
Fantasy Journey to the West Computer Chronicle Issue 1: Journey to the West begins with Happy Homes

On December 18, 2003, a large-scale turn-based role-playing game set in the story of "Journey to the West", one of the four masterpieces, was quietly launched. The Q version's art style and easy-to-understand storytelling became a popular game of that era. Countless players know each other in this virtual world through the perspective of Q version characters such as swordsman and bone elf. Let's let Xiaobian take you back in time and trace the original memory of the game that belongs to the fantasy journey to the west!

I. The first expansion film of The Dream Journey to the West - "Happy Home"

Fantasy Journey to the West Computer Chronicle Issue 1: Journey to the West begins with Happy Homes

The first expansion film of "Fantasy Journey to the West", "Happy Home", was officially launched on July 20, 2004. At this time, in the early stage of the game's launch, players are not satisfied with taking risks in the existing scenes, but want to pursue the meaning of "home", "Happy Home" is such a came into being.

Limited by the technical reasons of the times, the latest client DISC of "Happy Home" of "Fantasy Journey to the West" at that time was bundled with 100,000 copies by "Computer Business Intelligence - Home Computer" in the 27th issue of 2004, and was listed for sale on July 20. At the same time, Internet cafes also began to become popular at that time, which led to a sharp increase in the number of players of Fantasy Westward Journey.

Fantasy Journey to the West Computer Chronicle Issue 1: Journey to the West begins with Happy Homes

There is not much content in the Happy Home expansion pack, in simple terms, there are 4 contents, Player House, Bizarre Plot, Mutant Summoning Beast and Transformation Cards. However, these systems are also one of the original gameplay of the game.

Second, the original player's house

Fantasy Journey to the West Computer Chronicle Issue 1: Journey to the West begins with Happy Homes

The Player House was an origami model at the time, and although the model was simple, it was complete. There are not only warehouses, pet rooms, but also functional maid rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, warehouses, etc., at the beginning of the release, it gives players the right to customize, so that they can freely choose furniture decoration, living space.

Fantasy Journey to the West Computer Chronicle Issue 1: Journey to the West begins with Happy Homes

Since the emergence of the system has had a profound impact on the game, in 2021, the computer version of "Fantasy Journey to the West" held the "Heavenly Construction dream" home drawing contest with the help of an increasingly mature art style, which attracted the participation of many players, which shows the degree of recognition.

Third, restore the classic story of literary masterpieces from the perspective of games

Fantasy Journey to the West Computer Chronicle Issue 1: Journey to the West begins with Happy Homes

When it comes to "Journey to the West", many players will think of 3 classic plots: "Three Dozen White Bone Essences, True and False Monkey King and Zhizhi Banana Fan", these three bridge sections are also one of the classic shots portrayed in the 86th edition of the "Journey to the West" TV series. Because of this, the expansion pack of "Happy Home" also used it as a supplement to the original game plot, which has become a classic memory for many players.

Fourth, the appearance of mutated summon beasts achieves classic elements

Fantasy Journey to the West Computer Chronicle Issue 1: Journey to the West begins with Happy Homes

Happy Home also has a "common memory" that belongs to the player , the Mutant Summoner. In the East Bay and shipwrecks of that year, countless players have seen golden sea turtles, blue giant frogs, and sea caterpillars. If you had a "different" caterpillar in that era, you would surely become the envy of everyone. So that now, the classic blue mutant sea caterpillar and the pink mutant hibiscus fairy have become the shining points on the milestone of the computer version of "Fantasy Journey to the West".

Fifth, the originator of the transformation card system

Fantasy Journey to the West Computer Chronicle Issue 1: Journey to the West begins with Happy Homes

What is the most commonly used item? There must be a place for the transformation card. The transformation card system is also one of the blockbuster content launched by the Happy Home expansion pack. The emergence of this system not only improves the game experience for the player's daily tasks, but also plays an extremely important role in various PK and difficult tasks.

Fantasy Journey to the West Computer Chronicle Issue 1: Journey to the West begins with Happy Homes

For example, the classic Wild Ghost Card can be attached to the Night Battle attribute, which is now an indispensable mission "God" card. For example, Manju Shahua's high-sensitivity attributes became an indispensable presence in the martial arts altar. For example, there are many "magic weapons" in the game that can be broken and transformed, and the game can also be rewritten in the PK.

6. Summary

The reason why the "Happy Home" expansion pack is classic is because it launches the player's favorite home, transformation card, mutant summon beast and other systems, and it is also the first "common memory" built by the game and the player. It can be said that this expansion pack is the origin of the dream. After 18 years of spring and autumn, these systems have not only been optimized and upgraded, but also become the game habits of many players. To this day, there are still countless players who have the concept of "home" and have become an inseparable part of many players.

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