
After the Peking Peace Talks in 1949, Zhang Zhizhong abandoned Chiang Kai-shek and supported the Communists, and Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and angrily scolded: Wen Bai was like this

author:A history of the South Wind

The Peking Peace Talks of 1949 were the last negotiations between the Kuomintang and the Communists in Chinese mainland. Because the war situation was completely on the side of the People's Liberation Army, and because of various complex political factors, the negotiations finally failed.

As the chief negotiator of the Kuomintang, as a confidant of Chiang Kai-shek, as one of the eight great Kongs of the "Huangpu Lineage" and as Zhang Zhizhong, who once served as Chiang Kai-shek's attendant officer, every move has attracted much attention.

What Chiang Kai-shek did not expect was that after the failure of the peace talks, Zhang Zhizhong, who had originally made up his mind to return to Nanjing to resume his life, suddenly changed his mind at an important juncture and stayed behind, and soon after announced a "break with Chiang Kai-shek."

When the news reached Xikou, Chiang Kai-shek was furious and slapped the table and scolded Zhang Zhizhong: "Others betrayed me, but Wen Bai was like this!" (Zhang Zhizhong, character wenbai) reveals a strong disappointment and surprise for Zhang Zhizhong.

The question to focus on in this article is, why did Zhang Zhizhong, who had originally made up his mind to go back to his life with Chiang Kai-shek, suddenly change his mind? Zhang Zhizhong, who stayed in Beiping, what did he do later? Let's start with Zhang Zhizhong's contacts with Chiang Kai-shek.

After the Peking Peace Talks in 1949, Zhang Zhizhong abandoned Chiang Kai-shek and supported the Communists, and Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and angrily scolded: Wen Bai was like this
Zhang Zhizhong

Zhang Zhizhong and Chiang Kai-shek

The relationship between Zhang Zhizhong and Chiang Kai-shek is very special and good. On the one hand, Chiang Kai-shek was very appreciative of Zhang Zhizhong, and in the 25 years from 1924, the relationship between the two almost surpassed that of leaders and subordinates, forming a very tacit "friend" relationship.

For example, Chiang Kai-shek liked to work part-time, and in the middle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he once held many positions such as chief executive and chairman of Sichuan Province, and later it was even more "excessive." After the opening of the Burma Road, because of the lack of a unified leading body, some people suggested that a transportation control bureau be set up under the Central Military Commission, which was originally a very small department, but when the department in charge of personnel asked who would be the leader, Chiang Kai-shek still wrote two words on the signature: "Self-integration." ”

This "defect" of Chiang Kai-shek, including the secretary Chen Bray and others, felt inappropriate, but forced by Chiang Kai-shek's majesty, no one dared to say anything more, except that Zhang Zhizhong unceremoniously wrote a note on the signature: "This transport control bureau, with the supreme commander concurrently serving as the supreme commander, is really not a system, and it can be concurrently handled by General He." ”

After Chiang Kai-shek saw the opinion, he did not refute it wordlessly, nor was he angry, but only approved a big "can" word on it, reflecting the trust and tolerance of Zhang Zhizhong.

On the other hand, Zhang Zhizhong was very grateful and sincere to Chiang Kai-shek. As early as November 1926, during the struggle between Wuhan and Nanchang, Zhang Zhizhong preferred to resign as the head of the Whampoa Military Academy and the chief of education of the military branch, and also returned to Nanchang to support Chiang Kai-shek, which not only helped to establish the regime of Chiang Kai-shek in the early days, but also reflected his unconditional follow-up to Chiang Kai-shek.

Later, with his own efforts and Chiang Kai-shek's trust, Zhang Zhizhong was promoted and reused all the way, and grew into a very influential and hot high-level figure in the Kuomintang. Because of the traditional moral concept of "a soldier dies for a confidant", Zhang Zhizhong has always been very loyal to Chiang Kai-shek.

After the Peking Peace Talks in 1949, Zhang Zhizhong abandoned Chiang Kai-shek and supported the Communists, and Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and angrily scolded: Wen Bai was like this

Zhang Zhizhong (left) with Chiang Kai-shek

Before leaving for the Peiping Peace Talks in April 1949, Zhang Zhizhong personally went to Xikou as a "lobbyist" and "talked with Chiang Kai-shek in the morning, in the afternoon, at dinner, in the mountains, and at night at the hearth," and accompanied Chiang Kai-shek to visit the grave. Although he knew that there was little hope of success in the peace talks, Zhang Zhizhong still hoped for success, and Chiang Kai-shek seemed to be shaken, and when he walked along the mountain road of the tomb after sweeping the tomb and talking, he said to Zhang Zhizhong: "Wen Bai, I am willing to make peace and return to my hometown at the end of my life." ”

