
The Russo-Ukrainian War confirmed Chairman Mao's far-sightedness

author:Xiao Xiao zheng language
The Russo-Ukrainian War confirmed Chairman Mao's far-sightedness

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe in terms of land area, known as the "granary of Europe", and inherits the heavy industrial heritage of the Soviet Union. If we get it now, we can completely sit on an equal footing with the nuclear powers such as the United States and Russia. Unfortunately, Ukraine believed in the foolishness of others, destroyed all its nuclear weapons, and turned out to be a lamb to be slaughtered whose fate was completely in the hands of others.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the United States, as the victor, took advantage of the victory to pursue, and constantly attacked the city in Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa and other places to expand the fruits of victory. From the beginning of the Gulf War in 1992, to the dismemberment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and in recent years, the "color revolutions" in the Middle East and Central Asia have basically turned the "middle ground" that was originally contested with the Soviet Union into its own territory.

Ukraine is Russia's "lifeblood", Crimea is Russia's throat facing the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, and the Ukrainian border is only 400 kilometers from Moscow, and it is basically a horse. Ukraine is more important to Russia than North Korea is to China. This has pushed Russia into a dead end.

And Ukraine, after the outbreak of the color revolution in 2014, the original regime was overthrown, the puppet regime supported by the United States came to power, and since then, Ukraine has become a pawn of the United States, running all the way on the road to death. Caught in an irreversible tragic fate. This is the root cause of the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War.

After the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, NATO and EU countries led by the United States have adopted tough sanctions against Russia. This is the fundamental reason why Putin is determined to fight to the end.

The current situation in Russia is very similar to that in China. At that time, Because of Chairman Mao's strategizing, China quickly got rid of the Blockade and Sanctions of the West and successfully opened up a stable situation of peaceful development of the country. Here we will give only two examples to see Chairman Mao's far-sightedness.

The Russo-Ukrainian War confirmed Chairman Mao's far-sightedness


On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was officially established. However, in 1950, the United States took advantage of the Soviet Union's mistakes in the United Nations General Assembly, and the United States manipulated the formation of the "United Nations Army" and launched a large-scale war of aggression against Korea, which burned directly to the Yalu River and targeted the new Red regime in China. At the same time, there are crazy sanctions against China.

In 1950, immediately after the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States revoked all licenses for exports to China, imposed a comprehensive material embargo on Chinese mainland, and implemented a stricter licensing review system for Hong Kong and Macao.

According to relevant information, all the materials needed by the volunteer soldiers are not allowed to be transported to China. At the same time, at the end of 1950, the United States also announced that under the Trade with Enemy Countries Act, all Chinese assets in the United States would be frozen, amounting to more than $420 billion (note that it cannot be measured by today's digital scale). Moreover, all imports from China and vessels registered in the United States are prohibited from sailing to Chinese ports.

On May 18, 1951, at the proposal of the United States, despite the refusal of five countries to participate in the vote and the abstention of eight countries, the United Nations still adopted a proposal proposing that all member states impose an embargo on arms, strategic materials, oil and all other materials of strategic value on China. By June 1951, 43 countries had implemented the resolution and participated in the embargo against China. By 1953, it had reached 45 countries.

From a set of Western trade data, the total value of goods imported from the West into China was $432 million in 1951, fell to $275 million in 1952, and has declined year by year since. At that time, the mainland's light industry was still very underdeveloped, so many ordinary people were extremely short of necessities for daily life.

1950年,美国发动了大规模的侵略朝鲜的战争,毛主席在前苏联犹豫迟疑,国内高层意见分歧的情况下,明确表示“打‬得‬一‬拳‬开,免得‬二拳‬来”,毛‬主席‬力排众议‬,断然出兵抗击美国联军。 Moreover, in the case of a huge disparity in weapons and equipment and military strength, a precedent of one country defeating the world's combined powerful forces alone has created a great miracle in the history of human warfare.

The victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is of extremely far-reaching historical significance and influence. This war has brought out our national prestige, our military prestige, and greatly increased the prestige and ambition of the Chinese people, laying a foundation for China's peaceful development. This war has made the world know China, and even more so that the United States can understand China and fear China.

