
Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

author:Morning mist

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

Original Cheng Mo Sky Eye Perspective 2022-03-13 00:43

Morning Mist / Repost

Executive Summary: This article is more than 8,000 words. Under the premise of strictly abiding by national laws and regulations and platform regulations, we will give you a timely and objective review of the latest progress of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Absolutely original, not simply copy-paste. The number of words quoted in public information is controlled within 5% of the original text and distinguished by quotation marks.
Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Latest Progress of the Russo-Ukrainian War)

I. A brief review of the war situation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

1. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on February 24 local time that he would carry out special military operations against Ukraine with the main objectives of "de-militarization" and "de-Nazirification". As soon as the words fell, Russian missiles flew to military installations throughout Ukraine, and armored units traveled from the Russian-Ukrainian border and the Belarusian-Ukrainian border from multiple directions to all Ukrainian cities close to the Russian-Belarusian border and the Line of Actual Control, including Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and Kharkiv, the second largest city.

2. On February 25-26, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Duvrov further explained "de-militarization" and "de-Nazification", that is, disarming Ukraine, overthrowing the current Ukrainian Nazi regime, and establishing a pro-Russian people's regime to permanently remove Ukraine from the security threat to Russia. Putin has also publicly stated that the inevitable result of special military operations is that Ukraine's status as an independent state will cease to exist. Putin and Duvrov have also publicly vowed on many occasions that Russia will "never collect troops if its special military operations do not reach its goal."

3. From February 26 to 27, the Russian army successively invaded the urban areas of Kiev, Chernihiv, Samui, Kharkov, Mariupol and Kherson, and the defenders of each city stubbornly resisted, and after fierce street battles, all the above cities were eliminated by the Russian troops entering the city. After stabilizing their positions, the cities, while holding on to the urban areas, began to launch an active defensive counterattack against the Russian troops on the outskirts of the city.

4. On March 2, after repeated rounds of struggle, the Russian army finally occupied Kherson, an important strategic city in southern Ukraine. The city belongs to the capital of Kherson Oblast and has become the only important city in Ukraine that russia has successfully occupied so far.

5.5-7 March, the Russians continued their advance northwestward from Kherson, aiming to capture Nikolayev, another important Ukrainian city. The Ukrainian army in the area rose up to fight back, completely annihilating the Russian troops who landed on the outskirts of the city, and defeating the Russian troops who attacked the city in many ways, firmly holding the main towns and transportation arteries around the suburbs.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Destroyed Russian military equipment can be seen everywhere in Ukraine.)

6. Since March 8, the Russian army has not organized a large-scale ground offensive, and the two sides have entered a stalemate stage, mainly around the towns and transportation arteries around the above-mentioned cities in the center of the war, and fiercely compete with each other. At the same time, through missiles, air strikes and long-range rockets, the Russian army violently bombarded what the Russian military called Ukraine's "military infrastructure", which not only caused heavy losses to Ukrainian military facilities, but also destroyed many civilian facilities, including urban homes and hospitals. The Ukrainian side, on the other hand, made full use of the favorable conditions of familiar terrain and used advanced equipment such as individual anti-tank, anti-armor and anti-aircraft individual missiles aided by the Western camp, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, to take the initiative in a mobile and flexible manner, destroying a large number of Russian tanks, armored vehicles, missile launchers and aircraft carrying out low-altitude bombing missions.

7) The Western bloc has shown unprecedented unity in the wake of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, not only providing military and economic assistance to the Ukrainian government in a large way, but also imposing unprecedented economic and technological sanctions on Russia. Multinational companies, motivated by political pressure, business ethics and practical business difficulties, have announced their withdrawal from the Russian and Belarusian markets. Russia made it clear that if the United States and NATO sent troops to Ukraine, they would "face unprecedented and disastrous consequences for mankind", and then Putin announced that Russia's strategic nuclear forces would enter a special state of combat readiness. The United States and NATO insisted that they would not send troops to Ukraine or set up no-fly zones in Ukraine, but warned Russia not to strike NATO's transportation lines to aid Ukraine.

8. On March 12, Russian military bombers and missiles attacked three cities that had not yet engaged in ground engagement: Dnipro in the center, Lutsk in the west near Poland, and Ivano near Romania. In the early hours of this morning (March 12), Lviv, another western city closer to Poland, was attacked by airstrikes. The Russian Defense Ministry said that it completely destroyed the airports of these 3 cities, but given that the Russian side only dropped 5-6 bombs and missiles in each place, the actual damage to the airport was not serious.