Zhang Zhizhong naturally believed Chiang Kai-shek's remarks, and immediately expressed his great pleasure in expressing his desire to publish them in the newspaper, but this may not be the case, and Chiang Kai-shek's son Chiang Ching-kuo said to Qu Wu when he sent Zhang Zhizhong away from Xikou: "Mr. Wen Bai is also too naïve!" If we still talk about peace, there will be no good results in the future, and I think he will die without a place to die. ”

There may not be an accurate answer as to who knew Chiang Kai-shek better, chiang ching-kuo or Zhang Zhizhong, but later facts tell us that the former seems to be more likely. Zhang Zhizhong's loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek was more out of "not forgetting the grace of knowing and encountering", and he may not fully understand Chiang Kai-shek's political plot of preferring civil war to peace.

After the Peking Peace Talks in 1949, Zhang Zhizhong abandoned Chiang Kai-shek and supported the Communists, and Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and angrily scolded: Wen Bai was like this

Tough negotiations

The 1949 Peking Peace Talks were a very difficult negotiation.

First, since the autumn of 1948, the People's Liberation Army has broken through the bamboo and advanced in the mountains and the sea, at the same time, the Kuomintang army has been defeated, especially Chiang Kai-shek's concubine troops have been annihilated. Coupled with the economic situation, Chiang Kai-shek's failure to carry out the reform of the numismatic system caused a wave of gold yuan coupons, resulting in rising prices, bad currency, and almost collapse in the economy.

Just when Chiang Kai-shek was busy dealing with the difficulties of the generals within the Kuomintang, Chairman Mao clearly expressed his determination to "carry the revolution through to the end" on New Year's Day in 1949 and in many public articles later: "We must carry the revolution through to the end, and we must not abandon it halfway", and "we have completely certainty of defeating the Kuomintang on a national scale." ”

Therefore, in the eyes of the Kuomintang at that time, it was almost impossible for the peace talks to succeed, but even so, Zhang Zhizhong still "braved the wind and snow" and served as the chief representative of the Kuomintang, according to his own remarks in his memoirs: "Although the possibility of peace at this time is small, if you stay out of the matter, you will be sorry for the people and the attitude that the country should have; at the same time, because of my obsessive dream of peace for more than twenty years, I still have hope for the current peace talks." ”

Therefore, after arriving in Beiping, he had many secret talks with Chairman Mao Zhou Enlai, on the one hand, to protect Chiang Kai-shek's "reputation" as much as possible, and on the other hand, hoping to promote the outcome of the peace talks. But the reality will not be as he has hoped, Chairman Mao has already seen through Chiang Kai-shek's "so-called peace", and Zhang Zhizhong is under tremendous pressure in it.

On April 12, Zhou Enlai personally submitted the "Internal Peace Agreement (Draft)" to the Nanjing delegation, and when Lu Yuwen read out the "Internal Peace Agreement (Draft)", the delegates were extremely depressed, "It is said that Zhang Zhizhong suddenly grew much older."

This draft first enumerates the crimes of the Kuomintang in waging a civil war with the help of the United States in 1946, and then implements the twenty-four paragraphs of the eight articles on the basis of the specific measures provided by Chairman Mao, clearly stipulating that the People's Military Commission has the right to order the Nanjing government during the transition period.

Zhang Zhizhong knew that according to the habits of the Kuomintang, it was impossible to accept the draft, so he met with Zhou Enlai and others repeatedly, persuaded and finally removed some irritating words such as "punishing war criminals", "abolishing the pseudo-constitution", "reactionary", "betrayal", "rebellion", and other small amounts of content.

Zhang Zhizhong was well aware that the People's Liberation Army crossing the river was a foregone conclusion, but the way of coercion and peace was different, and after the "Internal Peace Agreement" was finalized, he sent Huang Shaohu to bring the "Internal Peace Agreement" back to Nanjing.

After Chiang Kai-shek saw the "Internal Peace Agreement" at Xikou, he scolded Zhang Zhizhong: "Wen Bai is incompetent, and it is humiliating to lose power and the country." On April 19, the Nationalist government in Nanjing announced its refusal to sign, which meant that the Peiping peace talks had failed completely. On 21 April, Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu issued an order to march across the country, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) forcibly crossed the Yangtze River on a front of more than 500 kilometers from the lake mouth in the northeast of the Jiujiang River in the west to Jiangyin in the east from the night of the twentieth day.

