
Influenza virus activity in Hainan has entered the autumn and winter epidemic season The interval between influenza vaccine and new crown vaccination requires 14 days

author:Beiqing Net

Hainan Daily Haikou, October 22 (reporter Ma Ke intern Wang Fei) according to hainan province influenza sentinel monitoring data show that since mid-September, the percentage of influenza-like cases in the province (ILI%) has exceeded 3.0%, the positive rate of influenza virus nucleic acid has exceeded 20.0%, and the recent positive rate of nucleic acid has exceeded 30.0%. On October 22, the Provincial Health Commission reminded these data that the current influenza virus activity in our province has entered the autumn and winter epidemic season, and the influenza outbreak has increased; the autumn and winter epidemic season from 2021 to 2022 is earlier than in previous years, and the intensity is higher than that of the same period.

If you have flu symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, etc., you should wear a mask (avoid passing on to others), seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and try to avoid taking the subway, buses and other means of transport. Treatment is carried out with antiviral drugs under the guidance of a doctor. During the illness, you should rest at home and reduce your activities. Disinfect surfaces (furniture, toys, floors, computer keyboards, and other objects that are commonly touched by the human body) are disinfected daily with disinfectants.

The Provincial Health Commission reminds that influenza (referred to as influenza) is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza viruses. Influenza has the characteristics of short incubation period, fast transmission speed, strong contagiousness and seasonal epidemic. It is reported that influenza vaccination is the most effective means of preventing influenza.

At present, the research on the immunogenicity and safety effects of influenza vaccine and new coronavirus vaccine vaccination at the same time is still in progress, with reference to China's "Technical Guidelines for New Coronavirus Vaccination (First Edition)", in principle, it is recommended that the interval between influenza vaccine and new coronavirus vaccination should be greater than 14 days, and the specific situation is divided into:

1. The new crown virus vaccine can be obtained 14 days after the influenza vaccine;

2. Or get the flu vaccine 14 days after completing the full vaccination procedure for the new crown virus vaccine;

3. Or get the flu vaccine between two doses of the new crown virus vaccine, that is, the influenza vaccine is given 14 days after the first dose of the new crown virus vaccine, and the second dose of the new crown virus vaccine is given after 14 days.

It should be noted that choosing the flu vaccine between two doses of the new crown virus vaccine is subject to the requirements of the number and interval of the new crown virus vaccination.

How can I prevent the flu?

Health tips

The Provincial Health Commission reminds the prevention of respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza to focus on strengthening daily protection and paying attention to maintaining good personal hygiene habits and environmental hygiene:

(1) Wash your hands frequently:

Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer and with running water without a dirty towel.

(2) More ventilation

Open the window several times a day for 15 minutes each time to keep the indoor environment clean and air circulation.

(3) Maintain good respiratory hygiene habits

When sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief, tissue, or the inside of your sleeve to avoid droplets contaminating others.

Wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing and try to avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

(4) Minimize activities in crowded places

During the high incidence of influenza, it is best to wear a mask when you go to shopping malls, markets and other crowded and poor ventilation places as much as possible.

(5) Pay attention to timely increase or decrease of clothes, pay attention to cold and keep warm

(6) Reasonably set the temperature of the air conditioner to avoid excessive temperature differences leading to human discomfort

(7) Enhance physical fitness and immunity

Exercise in moderation, eat a balanced diet, ensure adequate sleep and avoid excessive fatigue, so that the body is in a good immune state.

(viii) Influenza vaccination is the most effective means of preventing influenza

Influenza vaccines are safe and effective. People aged 6 months and older without contraindications can be vaccinated against influenza.

Source: Hainan Daily