面对美国的威胁,毛主席做出了强硬的回应:“时间‬要‬打‬多‬久‬,我想‬我们‬不要‬决定‬,过去‬是由‬杜鲁门‬,以后‬由‬艾森豪威尔‬,或者‬美国‬将来‬的什么‬什么‬总‬统‬,由‬他们‬去‬决定‬! 就是‬说‬,他们‬要‬打‬多久‬,就‬打‬多‬久,一直‬打‬到‬完全‬胜利‬。 ”今天‬看来‬,正‬是‬因为‬毛‬主席‬的高瞻远瞩和伟大‬的军事‬战略‬与‬胆量‬,才‬有‬了我们和平‬发展的稳定‬局面‬。

The Russo-Ukrainian War confirmed Chairman Mao's far-sightedness


From the moment of its founding, New China was subjected to strict political suppression, economic blockade and military provocation by Western countries. It was subject to U.S. trade sanctions against China. On November 22, 1949, Western countries also established the "Coordinating Committee for Export Control of Process Countries". Chiang Kai-shek's navy blockaded Chinese mainland ports, and from 1949 to 1955, more than 200 merchant ships from 16 countries were intercepted by Chiang Kai-shek's navy. Under such extreme sanctions, the day after the founding of New China, Chairman Mao decided to establish friendly relations with the Soviet Union. After many talks with Stalin, the (Soviet Union) Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance was signed, and an agreement was signed on Soviet loans to help China build, and 156 Soviet aid projects were obtained. During the Period of The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, it also received assistance from the Soviet Union with a certain number of aircraft, a large number of armored vehicles and tanks, and a large number of weapons and equipment. It made great contributions to the victory of the Chinese people in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was inseparable from the help of the Soviet Union at that time.

After Stalin's death, Khrushchev came to power, and aid to China began to increase. For example, in terms of nuclear technology, the Soviet Union has provided some help to China. But Khrushchev's help was another motive; he tried to blackmail China on this condition, always presented himself as a "big brother" in front of the Chinese, and tried to make China submit to the Soviet Union, and Chairman Mao had already seen Khrushchev's intentions. Do not buy Khrushchev's account. For this reason, from the second half of 1958, the differences and contradictions between China and the Soviet Union gradually became apparent, and the atomic energy assistance agreement was originally reached between China and the Soviet Union in 1956, and by June 20, 1959, the Soviet Union officially tore its face and formally refused to provide China with the atomic bomb samples stipulated in the agreement and the technical information for the production of atomic bombs. All aid agreements and drawings were torn up, all aid experts were evacuated, and the supply of all equipment and materials was stopped.

The Soviet Union's act of tearing up the contract did not frighten Chairman Mao, but on the contrary aroused Chairman Mao's ambitions and strengthened Chairman Mao's determination to take the road of independence and self-determination. 毛主席曾经说过:“我们‬是主张‬自力更生‬的,我们‬希望‬有‬外援‬,但是‬我们不能‬依赖‬它‬,我们依靠‬自己的努力,依靠‬全体‬军民‬的创造力‬。 ”面对‬苏联‬的背信弃义‬,毛‬主席‬进一步‬鼓励‬全国‬人民‬,‬说‬:“敌人‬有‬的‬,我们‬要‬有‬,敌人‬没有‬的‬,我们‬也‬要有‬,原子弹‬要‬有‬,氢弹‬也‬要‬有,管‬他‬什么国‬,管‬他什么弹‬,原子弹‬、氢弹‬,我们都要‬超过‬。 ”由于‬赫鲁晓夫‬前‬苏联‬和‬中国‬关系‬的‬逐步‬恶‬化,原先‬答应‬的技术‬援助‬全部‬取消‬,从‬而‬坚定‬了‬大陆‬走‬自主‬研发‬的‬发展‬道路‬的决心‬。

The Russo-Ukrainian War confirmed Chairman Mao's far-sightedness

At that time, the country's scientific and technological level and industrial base were very weak, and difficulties could be imagined, but under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, Chinese the people to raise the strength of the whole country to build our own national god sword. At 15:00 on October 16, 1964, a magnificent mushroom cloud rose over the Gobi Desert in Lop Nur . China successfully exploded its first atomic bomb. In 1967, the first hydrogen bomb was successfully exploded. In 1970, the first artificial satellite was successfully launched.

Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's idea of independent development, we have "two bombs and one satellite" and the "Dongfeng Express" that we are proud of.

From today's point of view, Chairman Mao vigorously dispatched troops to participate in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea through the masses; mobilized the strength of the whole country to tighten his belt to create "two bombs and one satellite" and left the foundation for the satellite system; developed the mainland's aerospace science and technology undertakings; used the strength of fraternal countries in the third world to restore the mainland's legitimate seat in the permanent security council of the United Nations; seized the opportunity of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union to push the big ball with a small ball and opened the door to Sino-US relations, and so on. That is why there is a stable situation of China's peaceful development today.

Today, although the world situation has changed a lot compared to a few decades ago, the war has not left us. The Russo-Ukrainian War, on the one hand, showed that the world was not at peace. On the other hand, it is also a profound lesson, which tells us that without powerful military equipment, without effective modern national defense capabilities and military capabilities, there is no so-called national sovereignty and the dignity of the people in international struggles, especially in modern wars.

The Russo-Ukrainian War confirmed Chairman Mao's far-sightedness