After the Peking Peace Talks in 1949, Zhang Zhizhong abandoned Chiang Kai-shek and supported the Communists, and Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and angrily scolded: Wen Bai was like this

Go or stay?

After the peace talks broke down, Zhang Zhizhong was going to leave at first, and he ordered his secretary to send a telegram to Nanjing: "Please send a plane to Pingping on the 23rd, and it is scheduled to return to Beijing on the 24th." ”

During the two days of waiting for the plane, whether to return to Nanjing or stay in Beiping became a topic of discussion among the delegation and staff. The members of the delegation were all willing to throw themselves into the arms of the people, stay in Beiping, and prepare to join the new CPPCC; Shao Lizi's wife, Fu Xuewen, had already arrived in Beiping by a Kuomintang plane two days ago, and Shao Lizi was determined not to leave.

Only Zhang Zhizhong repeatedly stressed: "The delegation was sent by the Nanjing government to hold peace talks, and since the peace talks broke down, they should go back to resume their lives." Comrades are free to decide to stay, but I am the chief representative and cannot but go back to my life. ”

Zhang Zhizhong was never able to pass the hurdle in his heart, and although he knew that returning to Nanjing after the failed peace talks would inevitably lead to a good end, he still insisted on returning to his life.

In this regard, Zhang Zhizhong's good friend for decades, Zhou Enlai, was very worried and worried. As early as the Whampoa Military Academy, they established a very strong friendship, cherished each other, and although they were in different political parties, they were jointly committed to the independence of the country and the liberation of the nation.

It was also under the influence of Zhou Enlai and other Communists that Zhang Zhizhong became the only senior Kuomintang general who had not fought with the Communists.

Therefore, as soon as Zhang Zhizhong arrived in Beiping, Zhou Enlai spared no effort to earnestly persuade Zhang Zhi with multiple identities such as old friends, confidants, and comrades-in-arms.

He said: "Whether you go back to Nanjing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, wherever you go the Kuomintang villains will not spare you." Kuomintang agents may also poison you. At the time of the 'Xi'an Incident', we were already sorry for a friend surnamed Zhang (referring to Zhang Xueliang. At that time, Zhou Enlai advised Zhang Xueliang not to personally send Chiang Kai-shek back to Nanjing, and Zhang Xueliang was in a righteous mood and did not listen). We can't let you go back today. I can't say sorry for your friend named Zhang anymore. ”

In addition to analyzing the results of his actions, Zhou Enlai also frankly said in response to Zhang Zhizhong's thoughts: "I see that you are still the dominant feudal ideology, and to this day you still emphasize righteousness and loyalty." Why aren't you responsible for the Chinese revolution, for the Chinese people? Is Chiang Kai-shek worthy of your loyalty to him? ”

Zhou Enlai's words were both cordial and revealed the truth in reproach, and Zhang Zhizhong was so unmoved when he heard it, it was obvious that he was shaken.

According to the records, Zhang Zhizhong was in extreme distress and contradiction at that time: "Don't go back, he is the chief representative of the Nanjing government, the peace is broken, he should go back to his life; go back, the CCP's retention is sincere and good-faith, and once the People's Liberation Army crosses the Yangtze River, there is still a possibility of signing an agreement." ”

Just when Zhang Zhizhong was making a painful choice, Zhou Enlai made another key move, and with his super wisdom and ability, on April 24, he ordered the underground party comrades in Shanghai to secretly take Zhang Zhizhong's family to Beiping. According to Zhang Zhizhong's son Zhang Yichun, who later recalled: "The safe transfer of our whole family was carried out under the personal command of Uncle Zhou. ”

The desire for peace, the companionship of his family, the trust of his close friends, the efforts of the Communists to retain them, and the dangerous situation of returning to Nanjing made Zhang Zhizhong have no worries about the future, he was determined to stay in Beiping, and he was both touched and humorous to say to his friend Zhou En: "You really will stay as a guest!" ”

In this transformation process of Zhang Zhizhong from walking to Staying, Zhou Enlai played a very crucial role.

After the Peking Peace Talks in 1949, Zhang Zhizhong abandoned Chiang Kai-shek and supported the Communists, and Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and angrily scolded: Wen Bai was like this

Zhang Zhizhong (first from left) and Zhou Enlai (first from right)

Determined to "break with Chiang Kai-shek"

At the beginning, Zhang Zhizhong stayed in Beiping for a long time, in fact, he was burdened with a heavy ideological burden, and one of his ideological crux was: "I am a member of the Kuomintang, but now that I am on the side of the Communist Party, will people say that I am 'opportunistic'?" ”

Zhang Zhizhong had been very depressed for two months after staying in Beiping, carrying a heavy ideological burden, and although Zhou Enlai talked to him many times, he did not completely let go until something happened.