9. The Russian army's two-day raid on three cities in western Ukraine was obviously aimed at attacking the Western bloc's aid routes to Ukraine through Poland and Romania. If the NATO transport fleet is caused by casualties warned by the NATO Secretary-General, whether NATO will take retaliatory measures in the threat, and whether the scale of the war will be sharply enlarged, spilling out of the borders of ukraine, which the United States, Europe and NATO are extremely reluctant to do, has aroused great concern from all sides.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Ukrainian cities destroyed by artillery fire)

10. I don't know whether because of the changes that have taken place on the battlefield, on March 10, the Russian side publicly stated for the first time that it recognized the current Ukrainian government as a legitimate regime, implying that it would no longer disarm Ukraine and overthrow the current regime as the goal of Russia's "special military operations". On March 11, after the meeting between the heads of state of Russia and Belarus, they signaled that a ceasefire could be stopped at any time as long as the Ukrainian side agreed. Subsequently, the President of Ukraine issued a national speech, vowing to reclaim every inch of Ukraine's territory.

Ii. Overview of the past 24 hours of war

In the 24-hour period from 23:00 beijing time on March 11 to 23:00 on March 12, including before the incident, the latest war situation between Russia and Ukraine disclosed by the media during this period is summarized as follows:

1, the Russian army still did not launch a large-scale ground offensive, rumors that the Russian army launched air raids on the west of Lutsk, Ivano, Lviv at the same time, launched a fierce ground attack, aimed at cutting off the Western camp to Ukraine aid channel, while completely closing the capital Kiev to the west of the only strategic channel, is actually Chinese Simplified network self-media nonsense. The Ukrainian army guarding the western town belongs to the elite Ukrainian troops, after the russian army's three airborne operations against Kiev, Kharkov and Nikolayev, all of which were almost completely annihilated by the Ukrainian army with airborne officers and soldiers, the Russian army absolutely lacked the rich imagination and extraordinary courage and courage of the Chinese Simplified self-media authors.

2. In the past 24 hours, russia and Ukraine have better complied with the verbal agreement on a temporary ceasefire promised to open a humanitarian corridor from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Moscow time, which is known as a "period of silence". After the period of silence, the Russians launched a round of air strikes in the past 24 hours against kiev, Kharkov, Mariupol and lviv, an important western city near Poland, where there was no fighting. At the same time, the two sides continue to compete fiercely around the towns and transportation arteries around the main warring cities – mainly the Ukrainian army taking the initiative to attack, using drones and individual missiles to strike at the Russian army. The momentum of the Russian army's advance continued to be blocked, and the Ukrainian army gained a lot.

3. According to a number of reliable information sources compared with each other, the Russian army has 2 more generals killed in the Ukrainian battlefield, so that the Russian army has so far killed 4 generals, as well as more than a dozen colonels, lieutenant colonels and other senior officers. According to the Ukrainian side, on March 11, local time, the Ukrainian armed forces announced that they had killed Major General Andrei Kolesnikov, commander of the 29th Army of the Russian Eastern Military District. Major General Andrei Kolesnikov assumed his current position in 2021, having previously served as chief of staff of the Joint Armed Command in the Moscow region. On the same day, the Ukrainian side disclosed that in the fighting near Gostomer in the Kiev region, the Ukrainian army annihilated the 141st motorized column of the Chechen Ross Guard and killed the commander, Major General Magomed Tushayev. Previously, Major General Andrei Sukhovsky, deputy commander of the 41st Army of the Russian Central Military District, and Major General Vitaly Gesimov, chief of staff and deputy commander of the 41st Army, were killed in the Ukrainian battlefield.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Killed Russian Major General Kolesnikov)

4. On March 11, there were a number of videos on social media of the Ukrainian army capturing russian troops and escorting Russian prisoners of war on that day, and the specific time and place are unknown. To be sure, one of the videos is of the fact that the Samui regional police captured 29 Russian soldiers that day together with the Homeland Defense soldiers. The videos showed russian prisoners with extremely rudimentary personal equipment, mental exhaustion, low morale, and a small number of bleeding soldiers who had bandaged their wounds.

5) Russian troops shelled a mosque in Mariupol, partially destroyed, at a time when 80 civilians, including Turkish citizens, were found to have lost or injured.

