According to Asharev's observations, it is at least tens of meters away. The accumulation of soil and stones is no less than a few hundred tons.

At first, he was full of confidence and kept pulling the earth and stones to both sides with his bare hands. A few days later, he was disappointed, because there were too many earth and stones, the pile was very high, and he had tried in vain.

Although his fingers were worn and his blood was direct, it took several hours to pull out a passage, and the earth and stones from other places would flock to fill the "vacuum", and the gap would be re-buried in an instant.

He cried out like crazy, but there was no response.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

Asharev's situation really corresponds to the Chinese saying: the heavens should not be called, and the earth is not spirited.

After a struggle, he had to accept the reality that he was buried in a tunnel, and although he didn't know why yet, he could never see any hope of getting out on his own.

At first, Ashalyov had a glimmer of hope that his comrades would soon learn of what had happened to him and come to his rescue. However, as time passed, Asharev became utterly desperate, and he knew that there was only one way for him to wait, and that was to die silently inside.

As a seven-foot boy, instead of lingering and dying, it is better to simply and happily.

So he found a pistol from the ammunition box, opened the safe, and held the muzzle of the gun against his chest. Just as the trigger was being pulled, something fell out of his pocket.

With the help of the light, he saw clearly that it was Natasha's letter.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

Asharev hurriedly threw down the gun in his hand, leaned over to pick up the letter, and began to read it in the palm of his hand again.

That letter gave Asharev tremendous energy.

"I can't die, I have to live, I'm dead, what about Natasha?"

After establishing the confidence to live, it is how to overcome difficulties and persevere.

Although I lost contact with the outside world, it was not difficult to survive.

Don't forget, this is a munitions warehouse, in addition to weapons and ammunition, human survival needs everything, almost everything. Needless to say, biscuits and fried noodles, as well as a variety of canned foods.

This munitions warehouse was originally supplied by thousands of troops and horses, but if Asarev were to enjoy it alone, it would naturally be consumed in ten years and eight years.

The fly in the ointment, and the most critical, is that there is no water in the tunnel.

Because the comrades-in-arms were rotated, the water stored in the guard post could only be drunk for a day or two, and even if it was saved, there was little left after drinking for a week.

Water is the source of life, without water, no matter how much food is in vain, you will eventually be thirsty to death and become a dry corpse.

Assarev was on duty here for a month, and he recalled that the air here was not dry, and he judged that there must be water in the tunnel.

He searched relentlessly, and finally at the bottom of the tunnel, found some water oozing from the cracks in the stone, ticking down.

Although the amount of water is pitifully small, it is more than enough for one person to drink.

With inexhaustible food and inexhaustible mountain springs, survival is not a problem, but the next difficulty is equally serious, that is, loneliness.

Scientific research has found that a person in isolation only needs three months to develop depression or become crazy.

Even if the psychological quality is strong, it is difficult to survive for a year.

In other words, loneliness is as unbearable as loneliness and death.

Not only that, people who are alone for a long time will also lose the ability to express themselves.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

In order to overcome loneliness, Asharev took out the killer weapon, Natasha's letter.

He began to read it over and over again every day, and then learned to recite it. After memorizing, I began to read backwards, and after reading backwards, I recited them backwards, and I really did the backwards like a stream.

Natasha's letter became a panacea that made him forget loneliness and overcome fear.

In order not to lose his linguistic function, he began to fantasize about living with Natasha.

He plays the roles of himself and Natasha alone, expressing love for each other and telling each other about their thoughts. Later, he fantasized that the two were married, had children together, exchanged feelings together, and even imitated the scene of the two arguing together.

In this way, loneliness becomes fun, and happiness overcomes fear.

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

People who have been alone for a long time, after relaxing their standard of living, will also be slow in various behaviors and their functions will be degraded.

As far as possible in the barracks, Assharev arranged his life reasonably, and formulated a schedule for work and rest, when to practice, when to stand guard, when to rest, when to eat, all with a fixed time.

In this way, With amazing perseverance, Asharev unbelievably survived for nine years in isolation and created a miracle on earth.

If there is any supernatural power, it is "love".

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

After listening to Asharev's story, the Polish soldiers present were full of admiration.

Poland and Russia are old enemies, russia has divided Poland three times in history, and after the establishment of the Soviet Union, the two countries have fought a big battle, so the two countries have a bloody feud and do not share the sky.

However, they were still touched by Asharev's amazing perseverance and admired his professionalism. Porensky burst into tears and murmured, "At that time, the order to blow up the tunnel was given by me, and it was all my dereliction of duty that made you suffer so much." ”

But Asharev smiled and bowed his head shyly like a girl: "Okay boss, now I don't want anything, I just want to see Natasha!" ”

In 1924, Poland excavated a secret warehouse and found a Tsarist Soldier who had been buried alive for 9 years

Assharev's deeds also touched the Polish authorities, who specially sent a military vehicle to the station like a hero.

In the admiring eyes of everyone, Asarev stepped onto the train back to China.

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