
Xu Zhimo: Abandon the original with the chase of beauty, dare to love and dare to hate the soul back to the sky (Part 1)

author:Small red sticker


In the summer of 1915, a girl sat in a chair in the lobby, holding an iron box containing a photograph of a boy, and the boy in the photo was Xu Zhimo.

女孩张幼仪,芳龄15,长相‬很普通‬。 The brother told his sister that if he liked it, he would settle the marriage. 女孩有些忐忑,还是听话地打开了‬‬盒子。

The moment the box was opened, a mild-mannered boy appeared in her eyes, and she smiled shyly. In that instant, my brother and family understood my sister's intentions.

Xu Zhimo: Abandon the original with the chase of beauty, dare to love and dare to hate the soul back to the sky (Part 1)

而在浙江海宁县硖石镇徐家,徐志摩看到女孩照片后‬,却说女孩是个‬土包子。 Although Xu Zhimo was somewhat resistant, Xu Zhimo's father still agreed to come down to this family affair.


徐志摩‬父亲‬徐申如,开钱庄、卖绸布,可谓‬富甲一方。 上海安山罗巨‬富‬张家,张歆海是‬驻外国公使,张君劢是‬哲学家,张嘉璈是银行家。


Xu Zhimo: Abandon the original with the chase of beauty, dare to love and dare to hate the soul back to the sky (Part 1)


Xu Zhimo graduated from Zhejiang No. 1 Middle School, was admitted to the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and continued to study after marriage.

In 1918, Xu Zhimo and Zhang Youyi gave birth to a son. In the same year, through the introduction of Zhang Youyi's brother Zhang Junjie, Xu Zhimo became Liang Qichao's disciple, and of course, the Xu family also gave Liang Qichao a gift.


Xu Zhimo: Abandon the original with the chase of beauty, dare to love and dare to hate the soul back to the sky (Part 1)

当时,国内时局不定‬,内忧外患,大批有志青年涌向国外,求学问道,有朝报效祖国。 奈何‬国家国际地位较低,留学求学之路并非坦途。


At Clark University, Xu received a bachelor's degree in economics. At Columbia University, he continued his studies in economics.

Xu Zhimo: Abandon the original with the chase of beauty, dare to love and dare to hate the soul back to the sky (Part 1)


During his studies in the United States, Xu Zhimo was tired of material inducements. Attracted by the British philosopher Russell, Xu Zhimo decided to abandon the temptation of a Doctorate in Columbia and go to England to follow Russell.

In 1920, Xu Zhimo bid farewell to the United States, where he had studied for two years, and came to Britain. 因罗素工作有变,徐志摩未能‬如愿追随罗素。 Xu Zhimo entered the London School of Economics for further study.

Xu Zhimo: Abandon the original with the chase of beauty, dare to love and dare to hate the soul back to the sky (Part 1)

Forced by the pressure of Zhang Youyi's brother in life, Xu Zhimo, who had just arrived in The United Kingdom, had to accept that Zhang Youyi, who had been separated for a long time, came to the United Kingdom to accompany him.

When getting off the plane, almost everyone picked up with a smile, only Xu Zhimo had a look of disgust and openly said dirt buns to Zhang Youyi. Zhang Youyi was honest and did not dare to make a sound, and followed Xu Zhimo.



徐志摩可谓是生活及学业,处于‬被动局面,一方面他厌倦封建枷锁,一方面又不得不接受家‬人‬安排。 His family wanted him to study economics, but he didn't think so.