
Billionaires personally endorse digital security products beauty hackers attract attention

author:Gossip network security

Jeffrey Katzenberg, a billionaire investor and co-founder of DreamWorks Animation, is peddling products and services about digital security to consumers through Aura.

Billionaires personally endorse digital security products beauty hackers attract attention

Jeffrey recently starred in a video showing how hackers can exploit vulnerabilities or user negligence to steal important personal information.

In the video, Jeffrey's personal electronic devices are hacked by Social Security CEO Rachel Tobak. As a result, beauty CEO Rachel Tobak managed to steal his emails, contacts, photos, and even his ID/passport.

Billionaires personally endorse digital security products beauty hackers attract attention

Obviously, while billionaire investor Jeffrey Kazenberg has many identities, like many of us, he has to be careful to avoid hacking attacks, and a little negligence will give malicious hackers some opportunities.

Billionaires personally endorse digital security products beauty hackers attract attention
Billionaires personally endorse digital security products beauty hackers attract attention

Analysts expect that cyber hackers have hacked into more than 13 billion connected devices. According to the FBI, Americans lost $4.2 billion to digital crimes in 2020 alone.

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