
3-11 Yuan Universe Daily: Warner Bros. NFT; 100 Million Knife Yacht NFT; Meta Universe GDP will account for 10%

author:Metaverse Chronicles

Warner Bros. launches NFT to celebrate the release of Batman

Warner Bros. announces the launch of a new line of NFT trading cards, the Hro. The announcement coincides with the release time of Batman, which was released last week. As "the first DC-based hybrid NFT trading card... Hro combines the digital and physical worlds, allowing fans to unlock the DC Multiverse and trade and buy their favorite DC superheroes and supervillains," the company said in a statement. The series will be officially launched at the SXSW Festival, which opens on March 11 this year.

3-11 Yuan Universe Daily: Warner Bros. NFT; 100 Million Knife Yacht NFT; Meta Universe GDP will account for 10%

Sandbox Founder: The metaverse allows us to explore the human imagination

3-11 Yuan Universe Daily: Warner Bros. NFT; 100 Million Knife Yacht NFT; Meta Universe GDP will account for 10%

"We strongly advocate that the core of the open virtual world is decentralization, interoperability, and creator-generated content," said Sebastien Borget, founder of Sandbox.

While interest in the metaverse seems to be slowing, pioneers in the field are still working hard to advocate for an open metaverse, a decentralized and interoperable multiverse.

In an interview with Cointelegraph Brasil, Sebastien Borget, founder of the open-world blockchain game The Sandbox, shared some of his thoughts and expertise on Web3 and meta-state.

According to Borget, the metaverse is the gateway to new experiences, limited only by what users can think of. "Web 3.0 and the metacosm have made each of us explorers of the human imagination, creating new parallel universes in which we can choose the experiences we want to live," he explains. ”

The Sandbox founders also mentioned that the metaverse has begun to influence the way people "socialize, form economic relationships, and gather in communities." He believes that within a decade, there will be more development in the field.

"We envision that over the next 10 years, the metaverse will profoundly change the way we think about work, socializing, playing, and the economic and job opportunities it creates."

Borget believes that the role of the platform must be to ensure that the creative process is interesting and rewarding, and that listening to the needs of the user should be a top priority. "We created this ecosystem, but the experiences and assets that players create and share are the driving force behind it," Borget said.

In addition to this, Borget said, the governance of the metacosm must be handed over to users. This will be done through the launch of a decentralized autonomous organization with a voting mechanism.

Tokyo fashion brand AMBUSH unveils NFT and Meta universe

3-11 Yuan Universe Daily: Warner Bros. NFT; 100 Million Knife Yacht NFT; Meta Universe GDP will account for 10%

Tokyo-based fashion brand AMBUSH has entered the Web3 space and is determined to improve engagement with its audience. RELEASED IN FEBRUARY, AMBUSH REINVIGOES ITS ICONIC POW JEWELRY COLLECTION IN THE FORM OF NFTS. Each work will grant the owner access to the upcoming metaverse next Monday.

The NFT superyacht is sold for nearly $100 million

3-11 Yuan Universe Daily: Warner Bros. NFT; 100 Million Knife Yacht NFT; Meta Universe GDP will account for 10%

A $95 million NFT superyacht is on sale – and buyers will also receive a physical copy of the 63-meter vessel.

The yacht, called Project Metaverse, will be the most expensive NFT ever sold.

The new design was made by Cloud Yachts, the first digital yacht dealer in the virtual world.

Cloud Yachts has produced a number of NFTs that can be purchased through openSea, the leading blockchain marketplace.

NFTs produced by Cloud Yachts are currently sold at 1 ETH, which is about $2500 at current exchange rates.

Project Metaverse NFT will be the first to be sold with an entity.

Spartan Group launches a $200 million universe fund

3-11 Yuan Universe Daily: Warner Bros. NFT; 100 Million Knife Yacht NFT; Meta Universe GDP will account for 10%

According to Jason Choi, the firm's general partner, Spartan Group, an Asia-based consulting and venture capital firm, will launch a new $200 million fund for the virtual world.

The new fund, which will launch less than a year after Spartan announced its $110 million DeFi fund, will focus on projects built in the metacosm, particularly virtual worlds that support "digital ownership," as Choi described in an exclusive interview with The Scoop.

"We only care about metaverses or games that empower users through ownership so you can own in-game assets. You can have your character, you can own part of the game, you can share part of the value you've created for the game. We spend almost most of our time researching agreements like this and investing in teams that are building this vision. ”

To be sure, Spartan is not alone. A range of high-profile investors have recently raised and deployed funds in this space, including a $100 million fund backed by the Alan Howard and Winkleworth twins.

KPMG: The metacosm, which includes current XR headsets, is still in its early stages of adoption

Chen Jiande, Partner, Head of Communications, Media and Technology Industry, KPMG China, said in an exclusive interview that as a systematic project, many technical ideas in the metacosm are still in the conceptual stage, and the barrel effect is obvious, which requires the joint promotion of low-level hardware, basic applications and core algorithms to achieve many applications in the metacosmity concept. For example, at this stage, the use of perception interaction devices such as XR all-in-one machines to achieve immersive virtual experiences requires hardware to solve problems such as "screen window effect" and vertigo, and the algorithm also faces the challenge of accuracy and real-time accuracy of full-body motion capture in three-dimensional space. Therefore, the metaverse, including the current XR headset device, is still in the early stage of popularization, and it is urgent to achieve breakthroughs in "killer" equipment and application technology. At the same time, technology is the lowest structure of the metaverse ecology, without the support of technology, the multi-scenario application of the metaverse and the formation of social architecture cannot be discussed. He also specifically mentioned the issue of data privacy security. "The immersive nature of the metaverse makes the amount of data it generates and uses far exceeds the previous PC era and the Internet era," Chen said, adding that with the gradual landing of the future metaverse, regulatory means need to keep pace with the times to improve the protection of personal information in the metaverse.

