
Li Songfu: The road to rights protection is not old "loose"

author:Red Net

China Consumer Daily Yu Zhidu reported

Some people say that he is stubborn, as a staff member of the association, the arm should not be turned outward, and when dealing with consumer disputes, more consideration should be given to the interests of members. But he said that he was from the military and could not rub sand in his eyes. As a full-time secretary-general, his heart has no distinction between inside and outside, only who is right and who is wrong, the right must be supported, the wrong must be corrected, and he has the obligation and responsibility to seek justice for consumers in a vulnerable position.

His family advised him not to do it, the person who was in the age of hua jia, his health was not very good, and he should go home and tease Sun An to enjoy his old age. And he said that people live to be happy, and whenever he sees consumers rushing forward with anger and returning happily after his efforts, he is particularly happy. Moreover, I have been dealing with consumers in the decoration industry for many years, and I am full of feelings for this industry and consumers, and I can't give up this feeling.

That's what he said, that's what he did, and it was 12 years. After so many years, the people who said that he was stubborn gradually understood him, and the family who advised him not to do it silently supported him. He is Li Songfu, secretary general of the Decoration and Decoration Association of Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, an ageless "pine" who is obsessed with walking on the road of consumer rights protection.

Li Songfu: The road to rights protection is not old "loose"

Study diligently and enrich your experience in rights protection

The bookcase in Li Songfu's office is filled with all kinds of books, and among these books, the number of consumer rights protection is the largest. "The knowledge of consumer rights protection is changing with each passing day, and new situations and new problems in the field of consumer rights protection are constantly emerging, so we must keep pace with the times and strengthen learning, and if we do not learn new knowledge, we will be left behind." Li Songfu said that in the process of learning the new Consumption Law, he learned that the inversion of the burden of proof applies to decoration and decoration services, so in the decoration and decoration consumer disputes he handled, as long as it was within a six-month time frame, he would change the previous inertia of "who advocates who proves", make full use of the provision of reversing the burden of proof, let the operator bear the burden of proof, and repeatedly successfully defend the rights of consumers.

Rights protection requires proficiency in the law, for his beloved consumer rights protection cause, Li Songfu has full of affection, insists on learning, and strives to master new consumer rights protection laws and regulations and effective ways to solve new problems in consumer rights protection. The reasons for some decoration and decoration consumer disputes are complex, which adds a lot of difficulty to the resolution of consumer disputes. To this end, Li Songfu insisted on practicing while studying, and when there was a problem, he asked the comrades of the Consumer Protection Commission for advice. Kung Fu pays off, these years, the military he has relied on a tenacity in the middle of the school, in the school, proficient in consumer rights protection legal knowledge and mediation skills, from a mediation "layman" to the decoration industry "mediation pass".

"I'm a full-time secretary general and I don't have a decoration business myself, but I have to be familiar with the industry." In order to be more conducive to resolving consumer disputes, Li Songfu delved into the knowledge of consumer rights protection, and went deep into the member units to understand every link and every process of decoration and decoration, as small as the price of a tile. "Knowing this is to better protect the rights and interests of consumers." Li Songfu said. Nowadays, many consumers who need to be renovated will call him to consult him, he will patiently answer, according to the situation of consumers to put forward material selection suggestions, tell how to sign a decoration contract, what problems need to be paid attention to in the decoration process...

Establish rules and strengthen industry self-discipline

People who are familiar with Li Songfu know that he is a person who talks about rules. 12 years ago, he retired from the enterprise, at the job fair site, the president of the association Zhang Erjie in the conversation with him, it is Li Songfu is a person who pays attention to the rules, and gladly hired him as the secretary general of the association.

At various meetings of industry associations, Li Songfu often told the owners of decoration and decoration companies that there are many social responsibilities of enterprises, but protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers is the highest realm for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities. He often warned business owners that the market economy is the sovereign economy of consumers, and whoever attaches importance to consumer rights will win the consumer, and whoever wins the consumer will eventually win the market.

In recent years, affected by the epidemic, there has been a phenomenon of "running away" in the industry, Li Songfu looks in the eyes, anxious in his heart, has been thinking hard about the industry standards and good policies, he took the initiative to contact the Zhangjiajie Municipal Consumer Protection Commission, in-depth publicity and launch, organized members to carry out "cohesion of you and me to make home decoration warmer" symposium, to help member units establish the concept of integrity management, get rich according to law, and form the "Zhangjiajie Decoration Industry Self-Discipline Convention". At the same time, he hit the iron while it was hot, promoted the construction of self-discipline norms widely in the industry, and the member units responded positively and consciously signed the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Self-Discipline Convention of the Decoration and Decoration Industry in Zhangjiajie City", thus prompting some bad practices to be quickly curbed and the industry to achieve standardized and orderly development.

In order to enhance the awareness of the majority of decoration and decoration industry to safeguard the rights and interests of consumers, he actively organized operations and hired professionals to train the heads of member units in consumer rights protection knowledge and complaint handling. Under his active advocacy, the city's decoration industry has consciously safeguarded the awareness of consumer rights and interests.

Do not protect the short and deal with complaints seriously

Consumer rights protection is no small matter. Li Songfu often tells colleagues that no matter how big he is, it is a small thing, and no matter how small the consumer is, it is a big thing. When encountering consumer complaints, he always deals with them at the first time and never favors member units. In response to complaints from consumers in the process of house decoration due to environmental protection standards of decorative materials, unqualified quality of decoration projects, kitchen or toilet leakage, etc., he actively led the organization of relevant technical personnel, careful inspection, repeated mediation, until consumer satisfaction.

In mid-August 2021, Li Songfu was admitted to the hospital with a gallstone attack, lying on the hospital bed, he received a consumer complaint from the Shanshui Impression Community in the urban area, reflecting that the toilet leaked after the decoration company's home decoration, resulting in the downstairs resident's bedroom and living room roof being damaged by water soaking, contacting the decoration company to deal with it, the decoration company ignored it, directly leading to the intensification of the contradiction between the upstairs and downstairs neighborhoods.

Thinking of the possible radical behavior between consumers in the neighborhood, Li Songfu did not listen to the family's dissuasion, pulled out the needle in his hand without saying anything, quickly contacted the decoration company to arrive at the scene to check, lay out the facts, reason, fair and just mediation, in the end, the three parties accepted his mediation suggestions, the decoration company repaired the toilet water leakage problem in time, and was responsible for all the damaged owners downstairs. Knowing that Li Songfu, who had a haggard face, came to the scene from the hospital bed to deal with complaints, consumers were moved to tears.

The list goes on and on. Colleague Li Murong said that Li Songfu has consumers in his heart, he treats consumers as relatives, takes consumer rights protection as a career, and handles 155 consumer complaints in 2021 alone, recovering 1.28 million yuan in economic losses for consumers.

Without a cold bone, how to get plum blossoms. In recent years, with his unparalleled love and dedication to the cause of consumer rights protection, Li Songfu has been awarded the honorary titles of "Zhangjiajie Advanced Individual in Consumer Rights Protection" and "2020 Hunan Consumer Rights Protection Person of the Year (Nomination)"; he was also rated as "Excellent Secretary-General" by hunan federation of industry and commerce, and "most beautiful society worker" by Hunan Provincial Association for Science and Technology.

Mordaunt Sang Yu evening, for Xia still full of heaven. Today, the 59-year-old Li Songfu is still full of passion, like an immortal pine standing in the Scenic Area of Zhangjiajie, blooming happily on the road of consumer rights protection and moving forward with determination.