
The white spots on the nails may be related to these reasons, and it is not the same thing

author:GP online

The nails are tight and firm, and their role is to protect the soft nail bed under the nails, avoid injuries at work, and help the fingers complete fine movements. Nails are the weather vane of good health, and through nail changes, you can get a general understanding of physical health. Under normal circumstances, the nails are ruddy and shiny, and they are very full, but some people have vertical lines, horizontal stripes or white dots on their nails, which are often thought to be related to the lack of nutrients in the body.

The white spots on the nails may be related to these reasons, and it is not the same thing

What happens to the white spots growing on the nails?

1, lack of trace elements

It is undeniable that the lack of a certain trace element in the body will cause white spots on the nails, which often occur in children and adolescents, especially picky eaters, partial eaters and people with gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible for relevant examinations, correct bad eating habits in time, and if necessary, choose supplements under the guidance of a doctor.

2. Nail fungus

"One nail fungus infects two", which shows that nail fungus has a certain contagiousness. Nail fungus is caused by fungal infection, so that there are white spots on the nails, even if you press hard can not disappear, in this case you should go to the hospital as soon as possible for examination, follow the doctor's advice to use antifungal drugs.

The white spots on the nails may be related to these reasons, and it is not the same thing

3. There are roundworms in the stomach

The presence of roundworms in the stomach can also cause white spots on the nails, because roundworms in the stomach can affect the body's digestion and absorption, resulting in malnutrition over time. In addition to the white spots on the nails, it is also accompanied by white spots on the face, and insecticidal drugs need to be selected at this time.

4. Liver and kidney diseases

White spots are found on the nails, and the white spots disappear after pressing with the hand, and there is a high suspicion of liver and kidney disease. After the liver and kidney function is impaired, it is unable to expel metabolic waste products and toxins in the body, affecting metabolism and blood circulation, making white spots on the nails.

The white spots on the nails may be related to these reasons, and it is not the same thing

What abnormalities do you need to be aware of in your nails?

1. Pale or bruised

In a healthy state, the nails are pink, and if the nail bed is blue-purple or pale, it indicates that the body is deficient in iron or insufficient blood supply, and it may also be that the amount of exercise is insufficient. At this time, it is also necessary to adjust the diet structure, increase the amount of activity appropriately, and if necessary, take drugs to supplement iron under the guidance of a doctor.

2. Pedestal

It is found that there are pedestal spots or stinging points on the nails, which last a long time, which is most likely caused by psoriasis or other immune diseases.

The white spots on the nails may be related to these reasons, and it is not the same thing

3. Stick-shaped nails

Stick nails are common in middle-aged and elderly people, that is, the nails are curved downwards, indicating lung disease or respiratory disease, and may also be severe cardiovascular disease.

4. Vertical line or ridge line

When the intestines are unable to absorb nutrients or are not enough, they can cause vertical or ridged lines to grow on the nails. Long ridge-like lines on the nails. It indicates the lack of iron zinc, protein and trace elements in the body, and the cause needs to be identified and targeted conditioning.

The white spots on the nails may be related to these reasons, and it is not the same thing

5. Black nails

When the nails are squeezed by trauma, they cause congestion to accumulate, causing the nails to turn black. Melanoma should be highly suspected to exclude this factor, especially if there are black or reddish-brown streaks on the nails.


Normally, the nails are ruddy, tough, smooth and shiny, and there is a clear curved crescent on the nail cover; if the nail color becomes lighter or darker, it is necessary to treat the nail as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of disease. Usually, the diet structure should be reasonably arranged, pay attention to diet diversification, balanced and comprehensive intake of nutrients, avoid picky eating and partial eating, so as not to let the body lack of certain nutrients. At the same time, nails should be protected and the number of nail paintings should be reduced.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction