
"How Many Selves Do You Have": Why is it most difficult to surpass yourself? Because I have a lot of them

author:Yung Yeon book reviewer

The poet Pope said: "Only by being rich can we perceive the richness of the world; only by being eager to learn can we perceive the novelty of the world; only by being kind can we perceive the beauty of the world; and only by being frank can we live freely between heaven and earth." ”

It feels like a person wants to achieve a lot of goals and a lot of things to accomplish. If only one person is allowed to do it, it is really difficult and hard. But if you divide different things to different people to do, will it be much easier?

"How Many Selves Do You Have": Why is it most difficult to surpass yourself? Because I have a lot of them

Psychologist Zhu Jianjun's "How Many You Have Yourself" introduces us to the technique of personality image decomposition.

In daily life, some people have long had a feeling that their psychology is not simple, and their personality is multi-faceted and complex. Sometimes you may be a very quiet person, but at other times, you may be a very crazy person.

How many people live in our hearts?


There are too many "inner dramas" to make yourself exhausted

There is a novel called "The Girl with the Fission of Personality". In the heroine Sybel's body, it seems that there are many different selves, and these selves run out at different times.

Each has his own name, his own personality, his own tone and accent. One of them was Peggy, a zealous, arbitrary, often tantrumed girl with a lion's nose and short hair; a girl named Mary, brooding, motherly, family-loving, short, chubby, with long dark brown hair.

In addition to this, Sybil has 15 selves. As each self appears, others will soon discover the difference between them, and Sybil is the sum of these 17 selves.

In fact, each normal person also has multiple personality aspects, and we can decompose through personality imagery and take the initiative to "split" personality into a dozen or even dozens of different selves.

This can not only show the different personalities in the heart, help people understand themselves, help psychologists understand the client, but also a good way to regulate the psychological state.

For example, in the mind of a person with a workaholic personality, there must be a personality that is very efficient and successful, which is the dominant personality part of him. But he must also have a very lazy personality. Efficiency seekers will despise and hate the slacker very much, and the slacker in turn will laugh at the ridiculous workaholic.

If it is the boss who accuses us, we can avoid the boss after work; if the family accuses us, we can avoid the family when we go to work, no matter who criticizes and accuses us, we can always find a way to avoid.

But if a person within ourselves criticizes and accuses another part of us, the voice of the accusation will never cease, whether at home or outside, day or night, awake or asleep. How terrible that would be!

"How Many Selves Do You Have": Why is it most difficult to surpass yourself? Because I have a lot of them

Socrates said, "Know yourself." ”

Psychological contradictions and conflicts are almost all caused by the mutual displeasure between sub-personalities.

If you just blindly suppress and control, and get temporary tranquility at the same time, it will inevitably lead to volcanic eruption-like emotional venting.


Self-management always fails because it is too repressed

As the saying goes: "Sun Monkey seventy-two changes - miraculous and vast".

The mythical monsters and immortals have a very great ability, they will be deformed.

Sun Wukong's skills are large and can be seventy-two changes; the eight precepts of the pig are smaller, and they can also be thirty-six changes. White bone essence can become a girl, an old lady, and an old man.

Why do mythological characters have the ability to "transform"? The mystery is extremely simple, because what has changed is the original image in people's minds.

But some sub-personalities are not pure archetypes, they are a combination of two or more primitive images. For example, the combination of the original image of the sun and the original image of Animus can form an image called the "prince of the sun", which has the cheerful and bright character of the sun and the appearance of a boy, which is very popular with girls.

Not only do people in the outside world have likes and dislikes and emotions, but so do our inner children.

In ancient Greek mythology, the Trojan War was a battle between the heroes of the Trojans and ancient Greece. At the same time, the gods on Mount Olympia are fighting, either on one side or on the other. When two people on earth were fighting, so were the two gods in heaven. When the gods who supported the Trojans failed, the earthly Troys lost a hero.

The confrontation between the sub-personalities is a kind of harm to ourselves. Only by helping each child personality to like each other can we achieve inner harmony and peace.

"How Many Selves Do You Have": Why is it most difficult to surpass yourself? Because I have a lot of them

Plato said, "Self-conquest is the greatest victory." ”

Repression is not a real victory, it will only make us know less and less about ourselves and become more and more one-sided. Our inner territory becomes more narrow, hiding some of our life experiences and avoiding them.

Only by making the children like each other, a harmonious mood in the heart, and no tension, will the field of the heart become larger.


Explore your whole self and become the master of life

When I read the novel "Gone with the Wind", there was a woman with a very weak body, which impressed me. Her name is Melanie, and compared to the heroine, Scarlett, she looks so weak and thin. However, when she encounters danger, Scarlett finds that she needs to rely on Melanie as her main backbone.

We can see similar things in life, some people are not strong, but we feel that he is very heroic. In times of danger, when resisting oppression, these people are more courageous, and this is the heroic personality in their hearts at work.

In general, each sub-personality will show concern for some other sub-personalities, and will also be indifferent to some sub-personalities.

If there is one sub-personality, all other sub-personalities are not concerned. Then this is a "cold" sub-personality, representing a personality that is alienated from people.

Such a sub-personality resembles an old man, with white hair, seriousness, and a taut face. He loves nature and doesn't like to be taken care of. The character is strong, but very cold.

We can use image dialogue psychotherapy to help the various sub-personalities of the client to know each other. The fact that the various sub-personalities know each other means that the person's understanding of himself has increased, which means that he dares to face his own shortcomings and cares about his heart, which is the basis of people's psychological growth.

"How Many Selves Do You Have": Why is it most difficult to surpass yourself? Because I have a lot of them

Belinsky said: "The spirit finds itself in man, finds its full, intuitive expression, and knows itself as a subject or personality in man." ”

Of course, we all like a kind sub-personality, but there is also a downside.

Without tension, we may lack the motivation to change ourselves, and this person may have the disadvantage of being content with the status quo and not seeking progress.

"You Have Several Selves" writes: "It is a good thing that the sub-personalities like each other, it represents that the person's heart is harmonious." The person will be serene overall and without too many self-contradictions. He accepts himself and is not harsh on himself. He is also often happier. ”

Personality image decomposition techniques, like CT of the mind, can clearly show all aspects of our psychology and personality.

We may all be busy and anxious to succeed, so we rarely have time to focus on our minds.

In fact, we know in our hearts that we want our hearts to grow, that we want to be rich not only materially, but also spiritually.

This book is a guide to the technique of personality image decomposition, through which you can more easily and safely penetrate the world of the mind and discover the beauty of the spiritual universe.