
3 big mistakes about superstitious apples! Can't lose weight, health has nothing to do, but also linked to fatty liver? First, let's talk about the two misunderstandings of the apple diet: "One apple a day, the doctor is far away from me." "Apples with Diabetes and Fatty Liver Summing Up Are Apples Good Fruits?" Do apples play a big role in weight loss? Can apples still be eaten?

author:Ask the doctor

"One apple a day, the doctor stays away from me." This proverb must be familiar to everyone, apple is a big star in the weight loss fruit, "apple weight loss method" is regarded by many people as a treasure book.

But in reality, apples don't lose weight. Or rather, apples aren't a good option for weight loss.

3 big mistakes about superstitious apples! Can't lose weight, health has nothing to do, but also linked to fatty liver? First, let's talk about the two misunderstandings of the apple diet: "One apple a day, the doctor is far away from me." "Apples with Diabetes and Fatty Liver Summing Up Are Apples Good Fruits?" Do apples play a big role in weight loss? Can apples still be eaten?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > first talk about the two misunderstandings of apple diet:</h1>

1. Just eat apple or apple cider vinegar to be thin

Completely wrong.

Apples and apple cider vinegar can not provide some kind of magic solution or substance, help you dissolve excess fat, if you do not control the diet, just eat more apples to try to let the magical "slimming fruit" help you dry the fat meat, the sugar content in the apple will make you fatter.

2. Don't eat anything else a day, only eat apples to lose weight

It is possible to reduce it, but this method is actually no essential difference from dieting and weight loss.

Apples are 85% water, which can provide a relatively strong sense of fullness, but the actual intake of energy is insufficient, and it is easy to be hungry, so people who eat apples and lose weight are essentially hungry and thin.

And apples can provide only vitamins and crude fiber, a small amount of potassium, calcium and iron, etc., lack of staple foods and protein diet will make people malnourished, hair loss, women will also menstruate and so on.

The essence of this method is dieting, dieting weight loss is not only easy to rebound, leading to people overeating in the later stages; it will also destroy the body's metabolic system, resulting in a decrease in the body's metabolic capacity. It is a very undesirable way to lose weight.

3 big mistakes about superstitious apples! Can't lose weight, health has nothing to do, but also linked to fatty liver? First, let's talk about the two misunderstandings of the apple diet: "One apple a day, the doctor is far away from me." "Apples with Diabetes and Fatty Liver Summing Up Are Apples Good Fruits?" Do apples play a big role in weight loss? Can apples still be eaten?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" > "one apple a day, the doctor is far away from me." </h1>

Although apples can provide vitamins that are good for human health, it can't actually "doctors stay away from me" as rumored.

The National Institutes of Health funded a study that analyzed data from nearly 8,400 people who participated in the Federal Health Survey between 2007 and 2010. Of these participants, 753 (9 percent) ate apples, eating at least one small apple a day, while the rest did not eat apples. A team led by Matthew Davis of the University of Michigan School of Nursing in Ann Arbor reported that people who ate apples were slightly less likely to use prescription drugs.

But another analysis pointed out that in the data sample of the survey, people who ate at least one apple a day tended to have a higher level of education, less likely to smoke, and a healthier lifestyle in themselves. So eating apples every day is not directly related to health, "one apple a day, the doctor stays away from me." "It's probably just a false statement.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > apples with diabetes and fatty liver</h1>

If you are diabetic, you need to be vigilant. The sugar content of apples is between 11% and 20%, which means that 11-20 grams of 100 grams of apples are sugar, which is not suitable for diabetics.

Fructose also needs to be wary. Fructose is a common monosaccharide substance found in honey, fruit, and glucose combined to form sucrose for daily consumption. That is, the source of sweetness.

Fructose has an important feature, when it is metabolized in the liver, it is not stored as glycogen by the body, but directly converted into visceral fat. A study published in Nature metabolism showed that excessive intake of fructose can promote fat deposition and deformation in the liver. Researchers from the University of California, San Diego conducted a trial using modified mice, and the results showed that the group of mice that consumed high fructose had fatty liver, fatty hepatitis, liver fibrosis and other lesions!

Fructose can also lead to obesity. A large amount of fructose intake will reduce insulin and leptin levels, increase ghrelin levels, making people feel that they can't eat enough; in addition, fructose intake will also slow down the metabolism of resting state capacity, which is more likely to lead to obesity.

Of the 11%-20% sugar content of apples, 50% are fructose, and the fructose content of various fruits can be seen in the following figure:

3 big mistakes about superstitious apples! Can't lose weight, health has nothing to do, but also linked to fatty liver? First, let's talk about the two misunderstandings of the apple diet: "One apple a day, the doctor is far away from me." "Apples with Diabetes and Fatty Liver Summing Up Are Apples Good Fruits?" Do apples play a big role in weight loss? Can apples still be eaten?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" > summary</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" > apples are good fruits? </h1>


Apples are rich in vitamins and crude fiber, and eating them in moderation is good for the body.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="51" > apples have a great effect on weight loss? </h1>

not too.

When it comes to weight loss, apples have no special advantages and are no different from other fruits.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="55" > apples can still be eaten? </h1>


If you love to eat apples, it is not necessary to eat more than a few a day, because apples are good for the body, even if there are parts that damage health, they are caused by a variety of factors, so there is no need to choke on food. But a reminder: everything should be moderate.

But if you force yourself to eat more apples for the sake of weight loss or health, you don't have to! Because apples have no special effects.

If you are diabetic or fatty liver patient, it is recommended that you consume it in small amounts.

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