
The top ten most profitable industries in 2022, how many do you account for?

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In today's world, social development is rapid, China's current economic situation is constantly changing, social needs are constantly changing, but with the increasing pressure of life, many young people are not willing to go to 9 to 5, will choose to start a business, and even universities will open some new majors according to social needs, resulting in a steady stream of new majors, many people want to know which industry is the most popular in recent years, money faster.

The top ten most profitable industries in 2022, how many do you account for?
In general, there is only one point of view:

The so-called hot jobs or profitable industries mean that the market gap is large.

High demand means a vast job market.

Next, let's take a look at the most profitable industries in 2022 and provide you with some ideas:

The top ten most profitable industries in 2022, how many do you account for?

1. Profiteering industry 1: low-carbon economy industry

There is no doubt that a low-carbon economy is about to lead the way in China or the world economy. Low-carbon emission reduction is not only the overall trend of the future industry, but also one of the most profitable industries at present. So, for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, what are the business opportunities of the low-carbon economy? For example, the production of energy-efficient products: solar, wind, geothermal, hybrid vehicles, industrial motors, energy-saving lamps, energy-saving facilities for residential buildings, energy-efficient appliances or becoming an agent for these products is a way to get rich quick.

2. Profiteering Industry 2: Financial Planner

With the development of society and the transformation of the concept of human life, more and more people no longer only deposit money in the bank, but tend to deposit money in the field of investment, so that money has more room for appreciation, and personal financial awareness is gradually enhanced.

Financial planners specialize in managing money for others. For example, many well-known banks have opened private banking services to manage the finances of the wealthy. A good financial planner can bring better planning to someone else's finances. Therefore, this industry will be an important trend in social development.

3. Profiteering industry three: pharmaceutical industry / health service industry

With a sudden outbreak, 1.4 billion people are waiting to be vaccinated, and 7.5 billion people around the world are waiting to be vaccinated. The pharmaceutical industry must be the first good industry. However, the prospect of the pharmaceutical industry does not mean that you are advised to become a doctor or sell medicines. For example, to provide complementary services to the pharmaceutical industry, there are many industries to choose from, such as the health service industry.

As Chinese knowledge level and income level increase, everyone pays more and more attention to the concept of health. Therefore, pharmacies and health food stores, which are closely related to people's health, are the most profitable industries today. For example, the investment threshold of health beverage stores is relatively low, and the average opening cost is about 100,000-150,000 yuan. Not only is it easy to enter the industry, but the current gross profit can be as high as 60%. Once successful, it will be the fastest way to make money in the health concept industry.

The future living conditions must be better and better, and more and more attention must be paid to health. Everyone looks forward to longevity. Therefore, the strategic guarantee industry medicine will also have a lot of room for development.

4. Profiteering industry four: funeral industry

The monopoly of the funeral industry and the feudal funeral concept promoted the habit of asking for prices in the industry. According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, China's annual funeral consumption reaches tens of billions of yuan. According to the survey, the cost of holding a funeral is amazing, including cremation fees, plastic surgery fees, body transportation fees, rent farewell hall fees, rent circle fees, etc., and dozens of yuan of birthday clothes. Urns usually cost a few thousand dollars. The cost of buying a cemetery or a spiritual pagoda is higher, and the good location is as high as tens of thousands of yuan.

The top ten most profitable industries in 2022, how many do you account for?

5. Profiteering industry five: medical beauty plastic surgery industry

It is natural to love beauty, especially the pursuit of beauty by modern young people is no longer limited to women, and men also want to be beautiful. The beauty in the advertisement is so gentle, huge plastic surgery cost: grinding the jaw angle 28000 yuan, filling the temple 18000 yuan, cutting the lower lip 11000 yuan, bulging 5500-28000 yuan. Simply calculate the cost of the entire facial plastic surgery, a total of more than 100,000 yuan. Surgeries worth more than $100,000 can be completed in just a few hours. Not to mention minor surgeries like rhinoplasty. A nice nose can be done in three minutes, but the cost of the operation is close to 10,000 yuan. A beautician once revealed that on average, at least 1-2 people do overall facial shaping surgery of more than 100,000 yuan per day. It can be seen that the medical beauty industry is profiteering.

6. Profiteering industry six: baby products industry

How big is the baby products market in the form of specialty stores? According to the statistical announcement released by the fifth census, Chinese mainland 16 million newborns per year, about 69 million babies aged 0 to 3 years old, of which the number of infants aged 0 to 3 in cities exceeds 10 million, equivalent to the total population of Australia. From the market data analysis, it can be seen that the average monthly consumption of newborn products in China's urban households has reached 900 yuan. Coupled with infant consumption in rural areas and towns, the baby products market in Chinese mainland will exceed 100 billion yuan per year.

A family has only one child, the child is the axis of family consumption, parents pay special attention to the safety of goods when choosing clothes, toys and other goods for babies. Education and personalization allow parents to naturally pay attention to the counters of baby product stores or their large shopping malls. Therefore, some brand children's product stores with good quality and moderate prices will become the mainstream of the future baby products market.

7. Profiteering industry seven: adult on-the-job education industry

With the intensification of market competition and the increase in unemployment of college graduates, more and more working office workers are feeling unprecedented pressure. In order to find or stick to a good job or a good salary, more and more Chinese adults are participating in adult teaching industries such as on-the-job education, weekend training courses, and night school charging courses.

Children's education has become the largest consumer spending by many Chinese households. Parents who expect their children to succeed have to pay for their children's future. Starting from kindergarten, in order not to let their children lose at the starting line, parents have to pay tens of thousands of yuan in sponsorship fees to some senior kindergartens. At the primary and secondary school level, the school selection fee of key middle schools is as high as tens of thousands of yuan. There are tuition fees, file fees, examination paper fees, etc. at the time of enrollment; there are school selection fees, school construction fees, re-study fees, borrowing fees, etc. for new students; and employment guidance service fees, dispatch fees, information fees, graduation certificate fees, etc. after graduation. In terms of adult education, it is difficult to recover the employment of college students, and white-collar charging has brought business opportunities to the adult education market.

The top ten most profitable industries in 2022, how many do you account for?

8 Profiteering industry eight: high-tech industry

At present, China's neck link is some high-tech industries, such as chips. Because high technology can't be bought. In 2021, the domestic alternative market will be extremely large. In the chip field, China's annual import cost is as high as 2.1 trillion yuan, and the self-sufficiency rate has just reached about 15%. If we can achieve a 70% chip self-sufficiency rate, we can reduce import costs by 1.5 trillion yuan per year. Similar is lithography machine. Biopharma. High-end CNC machine tools. Operating system, etc.

9 Profiteering Industry Nine: Live E-commerce

In recent years, live e-commerce has been an explosive industry. The output value in 2017 was 19 billion yuan, and it will be close to 1 trillion yuan in 2020. In just three years, the scale of live e-commerce has soared 50 times.

2020 is a period of brutal growth for live e-commerce. Everyone can bring goods, all kinds of chaos. Unspoken rules. Data Fraud. Live streaming fraud, etc. Overgrown. The era of 2021 shuffle has begun. Many brands have incubated their own IP after entering the market and formed a matrix on the live broadcast platform.

In the future, there will be three major changes in the live broadcasting industry. 1. Supervision tends to be stricter. 2. The concentration of the head is improved, and 3. The industrial base will become the winner.

These are the key areas of science and technology that the curator shared with you. If we continue to go deep into these industries, there will be great prospects in the future~

Today's Topic: What industry do you think has the most promise in the future? Tell us what you think
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