
In addition to the list of retaliation, Putin also has countermeasures that have not yet been released, and Taiwan media: The Taiwan authorities will encounter three major challenges

author:Nine changes in the virtual and the real

While fighting Ukraine and its supporters, Russia's confrontation with the West on the second front was also fierce. Statistics show that since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis in 2014, Western countries have imposed more than 5,500 sanctions on Russia. Now that the two sides have torn their faces, Russia has gradually begun to sacrifice various sanctions weapons to counter those countries and regions that participate in sanctions against Russia, and our Taiwan region is among them.

Taiwan's sanctions against Russia are a rather funny thing in themselves, and there has never been a precedent in the world for a provincial-level administrative unit of a country to sanction a sovereign country. It is precisely because the Taiwan authorities have done this at the beginning that Russia has begun to calculate the general ledger for them. Including it in the list of "unfriendly countries and regions" is probably only the first step, after all, Tsai Ing-wen's group of people do not know how to write the word "convergence".

In addition to the list of retaliation, Putin also has countermeasures that have not yet been released, and Taiwan media: The Taiwan authorities will encounter three major challenges

Although Russia has relatively few economic and trade ties with the Taiwan region, it will not be completely unaffected, as the Taiwan authorities have said. Commentators on the island pointed out that after being sanctioned by Russia, Taiwan will have to pay at least the following aspects.

First, Taiwan's so-called "representative office" in Moscow could be closed. After all, even Washington sanctions against Russia have to think twice, the Tsai Ing-wen authorities are actually so high-profile and arrogant against Russia, obviously there will be no good end, Putin does not even have biden's face, Tsai Ing-wen is even more unlikely. The DPP authorities have painstakingly set up so-called "representative offices" in many countries, and now they are finally paying for their stupidity.

In addition to the list of retaliation, Putin also has countermeasures that have not yet been released, and Taiwan media: The Taiwan authorities will encounter three major challenges

Secondly, from previous experience, Russia has closed its airspace to the United Kingdom, the United States and other Western countries, and the follow-up action may also be extended to other countries and regions on the unfriendly list, so the Taiwan region will certainly not escape sanctions. Russia's territory is very vast, and most flights in the northern hemisphere pass through Russian airspace. Now that Russia has closed its airspace, they will have to travel around other countries and regions farther afield, and the cost of transportation will increase significantly.

And this extra cost is undoubtedly for the Taiwan people to pay for themselves. Third, Taiwan's participation in sanctions against Russia is a typical short-sighted and follow-the-trend behavior. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has been going on for more than a decade now, but the two sides are also negotiating. That is to say, if the negotiation process goes well, then the conflict can end at any time. Taiwan, which was far from the epicenter of the conflict and had little major interest in Russia or Ukraine, was the best response to doing nothing.

In addition to the list of retaliation, Putin also has countermeasures that have not yet been released, and Taiwan media: The Taiwan authorities will encounter three major challenges

After all, if Russia and Ukraine end the war through negotiations in the next few days, then Taiwan, which roared out to sanction Russia, will surely fall into a very embarrassing situation, and how to clean up the mess has become a matter they must consider. Of course, these losses may only be on paper, because the size of the Taiwan region's economy itself is relatively small, and there is nothing to sanction. What is important is that the Taiwan authorities have joined the ranks of sanctions against Russia this time, which directly and clearly shows their short-sightedness.

The Tsai Ing-wen authorities will not get a single thing they want through this sanction, and they will get into trouble out of thin air. They sanction Russia for nothing more than the following two purposes, the first is to pretend to be a member of the international community, follow the Western countries to sanction Russia, show a face in the international community, attract international attention, and satisfy their own selfishness. Second, by sanctioning Russia, show loyalty to the United States so that you can get more assistance and support from the United States.

In addition to the list of retaliation, Putin also has countermeasures that have not yet been released, and Taiwan media: The Taiwan authorities will encounter three major challenges

If it is a small country like Lithuania or the Czech Republic, it may have some effect. Although these countries are small, they are also sovereign countries and members of the United Nations, and it is also possible to vote for the United States in the United Nations and create a momentum. However, what the Taiwan region is is is just a province of the mainland, and although the United States, Japan and other countries are still playing word games with us on this matter, the international community's positioning of the Taiwan region will not change.

He does not sanction Russia, and not many people pay attention. Because everything must be justified, the Taiwan region is not qualified to carry out international diplomacy alone, and the so-called attracting international attention is nothing more than Tsai Ing-wen's wishful thinking. As for saying that they want to get aid from the United States, it may be useful to exchange sanctions against Russia. However, it should be noted that the United States cannot aid the Taiwan region as it did to Ukraine.

In addition to the list of retaliation, Putin also has countermeasures that have not yet been released, and Taiwan media: The Taiwan authorities will encounter three major challenges

After all, the White House understands very well how sensitive the Taiwan issue really is, and no matter how arrogant the Biden administration is in this matter, it is impossible to completely disregard China's reaction. Fundamentally speaking, the situation on Taiwan Island and the Taiwan Strait is nothing more than a pawn used by the United States to contain Chinese mainland. No trader would harm his or her own real interests because of the pieces in his hand, which is especially inconsistent with the United States' own game norms.

At present, the US and Taiwan authorities are frowning because this practice can add to the blockage of the Chinese mainland and create trouble for our great cause of reunification. But if one day the cost of the United States is too large, it will not hesitate to abandon it. It is worth noting the fact that georgia is not present in the sanctions against Russia this time.

In addition to the list of retaliation, Putin also has countermeasures that have not yet been released, and Taiwan media: The Taiwan authorities will encounter three major challenges

Because in the 2008 Russian-Georgian conflict, they were thrown away by the Western countries like broken shoes. Therefore, the DPP authorities should also learn to be clever and return to the embrace of the motherland, so that no one will dare to look down on them, but if they continue to "seek independence," they will only turn themselves into outcasts and orphans of the international community, and there will be no good results in the end.