6. The latest satellite imagery shows that the Russian convoy near Kiev regrouped in two places, one in Lubyanka, about 30 kilometers from the city center, and the other near The Antonov airport between Lubyanka and Kiev. An anonymous senior official of the Pentagon told the media on March 11, local time, that in the past 24 hours, the Russian army has approached Kiev by about 5 kilometers, the Russian army advancing from the northwest is currently only about 15 kilometers away from the center of Kiev, while the Russian army in the northeast is about 40 kilometers away from the city. Western military experts generally admit that they did not expect Russia's tactics to be so backward, let alone how stubborn the Ukrainian resistance was and how well it had been fought so far. They feared that the Russians would launch a decisive offensive against Kiev and doubted whether the Ukrainians would be able to hold the city.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Russian troops regrouped in two places around Kiev)

7. Ukrainian Minister of Education Serhiy Shkarlet issued a directive announcing that from March 14 (Monday), the resumption of teaching courses in Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Khmelnytsky, Zaporozhye, Odessa and Kirovolad regions will begin. In the past two days, air defense sirens have sounded in these cities, and military airfields have been attacked, but it was found that no Russian ground troops were found around the city, and the air raids were not fierce. This shows that the Ukrainian government has not panicked by the Russian air raids and is still minimizing the impact of the war on social life.

Major events that have occurred in the past 24 hours

Around the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, there have been some major events in the past 24 hours, and I briefly introduce and comment as follows:

(i) The highest levels of Russia and Ukraine continue to speak at different levels: Ukrainian President Zelenskiy has vowed to recover all of its territory; the Russian-Belarusian summit announced that it can end the conflict at any time.

On March 11, local time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy made a televised speech to the whole country, saying that Ukraine "has reached a strategic turning point." "It's hard to say how many days we have left to set Ukraine free," he said. But we can say that we will be able to do it. We have begun to move towards our goals, our victories. He vowed that Ukraine would never surrender and would guard every inch of Ukraine's land until it regained all of its territory.

Most likely in response to rumors by Russian officials and the media that he had evacuated Kiev and fled to Poland, and that the Russians would soon capture Kiev, Zelenskiy said emphatically, "I will fight in Kiev until the last moment, we have defended the city, and we will surely achieve the final victory." ”

Zelenskiy's televised speech appeared to be a response to a previous meeting between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko that a ceasefire could be made at any time as long as Ukraine agreed. Zelenskiy's tough stance fully confirms my judgment since the beginning of the war – that there is not a modicum of room for compromise between Russia and Ukraine when it comes to the territorial and sovereign integrity of Ukraine – that a credible ceasefire agreement can only be concluded if a victory or defeat is decided on the battlefield, or both sides are exhausted – are now at most in a stage of strategic stalemate, far from when one side is forced to make a major compromise.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Zelenskiy speaks on television to the public)

What is very interesting is that today (March 12), the most enthusiastic news of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in China's major media and portals is a Xinhua News Agency press release: "The Russian and Belarusian presidents have reached a consensus and the conflict can be resolved at any time if the Ukrainian side is willing."

The news is not long, to the effect that on the evening of March 11, local time, the belarusian presidential press secretary Esmont said that Belarusian President Lukashenko, who visited Moscow, reached a consensus with Putin that if the Ukrainian side is willing, the conflict can be resolved at any time.

This is actually a sentence of news that has no value, originally I was not ready to analyze and comment, but in the backstage of the public account and the WeChat group, many people forwarded this news to mock and insult me, saying that the heads of state of Russia and Belarus announced a ceasefire, and my previous analysis was sensational and nonsense.

I still say that, only for the IQ of these compatriots. The war ahead is unfavorable, and now Putin has agreed to a ceasefire? Did you promise to return Crimea and the areas under the control of Eastern Ukraine to Ukraine? If Ukrainian territory is not returned, why should the conflict be resolved at any time?

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Russia and Belarusian summit said the conflict could be ended at any time.

(2) The Russian army took out the most mysterious and cutting-edge Su-57 fifth-generation stealth fighter in the legend and threw it into the Ukrainian battlefield, but only threw two unguided ordinary bombs at an ordinary ukrainian checkpoint.

A number of authoritative media at home and abroad reported today that after a large number of Russian air force aircraft were shot down by Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles, the Russian army used the most mysterious and equipped Su-57 stealth fighter, the most advanced equipment in the world today.

