
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools

author:Voice of Binzhou

Binzhou Voice March 13:

Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools

Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control

Frequent disinfection/no gathering/strict supervision

Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools

The current outbreak has not dissipated

The school is densely populated

Adolescent resistance is relatively weak

Prevention and control must not be slackened in the slightest

These protection points should be checked quickly!

Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools

Teacher-student health monitoring


✍ Strictly implement the daily temperature measurement system.

✍ Put an end to illness and stick to class.

✍ Once there is a fever, dry cough, fatigue and other suspected symptoms of new crown pneumonia, you should seek medical attention in time.

✍ Schools should do a good job of registration and tracking of absences due to illness, and implement a system of inspection of certificates of resumption of classes.

Prevention and control of the epidemic

Start with you and me

Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools

School Gate Access Management


✍ Dynamically understand the health status of teachers, students, employees, and those living with them, and the recent travel trajectory, and for teachers, students, and employees with a history of living in medium- and high-risk areas, they should be temporarily suspended from entering the campus.

✍ Take the temperature of visitors, verify the health code, and register information.

✍ Strict control of express parcels and transport vehicles entering and leaving the campus.

Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools

Cleaning and disinfection on campus


✍ Common areas such as floors, faucets, light switches, door handles, stair handrails, and fitness equipment are disinfected daily.

✍ Classrooms, dormitories, canteens and other indoor places are ventilated 2-3 times a day, each time for not less than 30 minutes.

✍ Campus garbage "Nissan Nissin", and do a good job of cleaning and disinfecting garbage containers.

Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools

Enhanced personal protection


✍ Eligible timely vaccination against COVID-19.

✍ Wear the masks that meet the requirements correctly and replace them regularly, while keeping new masks and tissues on hand.

✍ Strengthen hand hygiene, avoid touching the eyes, mouth, nose and other parts with your hands, and wash your hands after coughing and covering your hands before eating.

✍ Staggered peaks such as going to and from school, dining, etc., maintaining a safe distance of 1 meter.

✍ Personal supplies and dining utensils should be used as personally as possible and cleaned in time after use.

✍ Drink more water in moderation, exercise scientifically, balance meals, ensure sleep, and improve the body's immunity.

Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools
Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools

Elementary and secondary school students should also be reminded

On the way to upper and lower school

Try to walk or parents by car

A mask must be worn if travelling on public transport

Try to keep your distance from the multipliers

After arriving at the destination

Wash your hands or disinfect with a hand sanitizer in a timely manner

Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control – schools


Source: Qingdao Disease Control