On June 15, 1949, the Kuomintang side sent a telegram entitled "Details of Zhang Zhizhong's Detention by the Communists in Beiping", which attacked Zhang Zhizhong, saying that Zhang Zhizhong had been instigated to instigate peace in Beiping, saying that Zhang Zhizhong had left Peiping but his whereabouts were unknown, and so on, all of which were false information.

Zhang Zhizhong was so disappointed and saddened by these lies and attacks that he thought it through thoroughly, in his own later words: "Distinguish the theoretical Kuomintang—Kuomintang doctrine and its proper essence—from the reality of the Kuomintang, which has been stolen by the reactionaries for a long time." ”

Therefore, Zhang Zhizhong wrote a "Statement on the Current Situation, thoroughly and unreservedly stating his political stand: "I hope that the responsible comrades of our Kuomintang Central Committee and various localities will make good use of reason, face reality squarely, and with the mindset of repeated self-blame, make plans to restrain horses from the precipice, pity the heavens and the people, endure humiliation and burdens, reduce sacrifices for the military and the people, and protect the vitality of the country." Although it is not the latest, it has reached the last opportunity, and it is not advisable to ignore it and miss it. ”

This statement can be regarded as a public statement of Zhang Zhizhong's determination to break with Chiang Kai-shek, and it is reported that as soon as Chiang Kai-shek saw this statement, he scolded fiercely: "Others betrayed me, and Wen Bai was like this!" Because of Zhang Zhizhong's statement, many Kuomintang generals followed suit and held uprisings.

Zhang Zhizhong's choice to stay after the Peking Peace Talks is not only a huge and landmark achievement of our party on the united front, but also a key crossroads that changed Zhang Zhizhong's life.

After the Peking Peace Talks in 1949, Zhang Zhizhong abandoned Chiang Kai-shek and supported the Communists, and Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and angrily scolded: Wen Bai was like this

In 1960, Premier Zhou met with alumni of the Whampoa Military Academy at the Summer Palace, and Zhang Zhizhong was the fifth from the left in the front row

Committed to the reunification of the motherland

After the founding of New China, under the recommendation and support of Chairman Mao and others, Zhang Zhizhong successively served as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Central People's Government, and a member of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Military Committee. At the same time, they are still running around and toiling on the issue of cross-strait reunification, and they are still haunted by nostalgia and never forget it.

Because of his former special status, Zhang Zhizhong has been playing the role of a secret envoy of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China for nearly 20 years in the mainland in his later years.

In 1950, he was entrusted by Premier Zhou to write a personal letter to Chiang Kai-shek in his own name, urging him to abandon his anti-communist stance until the outbreak of the Korean War.

In 1954, he personally broadcast an article entitled "Warning to Those Who Fled in Taiwan" on the Central People's Radio, exhorting former comrades-in-arms, subordinates, students, and other personnel to "take the initiative to do everything possible to get closer to the motherland and the people of the motherland." ”

In 1958, in his short essay "Taiwan Should Take the Initiative to Abandon US Imperialism," he earnestly said: "The bird is tired and knows how to return, who does not feel homesick?" Whenever the spring wind peach and plum blossoms bloom, autumn rain sycamore leaves fall, looking north, it is better not to be hurt! Come back! Family and friends are looking forward to you, and the people of the motherland are calling you! ”


Zhang Zhizhong believes that only in this way can he be regarded as "fulfilling his moral responsibility as an old man." ”

After the Peking Peace Talks in 1949, Zhang Zhizhong abandoned Chiang Kai-shek and supported the Communists, and Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and angrily scolded: Wen Bai was like this

Statue of Zhang Zhizhong

From the "Three to Yan'an" to the Peking Peace Talks to the commitment to cross-strait reunification, General Zhang Zhizhong always adhered to his love for the motherland and the nation, and in March 1983, Deng Yingchao spoke highly of Zhang Zhizhong: "During the Second Civil Revolutionary War, Mr. Wen Bai was a Kuomintang soldier who had never fought with the Communist Party. ”

In 1985, at the commemoration of the 95th birthday of General Zhang Zhizhong, the party leaders also gave high praise to Zhang Zhizhong's life: "Mr. Wen Bai is an outstanding patriotic general, a far-sighted politician, and a close friend who has a long-term historical relationship with our party. ”

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