
Yin Xiyue's ceremony on the stage will be different

author:Look at it with a cold smile

In 2008, Lee Myung-bak won the South Korean election. Lee Myung-bak's victory was very uncomfortable news for Roh Moo-hyun. Roh knows that with Lee Myung-bak coming to power, his efforts to govern South Korea will come to naught. Most importantly, Roh Moo-hyun suppressed the big chaebols and the South Korean prosecutors for the sake of the people and the future of South Korea, and actively promoted peace on the peninsula. These operations have seriously damaged the interests of conservatives. From roh Moo-hyun's active handover of Lee Myung-bak, we can know that Roh Moo-hyun clearly knows that after he steps down, he will be investigated by Lee Myung-bak's government!

Yin Xiyue's ceremony on the stage will be different

The day Lee Myung-bak entered the Blue House, roh Moo-hyun stepped down. The inauguration of Lee Myung-bak and the departure of Roh Moo-hyun on the same day formed a huge contrast. Lee Myung-bak's side was crowded with people, applause and flowers. And Roh Moo-hyun, as a former president, has nothing but a few henchmen such as Moon Jae-in. At that time, Moon Jae-in couldn't help but complain: Roh Moo-hyun has paid for South Korea for five years, and the attitude of the South Korean people is really chilling. A few days ago, South Korea elected a new president, and the ceremony of the new president taking office, because the epidemic will also become different!

Yin Xiyue's ceremony on the stage will be different

According to reports: In the context of the continuous spread of the new crown epidemic in South Korea, the 20th presidential inauguration ceremony scheduled for May 10 will be held in a manner and on what scale, which has attracted much attention. South Korea's Ministry of Administration and Security said on the 11th that it will discuss specific matters such as the time and place of the inauguration ceremony with the elected side after the establishment of the Presidential Transition Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Transition Committee"), and it is expected that the specific details will be finalized at the end of the month. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic in China, the inauguration ceremony is likely to be held from Jane.

Yin Xiyue's ceremony on the stage will be different

The location and manner of the presidential inauguration ceremony reflect the president-elect's philosophy of governance, but because this is a major national event, it is necessary to focus on the precedent. Judging from the past situation, since the 13th president, Lo Tai-wook, took office in 1988, the inauguration ceremonies of successive presidents have been held in Congress. According to this speculation, The outside world speculates that Yoon Seok-yue's inauguration ceremony may be held in the forecourt of the National Assembly Hall, the central hall, the national assembly hall, the Shangyan World Cup Stadium and other places, and the Seoul City Hall Square, where he launched his last canvassing campaign during the campaign, is also considered. Yin Xiyue can sit in the position of president as the former procurator general, which is somewhat incredible!