Japanese clothing brand Hiroko Koshino will launch the wearable NFT series on the Metacostem platform

3-11 Yuan Universe Daily: Warner Bros. NFT; 100 Million Knife Yacht NFT; Meta Universe GDP will account for 10%

Japanese clothing brand Hiroko Koshino will release a wearable NFT series called "HIROKO KOSHINO ANOTHER ONE" on the meta-universe platform XANA at an undetermined price. In addition, it will open brand stores in the NFT market. The 3D fashion item designed by Hiroko Konobu will be converted into an NFT will be sold on the NFT market XANALIA, and the purchased NFT can be worn by the 3D avatar within the meta-universe platform XANA.

Skechers will open an experience store in Decentraland

American sneaker brand Skechers has signed a lease agreement with Metavalse Group, a subsidiary of Tokens. Skechers will build an experience store on the Fashion Street Estate of the Decentraland Metaverse, which leases about 5,000 square feet of space on virtual land owned by Metavalse Group.

Shangguan News: Industries such as meta-universe will account for 10% of GDP

3-11 Yuan Universe Daily: Warner Bros. NFT; 100 Million Knife Yacht NFT; Meta Universe GDP will account for 10%

Shangguan News published an article yesterday entitled "Meta-universe and other industries will account for 10% of GDP!" China's Digital Economy: From Supporting Roles to Protagonists"

The article points out that the mainland's "14th Five-Year Plan" proposes to "accelerate digital development and build a digital China", and makes clear arrangements for building a digital economy, a digital society, a digital government, and a good digital ecology. In 2020, the added value of the core industries of the mainland's digital economy will account for 7.8% of GDP and is expected to reach 10% by 2025; in Shanghai, this figure has exceeded 12% in 2021.

The Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics offers courses on blockchain and legal policy

According to the Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics, on March 10, Professor Deng Jianpeng of the Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics opened a course on "Blockchain and Legal Policy" for the graduate student group based on years of in-depth research on blockchain law and regulatory policy. The course comprehensively analyzes the basic technical principles of blockchain, economic incentive system, the latest application and trend analysis of blockchain technology, the evaluation and reflection of current regulatory policies, the legal attributes of crypto assets, the dilemma and resolution of judicial protection of crypto assets, the dilemma of decentralized financial supervision, the countermeasure analysis of the regulatoryability of decentralized finance, and the virtual currency and anti-money laundering. This course is mainly taught by Professor Deng Jianpeng, and also invites senior technical researchers in the field and blockchain legal practice experts to give lectures two or three times each semester, widely expanding students' horizons and thinking, and comprehensively providing blockchain-related technical principles, legal and policy theories and judicial practices for graduate students.

Tencent Magic Core accesses the national copyright transaction protection alliance chain

Tencent Phantom Core has officially joined the national copyright transaction protection alliance chain and become a member of the national digital cultural and creative normative governance ecological matrix. It is reported that Tencent's excellent digital cultural and creative collection will obtain a "digital registration certificate" through the super node of the national copyright transaction protection alliance chain and be notarized by a notary office. The national digital cultural and creative normative governance ecological matrix aims to promote and strengthen the governance of industry norms, and guide the rational and orderly development of digital cultural creation, digital art, digital copyright, and metaversity. The national copyright transaction protection alliance chain initiated by the ecological matrix will provide comprehensive services for the digital economy such as immutable, distributed and highly credible copyright ownership confirmation, copyright digital development, information release, digital copyright holding, copyright value management, copyright protection, certification and evaluation, authorization custody circulation assurance and so on for outstanding digital cultural and creative collections.

Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group established the Digital Economy Research Institute and put forward the overall goal of "Meta-universe Guangzhou Pharmaceutical"

On March 10, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group held a digital transformation promotion conference to study and deploy digital transformation work, and also established the first enterprise digital economy research institute in Guangzhou, "Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Digital Economy Research Institute" and "Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Digital Transformation Club". At the meeting, focusing on the digital transformation of the "14th Five-Year Plan", Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group put forward the overall goal of "Meta-universe Guangzhou Pharmaceutical", which will comprehensively promote the four major projects of "business digitalization, management digitalization, decision-making digitalization, and operation digitalization", and make every effort to build a demonstration model for the digital transformation of the pharmaceutical and health industry and create a benchmark for the digital economy of state-owned enterprises.

Singapore will impose income tax on NFT transactions

Singapore's finance minister, Lawrence Wong, told Parliament on Friday that Singapore's current income tax rules would apply to NFT transactions, as well as to individuals who trade NFTs. In addition, Wong noted that since Singapore does not have a capital gains tax system, such gains will not be taxed.

For more information about the metaverse, please pay attention to the public account "Metacosmary Chronicle"

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