
The original intention is not forgotten, a promise without regret

author:China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily
The original intention is not forgotten, a promise without regret

The picture shows Liao Junbo (first from the left) leading agricultural technicians to help flower farmers solve technical problems. (File photo by Wu Zhuangzhuang)

The original intention is not forgotten, a promise without regret
The original intention is not forgotten, a promise without regret

A family letter written by his father, Liao Zhigen, to Liao Junbo. (Courtesy of respondents)

At present, the TV drama "One Promise Without Regret," adapted from the advanced deeds of Comrade Liao Junbo, an "outstanding secretary of the national county party committee" and "a model of the times," is being broadcast on CCTV, and the image of an outstanding communist party member who cares about the masses, works selflessly, and exercises strict self-discipline has jumped onto the screen and deeply touched the audience.

General Secretary Xi Jinping commented on him: "Do not forget the original intention, solid work, honesty and public service", the people regard him as "sunshine" and "the people's 'woodcutter'", these are not belated reputations, but with another kind of visible and tangible spiritual guidance, inspiring future generations. Unfold Liao Junbo's family letter together, relive the story behind it, and feel the original intention of an excellent Communist Party member and the inheritance of family style.

◎ Excerpts from family letters

Junbo Wu'er:

I know you're busy, so I'll attach a letter with the money. I have quietly been to Zhenghe 3 times. Walk around the streets and alleys a few times, you have a good understanding of your work here and word of mouth, the people's evaluation of you is still passable, you must continue to work hard, your parents will support you. I am very relieved, although you are assured of the affairs of the family, your parents are in good health, you are already very filial piety, and you do a good job, which is your great filial piety.

It is not easy for us to produce a character like you in the countryside, and you must cherish it. But don't reach out, I'll give you fifty thousand dollars what does it mean, you know. (1) It is not possible to reach out to others. (2) It is to make your life a little better.

Do you remember the calligraphy and paintings that were given to you when you formed a group in Ronghua Mountain? Self-discipline and honesty, care for the people with benevolence, intentions to be just, diligent in doing things, these years from my understanding of your situation, you can still do it, I hope you will always maintain, this is the parents' requirements and wishes for you. Remember.

Jun'er collects

Three "secret visits" to get a sentence "passable"

"This letter was compiled from Junbo's relics." Mentioning this family letter, Father Liao Zhigen's eye sockets were moistened. That year, Liao Junbo had just served as the secretary of the Party Working Committee of Wuyi New District in Nanping City, Fujian Province, and after learning that he was going to buy a house at his work, Liao Zhigen was afraid that his son did not have enough money, so he forced 50,000 yuan to him, which was the pension he and his wife had saved. The letter was attached with the money.

From Shaowu to Pucheng, to Zhenghe and Wuyi New District, in Liao Zhigen's memory, in the 22 years that his son worked, the father and son gathered less and left more, and most of them saw him to see him. Liao Zhigen was proud of his son's "National Outstanding County Party Secretary" and promoted to work in the city, but he also felt that there were many things to say to his son. He was worried about delaying Liao Junbo's work, so he wrote this family letter. The "political peace" mentioned in the letter is a county under the jurisdiction of Nanping City, Fujian Province, where Liao Junbo gnaws on pieces of "hard bones".

"When the officials go to the government, take a bath and wash the Yellow River." The local people once made up such a slip of the tongue, describing it as "unlucky" to go to politics and become a cadre. Located in a mountainous area, the industrial base is weak, in 2011, when Liao Junbo just became the secretary of the county party committee, the economic development of Zhenghe County ranked last in the province, and the county looked like a market town, no highway, no citizen square, no cultural center, no decent bridge, and even no traffic lights and zebra crossings.

There is such a plot based on the real thing in the TV series "Yinuo No Regrets": At the first meeting after coming to Zhenghe, Liao Junbo threw a voice, "Today I want to make a promise, Zhenghe in my office, with the joint efforts of everyone, there will be a very big change." "In more than four years, he has accelerated the catch-up with 230,000 governments and people: the urbanization rate of Zhenghe County has increased from 31% to 46%, Yingbin Avenue has been built, the main street has been transformed, Zhenghe Square and cultural center have been put into use, 9 municipal bridges have been completed, the Ningwu and Songjian Expressways have been opened, and the industrial parks that even dared to think of in the past have been developed for 3,600 acres... Zhenghe has ranked among the "Top Ten" county economic development in Fujian Province for three consecutive years, and has fulfilled the promise of "great changes in Zhenghe".

