
People come early in the spring, and it is time to plant greenery! Wang Xiucheng and Pan Jianjun took the lead in participating in the tree planting activities

author:Nine Schools of Observation

In early spring and March, grass warblers fly

It's another good time of year to plant trees and plant greenery

In order to practice the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains"

Innovate the form of voluntary tree planting for the whole people

For days to come

The whole county actively carries out voluntary tree planting activities for the whole people

Add greenery to the creation of a national civilized city in our county

People come early in the spring, and it is time to plant greenery! Wang Xiucheng and Pan Jianjun took the lead in participating in the tree planting activities

The spring breeze sends warmth and the greenery sprouts. On the occasion of Arbor Day, on March 11, Wang Xiucheng, secretary of the county party committee and chief forester of the county, Pan Jianjun, deputy secretary of the county party committee, acting county governor and chief forester of the county, Song Guangyan, director of the standing committee of the county people's congress, Zhao Jingcheng, chairman of the county CPPCC committee, and other county leaders led the cadres and masses to the tree planting point of the ecological landscape belt of the Riverside Road in the Langxi River Basin of Dongmen Village, Dong'a Town, to participate in the spring voluntary tree planting activities, and practice the ecological development concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" with practical actions, adding new greenery to the construction of ecological civilization in our county.

People come early in the spring, and it is time to plant greenery! Wang Xiucheng and Pan Jianjun took the lead in participating in the tree planting activities

As soon as the county leaders arrived at the tree planting site, they took up tools and got busy with the cadres and masses, and everyone either wielded a shovel to shovel soil, or helped the seedlings to dig pits, or cultivated soil compaction, divided labor and cooperation, cooperated tacitly, and worked together to plant one sapling after another. Driven and encouraged by the county leaders, the cadres and masses were full of energy, and the scene was a scene of hot labor. While working, everyone talked about the important role played by afforestation in greening and economic development, and said that afforestation is a great cause with merit in the contemporary era and benefits in the future, an important measure to build a harmonious development between man and nature and work together to build a green ecological homeland.

People come early in the spring, and it is time to plant greenery! Wang Xiucheng and Pan Jianjun took the lead in participating in the tree planting activities
People come early in the spring, and it is time to plant greenery! Wang Xiucheng and Pan Jianjun took the lead in participating in the tree planting activities

While planting trees, the county leaders learned in detail about this year's afforestation plan, the implementation of the work of creating a provincial-level forest city, and the construction and management of the forest chief system, and called on the whole county to seize the current good opportunity to plant trees, quickly set off a new upsurge of afforestation for the whole people, and strive to make our urban and rural sky bluer, the ground greener, and the water cleaner. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in the later stage of management and protection, improve the survival rate of trees, and truly make trees benefit the people. Through the joint efforts of everyone, more than 1,000 chinese locust trees and 300 begonias were newly planted in rows and vertical rows, standing in the wind.

People come early in the spring, and it is time to plant greenery! Wang Xiucheng and Pan Jianjun took the lead in participating in the tree planting activities
People come early in the spring, and it is time to plant greenery! Wang Xiucheng and Pan Jianjun took the lead in participating in the tree planting activities
People come early in the spring, and it is time to plant greenery! Wang Xiucheng and Pan Jianjun took the lead in participating in the tree planting activities

It is understood that as of now, the greening rate of trees in the county has reached 35.06%, the green coverage rate of the built-up area has reached more than 41.07%, the green space rate of the built-up area has reached more than 38.53%, and a number of leisure green spaces have been built to meet the daily leisure and recreation needs of the citizens; The greening rate of roads and water systems has reached more than 85%; The rate of voluntary tree planting and card construction by the whole people has reached more than 95%, and the conscientiousness rate has exceeded 90%. Increase the green coverage and space of urban greening through three-dimensional greening, façade greening and seam greening, and achieve the goal of more than 11 square meters of public green space per capita, and most citizens have leisure green space of an average of 500 meters when they go out; The forest chief work system has been implemented and a team of private forest chiefs has been established. This year, our county plans to complete the afforestation of 1,200 mu of sparse forest land, and build 2 high-standard boutique country parks with an area of about 1,000 mu on the basis of Qinglong Mountain and Beishi Mountain. Adhere to the strategy of "strong industrial counties, ecological counties, culturally prosperous counties, and beautiful counties with characteristics" unswervingly, take the construction of ecological civilization as the main line, take the construction of provincial forest city construction as the carrier, take the reform of the forest rights system as the driving force, take financial investment as the guarantee, in accordance with the standards of forest cities, adhere to the principles of ecological priority, industrial support, cultural guidance, local conditions, and outstanding characteristics, improve the urban and rural environment, promote industrial development, carry forward the ecological civilization, and plan and build an ecological civilization of "forest in the city, the city in the forest, and ecological livability".

【Source: Ai Jinan News Client】