
Spring women are wet, remember to eat these 7 kinds of coarse grains, adjust the spleen and stomach to get wet, the body is more relaxed

author:Kitchens in Amyoya

Spring climate is humid, the weather is capricious, the air humidity is large, if the moisture accumulates in the body for a long time, people are easy to feel tired and tired, drowsy, especially the female body is more likely to be invaded by moisture, so that women have a fat phenomenon. If you want to get rid of dampness, you can also adjust in your diet, the following introduces 7 kinds of coarse grain delicacies for everyone, women often eat healthy spleen and stomach, slowly force away moisture, a relaxed body, hurry up to see it.

Spring women are wet, remember to eat these 7 kinds of coarse grains, adjust the spleen and stomach to get wet, the body is more relaxed

Egg yam packet

Yam is a good thing for strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, can indirectly discharge the moisture in the body, add flour to make hair bread, the skin is crispy, the inside is soft, healthy and additive-free, good digestion and nutrition, really fragrant.

【Ingredients】: Yam 300 g, 3 eggs, flour 300 g, yeast 3 g, milk powder 20 g, corn oil 15 g, sugar 40 g


1, wash the yam, peel and cut into pieces, and then steam in the pot for about 20 minutes, steam the yam with a fork to crush into a puree;

2: Add 2 eggs, add sugar and milk powder and stir well, then add corn oil and yeast, finally add flour, stir with a spatula into a flocculent shape, knead into a smooth dough. Remember that flour should be added in small amounts and many times.

3: Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let stand for 15 minutes, then roll out into a large piece of 1cm thickness, press out a round cake with a round mold, place it in a pan, cover the pot, and ferment for about half an hour to 40 minutes.

4: After the dough is enlarged, the pan is opened on low heat, the whole process is low on low heat, the lid is covered to prevent the loss of water vapor, and fried until both sides are golden brown.

Spring women are wet, remember to eat these 7 kinds of coarse grains, adjust the spleen and stomach to get wet, the body is more relaxed

Mung bean cake

As an ingredient and medicinal material, mung beans have the effect of diuresis, detoxification and fire reduction, which has a certain promoting effect on dehumidification. Cakes made of mung beans, melt in the mouth, with a strong mung bean aroma, the elderly and children like.

【Ingredients】: Peeled mung beans 200 g, white sugar 40 g, butter 30 g,

1, peeled mung beans soaked for about 6 hours in advance, soaked mung beans pour off the water, put into the steamer steaming for 1 hour, steam until the beans are rotten, a pinch will be broken.

2: Add butter and sugar (you can also put milk) to the steamed mung beans while they are hot, and whisk into mung bean puree in the blender. Mung bean puree is sieved, the taste will be more delicate.

3, non-stick pan brush a little corn oil, and then pour mung bean puree, the whole process of medium-low heat, with a spatula fried until the mung bean puree can be hugged into a ball, non-stick scraper state can be.

4, the cooled mung bean puree is divided into 30 ~ 35 grams, kneaded into small balls, pressed with a mold, a milky mung bean cake is ready.

Spring women are wet, remember to eat these 7 kinds of coarse grains, adjust the spleen and stomach to get wet, the body is more relaxed

Date-flavored cornmeal buns

Corn is a common coarse grain in life, rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, can adjust the appetizer, for the elimination of moisture in the body also has a certain effect. Paired with red dates to make a coarse grain bun, full of corn fragrance, healthy and delicious.

【Ingredients】: Cornmeal 200 g, flour 200 g, egg 1, dates to taste, sugar 10 g, yeast 3 g

1: The yeast is boiled with warm water, 200 grams of cornmeal and 200 grams of flour are mixed, add eggs, white sugar, pour yeast water on the one hand, and use chopsticks to stir into a flocculent shape, and then knead into a smooth dough.

2: After kneading the dough, seal the plastic wrap to ferment twice as large, and the fermented dough is taken out to vent.

3: Rinse the dates, remove the jujube kernels and cut them into cubes, then put them into the dough and knead them, and knead the dates evenly.

4: Roll the red date dough into thick round strips, then cut into equal sizes and knead into a steamed bun shape. And then wake up a quarter of an hour;

5: Spread a steaming cloth on the steaming rack, steam for about 20 minutes on high heat after steaming, turn off the heat, wait for 3 minutes and then open.

Spring women are wet, remember to eat these 7 kinds of coarse grains, adjust the spleen and stomach to get wet, the body is more relaxed

Black rice cake

The nutrition of black rice is richer than rice, known as "gong rice", "longevity rice" and other reputations, but also can play a certain role in dampness. Steamed black rice cakes are softer and wetter than those made in the oven, not sweet or hot, and have a strong black rice flavor.

