
Share some common gynecological medicines that are worth collecting

author:Spleen and stomach health to find old Deng


It consists of chai hu, angelica, white peony, sautéed white art, poria sativa, burning licorice, mint, ginger

Mainly: thin the liver and spleen, nourish the blood and regulate menstruation

It is used for menstrual irregularities caused by liver qi discomfort, chest swelling and pain, dizziness, loss of appetite and so on

Share some common gynecological medicines that are worth collecting

【Through manna】

It consists of angelica, peach kernel, safflower, peony peel, dry lacquer, ox knee, three edges, curcuma, rhubarb and cinnamon

Mainly: it is used to activate blood and dispel stasis, and to relieve pain through menstruation

It is used for menstrual closure caused by blood stasis block, pain in the lower abdomen, or small amount of menstrual blood, pain in the lower abdomen and refusal to press

Share some common gynecological medicines that are worth collecting

【Motherwort Balm】

It is composed of motherwort

It can activate blood and regulate menstruation, and is used for menstrual irregularities caused by blood stasis, and the symptoms are seen in the amount of menstruation.

Share some common gynecological medicines that are worth collecting

【Gui Spleen Pills】

It is composed of Dang Ginseng, Fried Baishu, Astragalus, Licorice, Poria, Zhiyuanzhi, Sautéed Jujube Kernel, Longan Meat, Angelica, Wood Aroma, and Jujube.

Mainly: nourish the qi and strengthen the spleen, nourish the blood and calm the spirit.

It is used for heart and spleen deficiency, shortness of breath and palpitations, menstrual irregularities, excessive menstrual blood, tiredness and weakness of limbs, and loss of appetite.

【Ai Fu Nuan Gong Qian】

It is composed of mugwort, incense, evodia, cinnamon, angelica, Sichuan root, white peony, ground yellow, astragalus and so on

Mainly: rational qi to replenish blood, warm palace to adjust the menstruation

It is used for menstrual irregularities caused by blood deficiency and stagnation, hypofocal weakness and cold, and symptoms such as postmenstrual errors, small menstrual volume, blood clots, pain in the lower abdomen, cold pain in the lower abdomen, and soreness in the waist and knees

Share some common gynecological medicines that are worth collecting

【Thousand Gold Stop Ribbon】

It is composed of baishu, dang ginseng, cumin, eucommia, angelica, cockscomb flower, tsubaki root bark, Sichuan root, and oysters

Mainly: healthy spleen and kidney, regulation of menstrual stop belt

It is used for menstrual irregularities caused by spleen and kidney deficiency, with diseases, and symptoms such as irregular menstruation, large amount, light color and no block

Share some common gynecological medicines that are worth collecting

【Eight Precious Mothers】

It is composed of motherwort, ginseng, fried white art, poria, licorice, angelica, wine white peony, Sichuan root, and cooked ground yellow

Mainly: nourish the blood, activate the blood and regulate the menstruation

Menstrual irregularities caused by both qi and blood deficiency and blood stasis, the symptoms are seen after the wrong menstrual cycle, low menstrual volume, and lack of energy #Women's Health ##健康明星计划 #

Share some common gynecological medicines that are worth collecting