
His parents died, he was a miserable teenager, changed his life against the sky, and was admitted to Peking University

author:Slightly cute memories

His father died shortly after he was born, and his mother took him to remarry when he was young, and when he was three years old, his mother also died of illness and was not treated in time.

Fortunately, his stepfather treated him as if he were his own and did not give up on him. From then on he lived with his stepfather, but life did not spare the suffering child, and the stepfather also left him when he was twelve.

His parents died, he was a miserable teenager, changed his life against the sky, and was admitted to Peking University

Wei Renlong

But he did not give up his desire for life because of the changes in his life.

The child in this big mountain was named Wei Renlong, and after the death of his father, Wei Renlong was alone in the world, with no relatives around him, only a distant uncle.

When people thought that this child could only drop out of school to work, but in order to complete his stepfather's good reading, go out of the mountain, and complete the stepfather's instructions, he knelt in front of his parents' grave and vowed to study well and walk out of the mountain.

His parents died, he was a miserable teenager, changed his life against the sky, and was admitted to Peking University

After the death of his stepfather, Wei Renlong had no relatives in this world, when his uncle discussed sending him to a welfare home, but he refused, he said that he could support himself, but Wei Renlong did not tell the teacher about the changes in his family.

His parents died, he was a miserable teenager, changed his life against the sky, and was admitted to Peking University

Because after the death of his stepfather, the family did not have any property, just returned to school for a few days Wei Renlong was hungry, at noon his classmates rushed to the canteen to eat, he concentrated on books, let himself temporarily forget the pain of hunger.

Really hungry can't stand it, she went to the market to pick up rotten vegetable leaves, went to the fruit stall to pick up the rotten fruits thrown out by the stall owner, in order to supplement nutrition, go up the mountain to pick wild fruits, go into the water to catch crabs, and use Nan bamboo to make bamboo tube rice, which sounds like a novel experience for us, but it is Wei Renlong's way of survival.

It was in this situation that the classmates knew what had happened to him and told the teacher about his situation.

The teacher reflected his situation to principal Ya, and after learning of his situation, the principal was also shocked, first let the school canteen provide him with free meals, and at the same time called on all teachers and students to donate to him, and finally raised a total of 1480.5 yuan for him.

His parents died, he was a miserable teenager, changed his life against the sky, and was admitted to Peking University

Guardian of Wei Renlong

Later, Principal Wei applied to become his guardian, so Wei Renlong's life was stable.

Even so, Wei Renlong's life was still very hard, and he could only barely maintain it.

In 2014, Wei Renlong entered the sixth grade of primary school, and the pressure that followed was the tuition fee for entering secondary school, but what about the tuition fee for the second year? He collected plastic bottles and waste cartons of garbage that people didn't want, and then skillfully dragged them like an adult to a garbage dump a few kilometers away to sell.

His parents died, he was a miserable teenager, changed his life against the sky, and was admitted to Peking University

When people heard that the octagon was dried and could be sold for money, he took advantage of school to climb to the high octagonal tree on the mountain to pick the octagon, dried it and took it to the market to sell, and he could sell it for six yuan each time. Each dragon put every penny he earned in a bottle of mineral water, which was the tuition he had saved for himself.

Later, when a reporter interviewed him, he asked him why he did this? He replied that he could do something without bothering anyone else.

After going to school, principal Dental helped him contact the school, and the school gave him a tuition waiver.

It just so happened that there was a first secretary going to the countryside to help the poor, and the secretary of the next village learned about his situation and reflected his situation to the "First Secretary" column group in Guangxi.

His parents died, he was a miserable teenager, changed his life against the sky, and was admitted to Peking University

Show scene

After learning of his situation, the TV station immediately sent someone to his home to interview him, and after the program was broadcast, many well-meaning people directly contacted Wei Renlong and expressed their support for him, and a Hong Kong gentleman directly gave Wei Renlong twenty thousand yuan and said that he would always support him to complete his studies.

Subsequently, under the coordination of many parties, Wei Renlong went and lived with his uncle and father-in-law.

In 2015, Wei Renlong entered junior high school, and he still worked very hard and his results were also very good.

In 2018, he passed the excellent results and was admitted to the county key middle school, when Wei Renlong was almost an adult, and he said that he would use excellent results to those who helped him.

On this day in July 2020, Wei Renlong received the admission notice of Peking University with a score of 707 points, and on this day, he returned to his stepfather's grave and said, I may go farther away to study, I may not be able to see you often for a long time, no matter how far I go, this will always be my home, and I will not forget how good you are to me.

His parents died, he was a miserable teenager, changed his life against the sky, and was admitted to Peking University

Wei Renlong worshipped his parents

Now Wei Renlong is already studying at Peking University, where he will start a new life.

Fate never treated him kindly, it was he who used his strength and faith in life in his heart to walk through the most difficult and difficult days.

May the world treat him well for the rest of his life.

Such a good child, if you have anything you want to say to her, you can leave a message in the comment area, and you are welcome to forward it, so that more people can see the inspirational story of Takako Hanmen.