
Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?

author:Dream of a good person

The great Enlightenment thinker, philosopher, educator, and writer, the intellectual pioneer, democrat, and idealism of the French Revolution in the 18th century was the main tendency of his philosophical thought, and he was called "the founder of freedom."

The above figure is Jean-Jacques Rousseau from France.

First, let's introduce information about his life and works

Born on 28 June 1712 in the Republic of Geneva, his father Isaac Rousseau was a Protestant and watchmaker, and his mother, Susan Rousseau (real name Susan Bernard), was born into a pastoralist family. Rousseau died shortly after his birth and was raised by his aunt.

Later, Rousseau's father had a dispute with someone and fled to Lyon to hide, staying with his uncle's house. After traveling with his cousin to Bause, he boarded at the home of Pastor Lambercière to learn classical languages, drawing and mathematics.

Emotional aspect: Rousseau had an affair with many women in his lifetime, the main ones are two. One is Madame Warren, who played multiple roles in Rousseau's early life as a protector, a friend, a mistress, and a spiritual mother.

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?

Rousseau's character

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?

Character image

In 1740, he went to Lyon as a governess at Father Mabouli and became acquainted with Condiac. In 1742, the New Notation method of musical notation was proposed at the Paris Academy of Sciences, which was not accepted. The New Notation of Musical Notation was rewritten into Modern Music Theory and published. Get to know Diderot and some Enlightenment thinkers.

In 1750, the enlisted thesis "On Science and Art" won the prize of the Académie dijon, and Rousseau rose to fame, but because of the article "On Science and Art" and many literati pen battles. Plagued by illness, he changed his life of luxury, intending to make a living by copying musical scores and live an independent and poor life.

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?

On Science and Art

In 1755, he published the work "On the Origin and Foundation of Human Inequality"

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?

On the Origin and Basis of Human Inequality

In 1761, The New Eloise was published and was well received by female readers.

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?

New Eloise

The Social Contract was published in 1762.

In 1762, for the publication of Emile, a French court issued an arrest warrant for Rousseau, banning his book.

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?


In 1764, he published the Book of the Mountains, which rebuked the Geneva authorities.

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?

Yamanaka Shujian (also known as Yamanaka Letter)

In 1766 , under the leadership of David Hume , he and Vasser took refuge in the Home of Hume in England , where they clashed. After that, he traveled to Wutong, England. Compilation of the Dictionary of Botanical Languages. Wrote the first volume of the Confessions. Rousseau's purpose in writing the Confessions was not so much to repent as to defend. During his four years on the run, Rousseau experienced persecution, slander and attack, and he felt the need to show what he had done and to clarify the injustices he had been subjected to.

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?

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Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?


Rousseau died of illness in 1778 in the town of Eromeli in Paris, and four years later published The Reverie of a Wanderer (also known as the Blind Thoughts of a Lonely Wanderer)

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?

Wander through the reverie

And what I want to introduce is his last work, "Wandering Reverie".

This work, which Rousseau himself said was a follow-up to the Confessions and evaluated by Romain Rolland (a famous French writer), is particularly simple and interesting in its structure, form and style.

The work is divided into ten parts

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?


Each tells ten different stories and has had a different impact on the author.

The original manuscript of the tenth "Stroll" was written on only two pages, and the author left Paris on May 20, 1778, and moved to his villa in Elmnonville at the invitation of the Marquis of Girardin. He died there on July 2. This "walk" was never completed.

Appreciation of works

"Reverie" has a simple structure, free form, full of passion, and has a new and unique romantic style.

The author is good at philosophical and lyrical, and the natural expression of true feelings is a unique artistic feature of the work.

Although it is a recollection, the author's remarkable memory of tracing the details is surprising.

It vents the mysteries of the depths of the self-soul and expresses the emotions that lurk in the heart.

It changes the image of Rousseau reflecting on himself and flogging himself in the Confessions, and what follows is that he sees the world and human feelings more thoroughly and more indifferently after experiencing the cold and warmth of the world. Presents him with a more free, frank and calm image.

Far from the hustle and bustle, in the lonely stroll and reverie, Rousseau was finally able to break free from the shackles of the world, free his mind, think wildly, think about fate, knowledge, dissent, suffering, hope, lies, happiness, freedom and love.

Have you read the book that follows the book called Confessions?


Such Rousseau is no longer the eloquent and wise thinker we see in history books and textbooks, and he does not expect to use such a book to go down in history.

He walked down the altar of philosophy, came to every reader, and said, ""