On March 10, in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine, a Russian fighter with "typical su-57 features" launched an ultra-low-altitude bombing of a Ukrainian checkpoint at the head of a local bridge, dropping two unguided ordinary bombs, rapidly pulling up, and then disappearing into eyewitness vision.

Some witnesses took clearer videos. Subsequently, the media revealed that the Su-57 may come from Russia's southern military district, and its appearance on the Battlefield in Ukraine means that the Russian army's most advanced stealth fighter has participated in actual combat for the first time.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Clear photos of Russia's Soviet-57 entry into the war in Ukraine were taken)

Readers who are not military fans may be indifferent to this, and true military fans must be puzzled by the fact that the Russian army is so big and small.

According to Chinese Simplified media, the Su-57 is a stealth fighter comparable to the most advanced fighters in the US military, the F-22 and F-35, and some legendary superior performance even crushes the F-22 and F-35 stealth fighters. In addition to its excellent stealth performance, the Su-57 can flexibly carry a variety of advanced air-to-air, ground-to-ground and anti-ship weapons and equipment, including carrying four K-77M medium-range air-to-air missiles and two short-range infrared guided K-74M2 missiles at a time; it can be equipped with a large number of precision-guided bombs, air-to-ground missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti-radiation missiles and cruise missiles.

Of course, it is also possible to throw an ordinary bomb with little change in performance since World War II, as it was done on the battlefield in Ukraine on March 10.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of Chinese and Russian military fans, the Su-57 is definitely Russia's well-deserved killer weapon, a "great power weapon" comparable to the United States and even more superior in technical performance. At China's major military forums, the Mention of the Su-57 is usually accompanied by the following P-figure of the domineering side leak.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(The invincible Su-57 and Putin in the hearts of Chinese military fans)

Putting the extremely expensive Su-57 into such an extremely dangerous low-altitude bombing mission, and even being filmed by witnesses with clear videos, is it not afraid of being shot down by the "Stinger" individual missile or similar anti-aircraft missiles that are now heavily equipped by the Ukrainian military? An anonymous Russian expert involved in the development of the high-performance aircraft today (March 12) told Russian media that the Su-57 is equipped with an "unparalleled airborne defense system based on electronic warfare" that is "completely immune" to the enemy's man-portable air defense missiles and can therefore be deployed to low-altitude combat without fear.

Well, about this aircraft does have extraordinary performance, really can escape the blow of individual missiles, do not be like the previous blowing Su-30, Su-34, by the Ukrainian army one after another - they were also considered to be impossible to be hit by individual missiles.

In addition, after a group of Russian aircraft were shot down in the media today, it is suspected that the pilot unfortunately fell to the ground and died due to the quality of the ejection seat, which once again confirmed that the Russian military equipment is really not so reliable. Based on respect for life, I did look at this group of photos with a bit of sadness.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Russian pilot killed when the fighter jet was shot down)

This may also explain why the Russian Air Force was unable to carry out intensive air strikes against the Ukrainian army, and so far has not dealt a devastating blow to the Ukrainian command, intelligence and air defense system.

(3) The weather has warmed up, and Russian tanks and other heavy equipment have become more difficult to move.

The current Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a contest between the two theories of military operations between the Russian army and the Western camp. For example, in recent years, European and American armies have not attached importance to the development of tanks, believing that this expensive equipment is purely cosmetic in actual combat. Previously, domestic experts ridiculed this. This Russian-Ukrainian conflict has proved that the Western army's view that tanks are purely cosmetic in high-tech warfare has been completely verified.

I watched a very clear video of the Ukrainian army fighting tanks, and I was particularly impressed. A long convoy of Russian tanks and armored vehicles, marching on a high-grade highway of good quality, passed through a small forest, was attacked by Ukrainian individual missiles on both sides of the road where they were ambushed, and Russian tanks and loading vehicles hurriedly left the road and entered a large area of seemingly open grass on the left side of the road, and the result became the following appearance!

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(Russian tanks stuck in the mud became living targets of the Ukrainian army)

Tanks and armored vehicles trapped in the mud, although not wheeled vehicles, were too muddy, and the tracks sank deeper and deeper in the mud, becoming headless flies swirling in place. After the Ukrainians destroyed some of the tanks, the Russians in other vehicles had to raise their hands and become prisoners of the Ukrainians.

The Russian army is famous for its heavy armored troops, but a single anti-tank missile worth less than $100,000 that the Ukrainian army obtained for free can kill a Russian tank of $1 million and lose the lives of at least 3 crews. Who can afford such a war of attrition?

