
What conspiracy is there for Freemasonry, which wants to reduce its population to 500 million? How many more secrets are there?

author:Mysterious kaleidoscope

Do you know? There are many theories about Freemasonry, the most alarmist of which is probably that they intend to limit the world's population to less than 500 million, and is the missile defense system only for defensive purposes? Conspiracy theories are everywhere, adding a mystique to our lives.

Mysterious obelisk

What conspiracy is there for Freemasonry, which wants to reduce its population to 500 million? How many more secrets are there?

Controlling the population is by no means an empty phrase, because a mysterious monument stands on an inaccessible hill in northeastern Albert County, Georgia, WHERE you can find accurate latitude and longitude, carved with a variety of words, and full of revelations about the apocalypse and how humanity should rebuild civilization.

Five huge granite rocks stand here, the boulders are arranged in a star-like shape, each 16 feet high, four of which weigh more than 20 tons, and together they support a 25,000-pound top stone, which is easy to think of prehistoric stonehenge on the Salisbury Plains in England, and these megalithic buildings are all permeated with unknown existence. Unlike the age-old megalithic buildings, these five granite rocks were built in 1980 and seem solemn as if waiting for the world to descend upon them.

The four boulders are inscribed in 12 languages on eight sides, including English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, etc., as if to declare to the different peoples of the world. What is carved in this specific seal, the mystery will not be elaborated, it is basically three contents: the first stage, using reason to guide human reproduction, effectively reducing the number of people to 500 million people. The second stage: using wisdom and reason to control the human emotional world, strict eugenic pairing, and re-establish a unified language and social system. The third stage: the loss of national sovereignty, the unification of language and law, and peaceful coexistence with nature. These three parts of the content of the idea of population control is very clear, let's not talk about what the purpose is? It can only be said that this idea is extremely bold and bizarre, and if there is no certain strength, who would have thought of this.

What conspiracy is there for Freemasonry, which wants to reduce its population to 500 million? How many more secrets are there?

The megalithic obelisk is inscribed with a plan to make the vast majority of humanity disappear, and this "fantasy" rhetoric is chilling.


It is said that the monument project was a mysterious pagan organization that was built at great expense, and in addition to this, we do not know the information about the builders. But attentive people secretly carved a rose ten-character symbol at the base of the boulder, which was confirmed to be a branch of Freemasonry.

Founded in medieval Europe, the Rosicrucians were marked by roses and crucifixes, which were already present in the mysterious documents of the Monastery of Christ in Portugal in 1530. At a time when the Black Death was raging in Europe and the people were in a state of displeasure, a German priest named Rosenkoluz accepted the Pythagorean view that numbers were the essence of all things, combined alchemy and astrology as the creed of the Rosicrucians, and accused the Catholic Church of its time of hypocrisy, hoping to reverse the haze of the plague at that time and bring about reform for all mankind. By the end of the 17th century, the organization seemed to have disappeared, and traces were difficult to trace. However, in the 18th century, the Rosicrucians, along with the Illuminati, the Skeletons, the Zionists, the Templars, and the Mafia, were secret branches of modern Freemasonry, until the pattern on the megalithic obelisk brought the mysterious organization back into view.

What conspiracy is there for Freemasonry, which wants to reduce its population to 500 million? How many more secrets are there?

As the activities of Freemasonry become more and more public, let us know the examples of mysterious organizations and branches that have existed for hundreds of years, from political leaders to financial tycoons to the medical and sports industry, almost including the top people on the planet, we know that they can not only talk about this plan, but also have the ability to put it into action, the most alarmist of which is speculation about the missile defense plans of various countries, and if the human population is to be rapidly reduced, then weapons are probably the fastest means. Are globally-covered weapons really meant to protect humanity?

The so-called new world order carved on the obelisk is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy, and the evil forces always like to see human struggles, feel that this is looking down on all beings from The perspective of God, and freemasonry prides itself on being God's spokesman, destroying the old world, destroying mankind, and creating a new world and population.

Population planning

Regarding the population plan, there are also three factions in Masonics, one is the mild "Kelechi Mixed Race Plan", commonly known as the "boiled frog", which is invisible brainwashing through commercial advertisements and other forms, moisturizing and silently changing your aesthetics, disintegrating the main ethnic groups of the country, creating mixed races, erasing national memory, and creating a new species without a state, race, and history.

What conspiracy is there for Freemasonry, which wants to reduce its population to 500 million? How many more secrets are there?

There is also the extremist Anglo-Saxon plan, which uses genetic biochemical weapons viruses and the like to optimize the population, and viruses and herd immunity belong to the scope of this plan.

The third is the Scientology's Musk brain-computer interface project, similar to the story of the Matrix, which links humans and computers through technology, so that the data of the human brain can be transmitted into computing, and the computer can also import new data into the human brain, which is equivalent to keeping humans captive.

In addition, there is a Tower of Babel plan, the Tower of Babel is in the Old Testament after Noah's Ark, human beings built the Tower of Babel hoping to go to heaven to get self-salvation, then this plan is self-evidently to re-integrate human beings together, exterminate the world's indigenous people, and establish a new system of slavery, similar to the caste system, pyramid structure, the top of the plan is the Xhosa royal family. Mixed-race elite Jews. At the bottom is the garbage population, and with the advent of artificial intelligence, they are dispensable.


At this point, do you still think that the population plan is just a conspiracy? There seems to be too much evidence of reality that tells us that we are seeing only the tip of the iceberg.