
"Travel" is the favorite witch mud

author:This is Qiandongnan

Just after returning from Wu Ni Miao Village, my first thought was to find a chance to go again.

  Wu Ni is a Miao village in Jianhe County, 30 kilometers away from the county seat, it is listed in the list of traditional Chinese villages jointly released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance of China with its traditional lifestyle, traditional ethnic customs, traditional ethnic culture and traditional ecological civilization.

"Travel" is the favorite witch mud

  Starting from Cen Song, it is a road through the village, which is not only narrow, steep, but also curved.

  Passing through villages, fields and woods, as the vehicle passes the last ridge, it takes a bird's-eye view diagonally down the White Road Mountain, and not far away there is a green-tiled wooden house on the beam of the mountain, which looms against the background of the red maples around it. If you raise your gaze by another inch, you will find that the surrounding ridges are layered on top of each other, and the shallow silhouettes are like calm lakes being pushed away by the light wind piece by piece, forming a circle of ripples. If these mountains are the petals of flowers, then the witch mud is the bud of the flower. The smoke was there, the chickens were wafting from there, and the voices of people were heard there, although everything was still so vague and faint, it also suddenly brought infinite vividness and warmth to the ridge at an altitude of nearly a thousand meters.

  Through the gate of the village, down the mountain beam, the trees gradually increased. Turning the bend, we were greeted by a row of barns. The stilts are suspended, the four columns fall to the ground, and a single ladder is either diagonally propped up on the ground or placed horizontally outside the barn door. The barn used to be a forest of broad-leaved deciduous trees, with oaks, green oaks, chestnuts, maples, and other unknown ancient trees, tall and tall, with strong branches. The wide leaves are like dan like a xia under the impregnation of autumn frost, and at this time they are receiving the autumn sun, and the pieces are translucent, warm as fire, vivid as pictures. Standing in the forest, looking down through the autumn leaves like red clouds, the whole village is quietly paved at the mountain depression, extending from the foot to the distant mountain edge, scaled and black as ink. Raise your camera and press the shutter at will to freeze the autumn leaves and villages into a beautiful blockbuster.

  To be precise, The Wu Ni Miao Zhai sits in the grooved part of a mountain beam. At each end of the groove are terraces covering the mountain ridge, stacked from the edge of the village to the bottom of the valley; In addition to tall maple trees and some broad-leaved deciduous trees, there are also valuable tree species such as yew and beech trees, which are national first-class protected plants. As a traditional village, its village appearance and the tall woods around the village, as well as the successive terraces under the woods, are enough to fascinate people with changing scenery and color grading at four o'clock. However, if there is only a natural landscape and the lack of cultural connotation support, it undoubtedly seems a little pale and regrettable, and the beauty of humanity is the foundation and foundation of Wu Mud.

  The historical and cultural heritage here can be experienced and observed through costumes, festivals and some unique folk activities, miao red embroidery, Miao lusheng dance, Miao ancient songs, Miao folk songs and other ethnic and folk cultures, which are vividly displayed in the annual Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Jiao Festival and Tibetan Festival and other festivals, which are breathtaking and unforgettable.

  From these festivals and folk activities, it can be seen that Wunimiao Village has a history. Wu Ni ancient name "Weng Nei", which is a Miao transliteration, translated into Chinese is "beech Mu Tang". According to local elders, the first to settle here and build a village were the Yang brothers, according to the father and son's joint name, about 600 years ago. According to their later accounts, that is, during the Ming Hongwu period, they accompanied the army to the west, all the way from Jiangxi, and after entering Guizhou, they were separated from the team. Perhaps because of a cruel war, or perhaps for other reasons, they broke away from the team, endured all kinds of hardships, survived all kinds of difficulties, lived a life of hunting, and finally chose to settle in Wu Ni. Later, some families were moved in successively, and during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 50 households in the village. Hundreds of years later, its scale has now expanded to nearly 400 households and more than 1,000 people, becoming one of the larger Miao villages in Jianhe County.

  WuNimiao Village has many historical stories and legends, and if carefully collected and sorted, it can even be collected into a book. Although they have different versions, the process and ending are also similar, the plot is either bizarre or intelligent, the content is either joyful or sad, and the style is bold or elegant. Almost every elderly person in the village can say a paragraph or two with his mouth open, and after tea and dinner, it has become the enlightenment classic of children's preschool education, and its excitement is no less than the charm of the tea house storyteller spitting out lotuses. Wu Ni relied on these legendary stories to accumulate his own history and culture, and supported a thick humanistic sky. Among the many stories and legends of Wu Ni, what interested me the most was a historical celebrity and a magical mountain.

  As for which dynasty and generation he was from, no one could say for sure, but he was born into poverty and went to a rich Han family to work for a long time and eat mixed food. The rich family invited Mr. Private School to teach, and Yang reported that he often brought tea and poured water to Mr. Teaching, and sometimes sat next to him to listen to the lectures. When the gentleman saw that he was diligent and intelligent, he asked him to move a stool and sit down next to his classmates to listen. I didn't think that the young man studied very hard, got good grades, and took the meritorious name, embarked on the road of career, and took a Chinese name as Yang Manor.

  Yang Manor was upright, honest and honest, and fair, so the official fortunes were prosperous and Qingyun went straight up until he lived in the compound of the government. Some people say that he is a state official, equivalent to the current leading cadre at the prefectural and departmental level; Some people also say that he is the Order of Qipin County, who is in charge of the County Ya Great Seal, and kills and robs within his jurisdiction, and his might is full of clouds. Once, when Yang Manor returned to his hometown to investigate, he gave instructions to his entourage: "Wu Ni Liu Fu, the field is high and the water is short, it has been thirteen bends for a long time, the horse has run for thirteen days, there is not enough water for cats to drink, and the grain tax is exempted!" Since then, the people around Wuni Village have been exempted from grain tax, and he has also been deeply loved by the people.

  Another story is about a magical mountain whose magic and mystery are inextricably linked to a war that is only a hundred years old.

  The cause of the incident was that a rich official eunuch was robbed by bandits when he went from Jianhe to Zhenyuan and passed through the Wujie Land Boundary, and he was seriously injured and died in the fight with the bandits. His family insisted that it was the work of the Wu Mud people, so they gathered a group of people armed with swords, guns and swords, and threatened to wash the whole village of Wu Ni in blood. Under the organization and command of the villagers, the men, women, and children of Wunizhai, armed with shotguns and knives and axes, worshipped the god of the Gonghuang Mountain, seized the favorable terrain, and vowed to die to meet the enemy who attacked. After the battle began, the Wu Ni people shouted the slogan of "Gong Huang, Gong Huang" to boost morale, and at the same time, they slammed and rushed, and the result was victory.

  Nowadays, the ancient trees of Gonghuang Mountain are towering in the sky, which has become a beautiful scenery of Wunimiao Village.

  In the long course of history, they can always seize a certain opportunity and reason that is not obvious, guide people to consciously respect and respect nature, and let human beings and nature coexist in harmony, which coincides with the most advanced ecological concept in the world today.

  The sun sets early, and the tired birds return to the forest late. When I left the witch mud, I brought back two things: a bag of chestnuts I had picked up from the forest, and two carefully selected autumn leaves. After driving over the mountain pass, I suddenly looked back, suddenly had some inseparable feelings, and hoped in my heart: I will come again in this life.


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