
The Azov Battalion Overseers were inhuman: they chained the anti-tank shooters to a telephone pole with one foot

author:Peak Military Watch

On the 15th day of the war, the fighting in Mariupol was extremely fierce. The Russian army entered the city of Mariupol from three directions, and while clearing the outlying positions of the Ukrainian army, the DPR troops annihilated the Ukrainian Nazi armed "SS-Bear" volunteer commando team in the southwestern part of Mariupol (Note: SS is the abbreviation of the Nazi STORMtrooper).

The Azov Battalion Overseers were inhuman: they chained the anti-tank shooters to a telephone pole with one foot

The Russians captured the "Red and Black Flag", the flag of the "SS-Bear" Nazi strike team, and the red and black flag used by the "SS-Bear" Nazi commandos was the flag of the Ukrainian Puppet Army (Ukrainian Resistance) during World War II. After the periphery had been cleared of all the remnants, Russian ground forces attacked Mariupol from three directions to the east, northwest, and west. As of 9 o'clock local time on the 11th, the Russian army has penetrated 800 meters into the city.

The Azov Battalion Overseers were inhuman: they chained the anti-tank shooters to a telephone pole with one foot

Some people may think that the breakthrough speed of 1,000 meters a day is too slow, but for the Russian army, fighting in the streets is a forced decision, because of the bloody obstruction of the Azov battalion and other Nazi forces, the plan to evacuate all civilians in the city of Mariupol failed. In order to protect the safety of civilians, the Russian army could not use heavy weapons in siege operations, but on the contrary, the Nazi forces of the Azov battalion did not hesitate to use anti-tank missiles and rockets to bombard the Russian offensive route. In the left bank area, where the fighting was most intense, Russian ground forces paid a bloody price for almost every step forward. Moreover, while fighting in the streets, the Russian army also had to find and use the gaps in the Ukrainian defense to transfer civilians in dangerous combat zones.

The Azov Battalion Overseers were inhuman: they chained the anti-tank shooters to a telephone pole with one foot

Of course, the Humanitarian Practice of the Russian Army in diverting the protection of civilians and distributing relief supplies to them has also won the support of the people of Mariupol. The rescued civilians of Mariupol provided the Russian army with an important message: after the Nazi forces of the Azov Battalion had been severely damaged in the suburbs, they had reduced their full strength to the central block, of which the Mariupol Maternity Hospital had been forcibly recruited by the Azov Battalion as a temporary command because of its favorable tactical position close to the city center, which became the last nest of the Azov Battalion. This claim was also confirmed by the prisoners of the Ukrainian Homeland Defense Army captured by the Russian army, who also revealed that the Azov battalion had driven away all the staff and patients in the maternity hospital, and the opponents were beaten and intimidated by the soldiers of the Azov battalion with the butts of their guns.

The Azov Battalion Overseers were inhuman: they chained the anti-tank shooters to a telephone pole with one foot

The Russian front command decided to eliminate this new lair of the Azov battalion. After using the ZALA UAV to reconnoiter and locate, the Russian "Red Land" artillery missiles and PC-30 rocket shells roared in, and the maternity hospital was instantly covered with artillery fire. The initial speed of the Russian "Red Land" artillery-launched missile is about 550 meters per second, the maximum range is 20 kilometers, and it adopts mid-section inertia and terminal semi-active laser guidance, and the strike accuracy is more than 90%. ZALA UAV strike effect verification reconnaissance showed heavy losses at the unsuspecting Azov battalion personnel facilities. Two groups of armed groups of Azov battalions fleeing from different directions were surrounded by Russian troops in the basement of a school and a street-facing building. Commanders at the front of the DPR People's Army said they had nowhere to flee and that their only way out was surrender and death.

The Azov Battalion Overseers were inhuman: they chained the anti-tank shooters to a telephone pole with one foot
The Azov Battalion Overseers were inhuman: they chained the anti-tank shooters to a telephone pole with one foot

However, it should be emphasized that the Azov battalion was a neo-Nazi die-hard, and they threatened to die in battle rather than surrender. In addition, the front-line supervision team of the Azov battalion did not show mercy to the Ukrainian army and the soldiers of the Azov battalion who were war-weary and war-weary. When the Russian army cleaned the battlefield, when examining the body of a Ukrainian anti-tank shooter who had been killed, it was found that one of the feet of the Ukrainian anti-tank shooter was chained to a cement telephone pole, and he did not have any individual defense weapons on him or in his hands. This means that the Ukrainian anti-tank shooter had only one chance to shoot missiles at Russian tanks, but did not have a chance to continue shooting and escape. Russian media reporters used cameras to record the inhuman scene of the Azov camp.