
I teach my son to fall in love

author:Oriental fat 9156503758932
I teach my son to fall in love

In this willow bud yellow, flowers in the soft wind of March, hiding in the puffed willow bud shell to talk about love, it should be a very romantic thing, but many boys face the buds full of branches and dew, do not know how to confess, my son is also such a stupid big boy, helpless, Lao Tzu had to go to the battlefield to teach my son, can not live up to this good time, miss the wonderful love of my son, in short, the epidemic home is idle, nothing to knock and knock.

Boys find it difficult to find a partner there are many factors, in the final analysis or the boy's own problems, as the saying goes, playing iron also needs to be hard, today the old fat will try to teach by example, pass on to him four secrets of love:

First, thick This thickness is thick skin, boys in love to face thick, to be brave, dare to pursue, dare to confess, a hundred refusals, then you find that thick face and persistence are actually synonymous. If your money is not thick, your diploma is not thick, and your face is not thick, why should a girl marry you?

Second, humor This is a panacea, the humorous boy itself is likable, humor is the most gentle weapon when in love, is The mysterious hidden weapon that Li Xunhuan hides in the sleeve, so that the girl unconsciously hits your trick. If you don't understand humor with girls as much as possible to make words as easy as possible, humor itself is also the embodiment of a person's quality, no girl is willing to listen to your serious report during love.

Third, generous During the love period, boys must bring money, whether it is turning the street, eating snacks, or watching movies, you must take the initiative to pay, and the action should be fast, do not let people pay for half a day, you have not taken it out, you are going home to eat half a month instant noodles at this time can not be so choppy, especially when your girlfriend and companions, you must be more generous, give her face, in short, with girls, pay for a word: slip.

Fourth, the last trick, one word: bad (use with caution). Men are not bad, women are not loved. Just like Sun Honglei, his small eyes squint, bad look, everyone knows that he wants to make bad, but everyone can't refuse his bad look, the little bad in love is the glue, is flirting, is the method of quickly entering the emotion, in fact, this trick can not be used unless you have to, if your level is low, grasp the fire, not only will the chicken fly eggs, but also hurt themselves, so I especially remind the boy when you are not deep in your skills must be used carefully.

Any exquisite trick must have a certain cultivation foundation to play an excellent effect, and shallow people can only paint the gourd according to the gourd. Therefore, cultural accomplishment, quality cultivation, and ability are the basic qualities of boys, and if the foundation is too poor, what secrets are useless. This is the secret of the Oriental family, for the sake of the world, in order to actively cooperate with the mainland two-child policy, on behalf of the Oriental family, I decided to selflessly dedicate it and share it with marriageable young people!

Finally, I would like to state that if you are the second generation of officials, the second generation of the rich do not need to learn, because you can eat everything just by fighting daddy! (Netmap intrusion and deletion)

I teach my son to fall in love
I teach my son to fall in love
I teach my son to fall in love
I teach my son to fall in love
I teach my son to fall in love
I teach my son to fall in love