Liao Junbo's "fast" is not blindly simple "fast". "He's fast, based on constant research and thinking, and spending a lot of energy." Huang Aihua, then the county magistrate of Zhenghe County, was too familiar with Liao Junbo's "fast" trick. Just after coming to Zhenghe, Liao Junbo went to the countryside, entered enterprises, and entered households to investigate non-stop, and conducted research for more than two months; then he organized the responsible persons of units at or above the deputy section level in the county to hold a three-day development retreat. He asked everyone a question: Can political harmony develop? What to develop? How to develop? The specific requirement for answering the question is to try to "tell the truth, tell the truth, and say what has been thought about". In the end, he led everyone to submit the answer sheet: On the basis of doing a good job in modern agriculture, Zhenghe should strive to develop industry, cities, tourism, and return to the "four major economies." And set up a number of project teams to achieve each breakthrough, the overall advancement.

"If you can be on the spot, you are not in the venue", this is Liao Junbo's repeated "nagging" words hanging on his lips, even if there is a meeting, he convenes a meeting on the spot and solves the problem. "The park was measured by Secretary Liao with his feet." Taking the development of industrial parks as an example, from planning and site selection, industrial positioning to relocation and investment promotion, Liao Junbo organized and implemented the whole process. He often said: "The members of the leading body of the county party committee must set an example in really doing solid work, and they cannot be satisfied with holding meetings, issuing documents, listening to reports, and giving instructions, still less can they sit back and talk about it and talk about it." ”

In the more than four years of Zhenghe, Liao Zhigen went to see Liao Junbo 6 times. "The first 3 times I went quietly and didn't tell him. I wanted to see how well he worked and what the people thought of him. Liao Zhigen told us that after going 3 times, I was able to confirm that what I heard was not comprehensive enough, "I arrived in Zhenghe, and when I heard that the people said yes, I was relieved, but what was written in the letter was 'the people's evaluation of you is still passable', so that he should not be proud and continue to work well." ”

"The Smallest Man" and "The Big Thing"

In life, Liao Zhigen often instructed his son: "Jun'er, the secretary of the county party committee is a parent official." When ordinary people see officials, they must think about it, and their hearts are timid. When you see people, laugh and talk to them, so that they will not be afraid and will tell you the truth. ”

In "No Regrets", Liao Junbo's most impressive audience is not only the relatively large decision-making action of building an economic development zone and an e-commerce industrial park, but also his concern, carefulness and warmth for the people in his every move. In the play, as soon as Liao Junbo took office, he told the doorman Lao Shen that he should be polite to the masses who are petitioning, as long as there are people looking for him, no matter what he is doing, he must find a way to notify him at the first time, and he will rush back to the county party committee compound immediately after he is busy. In real life, he said so and did the same.

Yuan Yunji, a villager in Shizhen Village, Zhenghe County, always remembers that it was the end of October 2013, when she met Liao Junbo, a servant of the wind and dust, at the entrance of the village, "This official has no shelf at all, just like our family." After that, Liao Junbo came to the village when he had time to encourage everyone to run the tourism project, help come up with ideas, and solve difficulties. "You do the things that make money, and let us do the things that don't make money", he often put this sentence on his lips. With his help, shizhen village water, electricity, bridges, street lights and other infrastructure gradually improved, more than 100 villagers returned to the village to engage in tourism and other related industries, the villagers' per capita income doubled several times, and a change occurred.