The United States and NATO continue to increase their troops to Eastern European member states, preparing for the worst possible expansion of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States, Germany, France, Britain and other NATO member states have been increasing their troops, mainly the army and air force, to Poland, the three Baltic countries, Romania, and Hungary, which border NATO and Ukraine.

As of March 11, the United States had sent an additional 12,000 troops to the above-mentioned Eastern European countries. The Pentagon has publicly stated that it will continue to increase its troops to NATO members in Europe. Soldiers were told to be prepared to stay overseas for 6 months, and deployment times could be extended or shortened.

The leaders of the United States, Britain, France and Germany and the secretary-general of NATO have publicly stated many times recently that they do not seek direct conflict with Russia, do their best to control the battlefield in Ukraine, and will resolutely counter Russia's armed aggression against any NATO member.

I have always believed that it is a very wise choice for the Western bloc to avoid a direct conflict with Russia, which will give rise to putin's threat of "unprecedented catastrophic consequences for mankind." Letting Russia fall into the quagmire of Ukraine, self-redemption or slowly sinking after exhaustion of strength is the most responsible and superior strategy for all mankind, and it must not be brave.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(U.S. troops increase troops to Poland and other Eastern European countries)

Judging from the continuous increase in troops and the investment of the most advanced military equipment in Eastern European countries by the United States, the United States and NATO have avoided direct conflict with Russia as much as possible, and at the same time, they have also prepared for the worst.

(6) Google, Meta-Universe and other well-known social media have announced the global ban on media accounts funded by the Russian government or deliberately spreading lies and beautifying the war in large quantities.

Following the global ban on Russian government funding from Facebook and Photowall, a well-known social media outlet owned by the well-known high-tech enterprise "Metacosmos", and the media accounts that clearly praised Russia's "special military operations" in Ukraine, the video platform YouTube has expanded the blockage of Russian state-funded media-related channels from Europe to the world.

Several well-known social platforms in the United States blocked these news accounts, claiming to be acting in accordance with the platform's previous public rules, that is, "all content that denies, downplays or dilutes any well-documented violent incidents will be banned from being broadcast on their platforms." In addition to banning the accounts of news organizations that are clearly funded by the Russian government, these platforms also block suspicious accounts that glorify Russia's "invasion" of Ukrainian-related false statements.

Content censorship will be very strict, including referencing the Wudong region and Crimea as Russian territory, referring to "incursions" as peacekeeping acts, refugees who died under Russian gunfire as "rioters," or fabricating false claims that Ukraine possesses chemical and biological weapons — unless there is credible evidence.

According to the U.S. Constitution, U.S. government agencies have no right to censor the media, but U.S. media, including traditional media and online social media, have their own principles of self-discipline that are open and undisclosed, and speech that usually promotes violence, glorifies aggression, insults the personality of others, spreads crimes, and a large number of malicious disinformation is blocked or restricted. This has been demonized by domestic experts and the media as the United States, like North Korea, in fact, there is no so-called freedom of speech, even worse than North Korea. This is actually confusing the essence of public power and private rights, law and morality.

Fourth, the strength of the Ukrainian army is seriously underestimated by military fans and experts

Today I want to talk to you about the real strength of the Ukrainian army, which is seriously underestimated by global military fans and experts, in order to show that the reason why the Russian army on the Ukrainian battlefield is so passive is not entirely the bad luck of the Russian army.

Many people believe that the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army was unexpected by most people before the war, and it was the United States and NATO that provided accurate battlefield intelligence support to the Ukrainian military, so that the entire battlefield was unilaterally transparent to Ukraine, that is, the Russian side knew the movements of the Ukrainian side very well and could arrange troops in a targeted manner, while the Russian military had two eyes and one black eye on the deployment of the Ukrainian side, which made the Ukrainian side grasp the initiative on the battlefield and laid the foundation for the Ukrainian army to defeat the strong with the weak. This is not entirely true.

Cheng Mo: The Latest Progress and Future Direction of the Russo-Ukrainian War (15)

(The Ukrainian army has maintained strict training for many years)

I think there must be an exchange of intelligence between the Ukrainian side and the United States and NATO, but whether the United States and NATO have provided accurate and timely battlefield intelligence support, at least there is no public evidence. One thing is certain, the civilian satellites of the United States have taken many clear pictures of the battlefield, completely exposing the Russian military assembly area to the world, and the Ukrainian military cannot turn a blind eye. On the contrary, I have not seen any photos of the Ukrainian army assembly area exposed by the Western media and civil satellite organizations. In this regard, the Ukrainian side has taken advantage of many advantages.

