
Potential changes to Sakura


Deep in the mountains of western Hunan Province, there is a small mountain village with less than seventy families. In the middle of Zhuangzi is a fertile countryside, surrounded by rolling mountains full of cherries. Therefore, the predecessors named the village Sakura Village.

Cherry blossoms are as white as snow and are the first flowers to bloom in spring.

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When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, a tree of cherry blossoms dots the mountains, like a cloud of unmelted snow. At this time, the villa is like a beautiful garden.

Sakura village is the place where I was born and raised, and countless potential changes have cast a mysterious veil like Xiangxi.

As soon as you step into the cherry blossom village, you will be greeted by a piece of trimmed ziwei.

This is a flower sapling bred by one of the bosses of the village and has been in business for several years. He engaged in this project, so that he became rich first in the village, and more gratifyingly, he also built a beautiful bungalow for poor households.

There are so few people in Sakura Village that it is difficult to get rid of poverty by farming alone, so almost all young people go out to work. Part-time work is more cost-effective than farming, and it is easy to get out of poverty. The villagers who have been lifted out of poverty have moved to the city, and the old houses in the villages have now become their own villas. Farmers like this are approaching thirty in the whole village.

Potential changes to Sakura

The owner of this villa, who has settled in the state capital, opened a supermarket in the city and became the owner.

In the past, the whole village of people and livestock drank water, all relying on a well, and in the dry season, they had to queue up to fetch water.

Potential changes to Sakura
Potential changes to Sakura

In 2018, the state spent millions of dollars to dig holes in the mountains to divert water, successfully solving the problem of drinking water for people and livestock in the whole village. Today, every household has access to piped water.

The list of potential changes in Sakura is endless. This and that change all depend on the party's policy of enriching the people. I love Sakura, I love the changes in Sakura, and I love the party's policy of enriching the people.