Zhang Chengfu, a villager who lives by the Qixing Creek, still can't forget, in May 2015, in order to solve the garbage sanitation problem in front of his home and improve the surrounding environment, he found Liao Junbo's mobile phone number with a try-and-see attitude, sent him a text message, did not expect to receive a reply soon, Liao Junbo also invited him to the office for an interview. After the meeting, he explained the difficulties of the residents, and Liao Junbo said to him: "Rest assured, we will find a way together." Zhang Chengfu was deeply impressed, when Liao Junbo said "we" - we, means that there is no estrangement, in Zhang Chengfu's words, this is his own family sitting on a bench with ordinary people.

More than ten years ago, when Liao Junbo was the mayor of Nakou Town in Shaowu City, once his young daughter asked him: "Daddy, are you the biggest person in Nakou Town?" ”

"No, Dad is the youngest man in town."

"Aren't you the mayor?"

"Yes! The mayor of the town serves the whole town. ”

The child asked innocently, but Liao Junbo answered very seriously. Being the "smallest person" among the masses and seeing serving the people as a "big thing" is Liao Junbo's unchangeable feeling for the people.

The "Three Chapters of the Covenant" between Father and Son

Pucheng County, Nanping City, Liao Junbo's hometown.

In 2007, Liao Junbo was also the director of the Ronghuashan Industrial Group Management Committee in Pucheng County, the closest he had ever been to home. During his work, Liao Zhigen gave his son a calligraphy and painting, which contained the "Sixteen Character Proverbs" of the Southern Song Dynasty theorist Zhen Dexiu: Self-discipline is honest, care for the people is benevolent, intention is public, and diligence is diligent.

"Zhen Dexiu is a great Qing official from our hometown in Pucheng, and I hope he will not forget Ben." Liao Zhigen said that when Liao Junbo arrived at the management committee, Ronghua Mountain was still a barren mountain, and he was busy with work, mostly going to see him himself. First, I wanted to see my son, and second, I wanted to supervise the work and see how my son had built his hometown.

But Liao Zhigen did not eat the management committee's meal, and Liao Junbo's car, Liao Zhigen did not sit. After arriving in Zhenghe, there were "three chapters of the law" between father and son: every time they went to see him, Liao Zhigen could only live in a friend's house, could not live in a hotel, could not receive local specialties and accept invitations to eat, and did not go around saying that his son was the secretary of the county party committee.

"Leading cadres must be refreshed, conscientious, and hardworking, and from the first day he became a leader, I asked him to do so." In my opinion, this he can still do! Liao Zhigen himself was a township financial cadre in Pucheng County, in that era, limited funds were used on the blade, he knew the importance of abiding by the rules: "Once you have selfish intentions in doing things, you must not be able to convince the public, the people's hearts are not aligned, and it is only a matter of time before the project is yellow." Make a tofu dregs, that's going to be poked in the spine! ”

In Liao Junbo's work, he deals with a large number of engineering projects. "If anyone does a project in my name, you will immediately refuse, I have no such relatives." From time to time, the cadres of the development zone heard him say this. For many years, no one in Liao Junbo's family intervened in the construction of the project, and no one asked him to do a thing.

In Liao Zhigen's view, his son can do a good job, which is the greatest filial piety. In order not to affect Liao Junbo's work, the couple lived in their daughter Liao Junxia's home in Beijing all year round. Outside of work, Liao Junbo is a warm and filial person, every time he has the opportunity to be with his parents, he will accompany his father to kill chess and talk with his mother. He often said to his wife: "Lizi, I am busy at work, the family will be handed over to you, every New Year's Festival, don't forget to buy things for the elderly on both sides, call." Liao Zhigen said that as long as Liao Junbo did not work overtime during the New Year's Festival, he would come to see him and always buy some clothes and shoes for him and his wife: "The first time I received a courier at my age, it was two pairs of cotton shoes and two scarves sent by them." ”

Over the years, the party and government at all levels have cared about Liao Zhigen's family, often visiting their homes to offer condolences and help, and the old couple has gradually come out of the pain of losing their children. Not long ago, the local government set up the "Liao Junbo Rural Education Fund" to fund the children of poor mountainous areas to go to school, and Liao Zhigen and his wife also donated some money and materials to invest more energy in public welfare undertakings. He wanted to continue his son's unfinished business in his lifetime. (Reporter Hao Sisi Correspondent Weng Ruilai)