In fact, in addition to the intelligence of the Western camp and the assistance of advanced military technology and equipment, the Ukrainian military has a certain strength, far from being vulnerable Chinese Simplified media before the war, and it is easy for the Russian army to take Kiev and the second largest city Kharkov within 72 hours. In fact, since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in 2014, the Ukrainian government has significantly increased military expenditure, and Ukrainian soldiers have been paying salaries for many years and maintaining strict training, especially the army and reserve service have a considerable scale and strong combat effectiveness.

According to public information, the Ukrainian Army had about 210,000 active military personnel before the war, equipped with 2,300 main battle tanks, more than 100 military helicopters, hundreds of tactical ballistic missiles, tens of thousands of armored vehicles, and 2,000 guns of various types of calibers above 100mm caliber. The organization is divided into three parts, namely, the Sixth Army of the Southern Combat Command headquartered in Dnipropetrovsk, the Eighth Army of the Northern Combat Command headquartered in Zhytomyr, and the 13th Army of the Western Combat Command headquartered in Rivne. Among them, the 13th Army of the Western Combat Command, which faces Poland, Hungary, Romania and other European countries, has the strongest combat effectiveness.

After the air force and navy suffered a devastating blow from the Russian army, the army became the main force of the Ukrainian army. Since 2014, the Ukrainian army has been fighting against the so-called "Wudong local armed forces" in the Donbass region of Wudong for a long time, and conflicts of all sizes have been continuous, which has greatly improved the combat experience of the Ukrainian army in many years of actual combat.

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(The Ukrainian army, which is seriously underestimated by global military fans)

The Ukrainian Air Force has about 50,000 personnel and is organized with 1 air command and 3 air force groups, 6 Il-76 transport aircraft regiments, 1 air tanker regiment and an air transport fleet. In addition, the Air Defense Force consists of 1 Air Defense Group, 9 Air Defense Missile Detachments, and several radar and radio technology detachments. The main equipment of the Air Force is: 240 fighter-bombers and 340 fighters, including 80 MiG-23s, 220 MiG-29s, and 40 Su-27s. There were 87 reconnaissance aircraft, 35 electronic warfare aircraft and 850 trainer aircraft. The main equipment of the air defense force is: 270 air defense interceptors, including 80 Su-15 aircraft, 110 MiG-23 and 80 MiG-25; and 2400 surface-to-air missiles. At present, most of the Ukrainian warplanes and airfields have been destroyed, and the surface-to-air missiles have been better hidden, and they can shoot down the low-altitude fighters of the Russian Air Force almost every day.

The Ukrainian Navy, with about 30,000 people, has independent small and medium-sized warship manufacturing capabilities, mainly composed of surface forces, naval aviation, shore rocket artillery units, Marine Corps and other services, previously had three commands, and now only bases such as Odessa are left. Under the blow of extreme disparity in strength with the Russian Navy, the Ukrainian surface forces and aviation were basically destroyed soon after the war began. At present, the shore rocket artillery unit and the Marine Corps, together with the Army, are still the main force guarding Odessa and have strong combat effectiveness. This is also the main reason why the Russian army has not been able to break through the Odessa line from the sea.

In addition to the above-mentioned regular armed forces, Ukraine also has a reserve and reserve force of about 1 million people. Modeled on the former Soviet Reserve and militia system, Ukraine has continued to increase military spending since 2014, established an extremely large reserve force of about 1 million people, and organized live military exercises every year. After Ukrainian President Zelenskiy issued an order on March 10 that all civilians should be soldiers and civilians could legally hold guns, the Ukrainian people who are now left behind in the warring cities are all soldiers.

With the continuous military assistance of the Western camp and the millions of armed forces that have vowed to defend the country to the death, with the level of actual combat and comprehensive national strength displayed by the Russian army now, I think it is absolutely impossible to occupy this country.

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(Let's pray for peace)

【Statement of Apology for Major Mistakes】Because I was too tired to write until after midnight yesterday, and there were major negligence errors in typesetting and proofreading, the news comments related to the decision of the Ukrainian Parliament to confiscate Russian property were placed in the section of Russia's sanctions against multinational companies. Sincere apologies to our readers!

Source: 2022-03-13 WeChat public account Tianyan perspective


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