
I wish you an unfortunate and painful speech by the Chief Justice of the United States


Now the commencement speakers will typically also wish you good luck and extend good wishes to you.

Usually, the guest speakers at the graduation ceremony wish you good luck and send your wishes.

I will not do that, and I’ll tell you why.

But I'm not going to do it, let me tell you why.

From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice.

For many years to come, I hope that you have been treated unfairly, and only then will you truly understand the value of justice.

I hope that you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty.

I wish you an unfortunate and painful speech by the Chief Justice of the United States

I want you to be betrayed, and only then will you realize the importance of loyalty.

Sorry to say, but I hope you will be lonely from time to time so that you don’t take friends for granted.

I'm sorry, but I'd like to bless you for feeling lonely all the time, so that you don't take good friends for granted in your life.

I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

I wish you bad luck in the journey of life, only then will you realize the role that probability and opportunity play in life.

Further understand that your success is not entirely predestined, and that the failures of others are not taken for granted.

And when you lose, as you will from time to time, I hope every now and then, your opponent will gloat over your failure. It is a way for you to understand the importance of sportsmanship.

When you fail, from time to time, I hope your opponent will rejoice in your failure,

Only in this way can you realize the importance of a personable competitive spirit.

I hope you’ll be ignored so you know the importance of listening to others,

I wish you would be overlooked, and only then will you realize the importance of listening to others.

and I hope you will have just enough pain to learn compassion.

I bless you with the pain of the skin, and only in this way can you feel empathy and have a sympathetic understanding of others.

Whether I wish these things or not, they’re going to happen.

Whether I send these "blessings" or not, these will happen in my life.

And whether you benefit from them or not will depend upon your ability to see the message in your misfortunes.

And whether you can benefit from it depends on whether you can grasp the message you want to pass on from your misfortune.

Now commencement speakers are also expected to give some advice. They give grand advice, and they give some useful tips. The most common grand advice they give is for you to be yourself.

Commencement speakers are accustomed to giving a lot of advice. ...... The most common advice is "be yourself".

It is an odd piece of advice to give people dressed identically, but you should — you should be yourself. But you should understand what that means. Unless you are perfect, it does not mean don’t make any changes. In a certain sense, you should not be yourself. You should try to become something better.

But you have to understand what it means. If you're not perfect enough, you have to change. At this time, you can't just think about being yourself, you have to constantly improve yourself.

People say ‘be yourself’ because they want you to resist the impulse to conform to what others want you to be. But you can’t be yourself if you don’t learn who are, and you can’t learn who you are unless you think about it.

When others say "be yourself," they want you to resist the urge to go with the flow as they please. But if you don't even know what kind of person you want to be, you can't "be yourself", and if you don't think about it, you can't know what kind of person you want to be.

The Greek philosopher Socrates said, ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ And while ‘just do it’ might be a good motto for some things, it’s not a good motto when it’s trying to figure out how to live your life that is before you. And one important clue to living a good life is to not to try to live the good life. The best way to lose the values that are central to who you are is frankly not to think about them at all. So that’s the deep advice.

The Greek philosopher Socrates said, "There is no point in an introspective life." "Just do it" is a good motto for some things, but it's not a bad one until you figure out what kind of life you want.

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