
Reject the cold! Before the decisive battle, Sun Yingsha's words reassured people that Qiu Yi could advance without worry

author:Speak up

The national table tennis has officially started the Singapore Grand Slam competition recently, and the two days of the national table tennis fans have also received stable event news. As the strongest participating team in this Grand Slam event, this time in the case of the main force, the national table tennis bright sword is very perfect, almost all the line is red.

Reject the cold! Before the decisive battle, Sun Yingsha's words reassured people that Qiu Yi could advance without worry

And especially when it comes to the women's team, all the players have not disappointed. Then in addition to Chen Xingtong in the first round of women's singles competition, defeated Wang Yidi was eliminated, the other team members all completed the promotion, and most of the women's team members are 3-0 directly swept the opponent, it can be said that this is the absolute strength of the women's team. But we all know that this Grand Slam is full of masters, so the next competition may not be so easy, especially with the subsequent escalation of the intensity of the competition, the national table tennis will open some civil wars, and these competitions will be more difficult, and there will be multiple tests for athletes. Therefore, in this afternoon's national table tennis civil war, the match between Sun Yingsha and Ku Man has also become the focus of attention of the outside world in advance, and has become a key match that everyone must see today.

Reject the cold! Before the decisive battle, Sun Yingsha's words reassured people that Qiu Yi could advance without worry

Then the same young players, although Ku Man is relatively young personally, belongs to the next batch of team members of Sun Yingsha, but in the recent events, the performance has been in the rising stage, so this game can certainly not be one-sided, and the competition may be very fierce, the overall event may appear anxious situation. But I believe that for the subtle grasp of the game, Sun Yingsha should have the upper hand. After all, Sasha's experience is more sufficient than that of Ku Man, and her adaptability to the game will be stronger, so whether she can grasp this game, Sun Yingsha needs to give a clear attitude. And just before the start of this game, after the end of yesterday's mixed doubles match, Sun Yingsha faced the camera, and her answer was actually able to reassure the national table tennis fans.

Reject the cold! Before the decisive battle, Sun Yingsha's words reassured people that Qiu Yi could advance without worry

After the game, when talking about today's singles event, Sun Yingsha first affirmed Ku man's personal ability and progress, and after this, she said that she had to play one point at a time in the face of Ku Man, to lower her personal posture, and to fight with her opponents. And in addition to winning and losing, I pay more attention to the details and process of the game. Therefore, from Sun Yingsha's words, it is not difficult to see that for this game, although the opponent is a young player and has some advantages, Sun Yingsha will not relax herself because of these problems and give the opponent the opportunity to make mistakes. Instead, she will lower her personal posture in today's game and compete with Kuman in a straight line. And Sun Yingsha is now not completely concerned about winning or losing, but paying more attention to the game process, which is indeed a bigger gain.

Reject the cold! Before the decisive battle, Sun Yingsha's words reassured people that Qiu Yi could advance without worry

We all know that in fact, after Sun Yingsha swept the opponent 3-0 in the first singles match, Sasha was a little happy at that time. However, the head coach Qiu Yike did not directly celebrate with her, but instead discussed the tactical issues with her at the first time after the game, and woke up Sun Yingsha in time, telling her with this behavior that personal goals should be greater. As the core of national table tennis, Sun Yingsha's goal should be continuous progress and competition. And apparently, now Sasha has mastered the truth. Therefore, I have to say that Qiu Yike helped Sun Yingsha establish the best goal orientation at the beginning of the Grand Slam and made a big contribution. Finally, we also hope that Sun Yingsha can play at her best in this afternoon's game and continue to rise through the game.

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