【Ingredients】: 80 grams of glutinous rice, 80 grams of black rice, 30 grams of milk, 40 grams of sugar, 10 grams of corn oil, 4 eggs

1, after washing the black rice and glutinous rice, dry some water, and then pour it into the wok, stir-fry the water on low heat, and fry the rice flavor;

2, the black rice and glutinous rice with a wall breaker into powder, and then sifted out the delicate powder, so that the black rice cake tastes better.

3, anhydrous and oilless bowl into the eggs, sugar, beat with an egg beater until the volume becomes larger, the color is milky yellow.

4: Beat the whole egg mixture to a good state, sift in black rice flour, glutinous rice flour, pour in milk and corn oil and mix evenly.

5: Put the batter into a 6-inch mold and cover it with plastic wrap (prick some small holes). Steam for 30 minutes after the steamer water is boiled, steam it and immediately take it out to shake out the heat, invert it and let it cool and then cut into pieces.

Spring women are wet, remember to eat these 7 kinds of coarse grains, adjust the spleen and stomach to get wet, the body is more relaxed

Sesame sweet potato cake

Heavy humidity can eat sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, carotene and other essential nutrients, and sweet potatoes are sweet, sweet and healthy, used to make sesame purple potato cakes, low calorie and low fat, delicious and not fat.

【Ingredients】: Sweet potato 400 g, glutinous rice flour 100 g, sugar 20 g, white sesame seeds to taste

1, wash and peel and slice the sweet potatoes, steam on high heat for 10 minutes, steam the steamed sweet potatoes in a bowl and mash the sweet potatoes, add glutinous rice flour and sugar while hot, and stir with chopsticks to form a flour;

2: If it is relatively dry, add warm water in parts and knead into a slightly softer smooth dough.

3: Divide the dough into small pieces, knead into small balls, and then use your hands to flatten into a cake and dip in sesame seeds.

4: Heat the oil in a non-stick pan, add the sweet potato pancakes and fry over medium-low heat until both sides are golden brown.

Spring women are wet, remember to eat these 7 kinds of coarse grains, adjust the spleen and stomach to get wet, the body is more relaxed

Pumpkin millet cake

Millet is also called millet, eating millet can be appetizing and nourishing the stomach, but also has the effect of stomach dehumidification. Paired with pumpkin to make a delicious steamed cake, it can be described as a perfect match, very nourishing, and easy for children to accept.

【Ingredients】: Pumpkin 100 g, millet 50 g, flour 100 g, sugar 20 g, yeast 3 g,

1, peel and seed the pumpkin, cut into small pieces, and wash the millet into the wall breaker, add a small amount of water, flush with the ingredients, press the rice paste function key, about 25 minutes, stir into pumpkin millet paste.

2, the prepared pumpkin millet paste into the yeast, sugar stir evenly, and then sift in the appropriate amount of flour, stirred into a more viscous batter, scraper fishing up is not easy to fall to the extent.

3, the glass container is smeared with vegetable oil, convenient to do a good job after demolding, pour the millet paste into the container, cover with plastic wrap to ferment to twice as large, put enough water in the pot to boil, steam on high heat for 20 minutes, then turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes, take out the cut pieces.

Spring women are wet, remember to eat these 7 kinds of coarse grains, adjust the spleen and stomach to get wet, the body is more relaxed

Red bean sticks

Red beans can go to moisture, but also to achieve a strong spleen and stomach, blood nourishment effect, made into rice dumplings, sweet and soft glutinous and delicious, help us replenish physical fitness, so that the face is rosy and good.

【Ingredients】: Red beans to taste, brown sugar to taste, glutinous rice flour to taste, flour to taste

1: First wash the red beans, add water to the pressure cooker for 30 minutes, pour out and drain the water, then put it into the blender and crush it together. (Like the texture with granules, you can crush it with a spoon)

2, red bean paste add a little brown sugar mix well, put in the pot on medium-low heat and fry a little drier, so that the red bean filling is more likely to form a ball;

3. Wear disposable gloves and knead the red bean paste into small balls of equal size for later;

4: Mix glutinous rice flour and flour, add warm water in small amounts and times, stir while adding water, and knead the dough until the surface is smooth and set aside.

5: Take a small piece of dough and knead it into a cake, put it on the red bean filling and wrap it well, and knead it into a circle. Then put it in the oil paper and you can steam it on the pot, boil the water in the steamer and then put in the glutinous rice balls to steam for 20 to 30 minutes.